Anonymous ID: 968350 Dec. 11, 2023, 12:12 a.m. No.20056981   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6984 >>7016 >>7351

The Democrats are running a psyop on GOP voters & we're walking right into their trap. Bookmark this handy guide to watch it go down in 2024.


Now - Consolidate GOP voter support behind Trump by convincing republicans with manipulated polls that Trump can easily beat Biden. Ignore or don't promote the internals of these polls that show if Trump is convicted, Biden, as unpopular as he is, beats Trump by 6-10 points, cheating or no cheating.


December-January - The MSM runs a relentless media campaign to ensure Nikki Haley, a UniParty member who is essentially a Democrat, is maneuvered into 2nd position in the GOP primary as an insurance policy. Back her with tens of millions of Democrat dollars to ensure this happens.


March - Start the first major Trump trial AFTER Super Tuesday, by which time enough GOP primary nominating contests will have been held to cement Trump as the nominee. Now we're trapped.


May-June - Now, lower the boom. Convict Trump for the first time ahead of the GOP nominating convention in July, knowing a vicious floor fight will break out. The internals of Democrat polls have been telling us for months the GOP will fracture if Trump is convicted, with 50% wanting Trump to stay on the ballot despite conviction, and 50% wanting to dump him. The GOP, and their votes, are torn right down the middle, with enraged Trump supporters now vowing not to support any replacement, even if Trump's in prison on election day, and the other half of the party's voters panicking about NOT replacing Trump on the ballot and desperately seeking another alternative. Now it is clear why the Democrats spent millions on Nikki Haley, millions that weren't targeted at Trump, the Democrats' preferred choice for nominee, but at eliminating DeSantis and putting Haley in the #2 position.


August - Now for the final coup de grâce. Democrats replace Biden as their nominee with a much more popular Democrat, who is unveiled to great MSM acclaim at their August convention. Quite likely a second Trump conviction will be in hand at this point, delivered by overwhelmingly liberal blue state juries who don't care about the facts in his cases. Any presidential campaign Trump had is dead as Trump is either in prison or imprisoned at Mar A Lago with liberal judges controlling his every word and post as he is now a convict, subject to their whims. As is already happening now, most of Trump's campaign funds go for legal bills. There is essentially no campaign. Trump crashes in the polls as the GOP tears itself apart. In polling, the Democrat candidate surges and polls begin to show the House and Senate tilting to the Democrats by big margins. OR, the GOP succeeded in removing Trump as the nominee, enraging half the party's voters who now refuse to coalesce around the new GOP nominee. Some even refuse to vote at all or vow to write Trump's name in instead. The GOP is fractured either way, no longer voting as a bloc.Independents bolt toward Democrats.


November - Massive, maybe even historic, Democrat landslide finally gives the Dems the numbers they need in the House & Senate to pack the supreme court, annihilate the Bill of Rights, most especially the #1A and #2A. Pass amnesty for 60 million illegals, permanently flipping the country blue and creating a one party system in the USA like they have in China. The Democrats then force the laws they've passed in California on the rest of the country. They bring in digital ID and dollars, essentially implementing a Chinese social credit system here, and calm the ensuing rebellion without firing a single shot.