Except the holohoax is horseshit so your tweet is gay as fuck cuckservative/liberal nonsense.
Except the holohoax is horseshit so your tweet is gay as fuck cuckservative/liberal nonsense.
This kike is probably one of the JIDF on this board right now. Probably running the kosher bakery as we speak.
Nice try to inject the (((SOROS))) slide but many anons have figured out the PULPIL tactics.
Good to get this out of the way early in the bread.
Cuck/Kike/Antifa same shit worldview
Not Red Pilled
Just (((RED)))
The FINAL SOLUTION to (((Ben Shapiro)))
Your welcome anons.
Nick Fuentes Weapon of Mass Destruction
Search for his Internet Bloodsports Debates
Rule of thumbโฆ
If anon seems dumb?
If anon is clearly shilling for (((them)))?
The only question is whether they are cuck or kike.
Yeah he avoided a work camp.
End of story.
There was no holocaust retard.
What did you just get an internet connection yesterday?
Jews get so mad when you are a smart goyim that does not fall for their tricks because you are actually red pilled.
Die kike.
Take notice of your enemy anons.
He just revealed his jew self.
That works too.
Nice catch.
Boomers be likeโฆ
"whoever can be the most anti racist wins the race"
The most racist anti whites have been winning the race since 1913 and 1939 and 1965 and they just boom til the cows come home worshiping jews and watching horseshit channel.
Those days are over.
And you still are on the wrong side. You might be here which is the winning side but you are still here for the wrong reasons. Like a broken clock that is right twice a day.
Notice how the original "History" channel logo has a pyramid facing right.
Almost as if the primary purpose of the (((History))) channel is to brainwash the right wing into doing what the (((left wing))) wants them to do.
Is this really that hard to figure out cucks?
My updated version should tell you what you need to know.
Even though its crap its true
Even though there is no proof we must still base civilaztion around it
Muh bible written by kkikes
Or simething
"Save us Trump"
What retards
Predudiced againsta certain food?
Hater bigot nazi!!!