2 is ok, based in truth.
1 is dumb (how to define "more just")
3 is blackpill.
Soon they will no longer be able to set the goalposts or define the landscape for anyone.
>implying the holocaust even happened.
Hi reddit, you forgot to lurk
Do you always get so hostile when people prove you are out of place and don't know what you're talking about?
Why are you still here then?
Please, let it out. Everyone wants to hear you cry some more.
also reality: allied bombing of supply chains prevented resources from reaching camps, causing some death.
It's possible to be tribal and work symbiotically with other tribes.
Just not jews, they only settle for a parasitical relationship unfortunately. That's why we're at this point.
muh 6 million
They certainly weren't holocausted. There are no official documents stating anything close to extermination, and the Germans documented EVERYTHING. If they did discuss a holocaust you better believe there would be proof they'd be parading around but there just isn't. Not a single fucking shred of evidence. There IS evidence that Hitler wanted to ship them to Madagascar, the Madagascar plan. Why the fuck would you plan to do that if you were just going to kill them all? Fucking jews making shit up so they can loot us and destroy us.