Wow I missed a lot these passed 24 hrs I see!! Nice!!
I read something about it somewhere, but couldn't remember where or what, but it had to do with something that gave them a clear message and it was indeed something of tiffany's, If I'm not wrong it had to do with a picture or a frame
That was it, indeed!! It was a specific frame and probably a Kennedy picture
It was the frame that sent the message I remember.
<Getting close:
<Seasons change.
<Our movement was seeded…
<It grew during the spring.
<It's getting hotter and hotter as the summer rolls.
<What season comes next?
<Any anons wanna help me to spell it out?"
I thought just The Fall…as in that's when the cabal will Fall!
Do you still have the conversation somewhere? So you can make a screenprint of it! ?
That is some definite good proof material!
Holy crap, we're being definitely led to a story here! And the story can come from just one person!
JFK Jr. The coincidences keep on coming to be just "Coincidences"!!
<<The first thing that stood out to me on the <<INITIAL R POST is the HASH TAG:
<<Q = WELL, Q
<<R = WELL, R
<<S = ?
What is this?
Advanced Q puzzling??
How many Qoincidences before it becomes mathematical impossile…?
So why didn't you share it before??
This is some awesome autism
Although, I'm not at home with the bible as you are, not to mention numbers, but words and languages is my thing! I want to hear more!
>9:14 x 2 = 18:28
>18:28 = 1108 minutes
>On 1108/2016 DJT elected POTUS, JFK JR is 55 years old.
>55 years between JFK & DJT election.
>Loud & Clear is not the only meaning of 5:5.
>4:1 = 4 to 1.
>5:5 = 5 to 5.
>“What time is it your new fag ness?”
>“It’s 5 to 5 anon.”
>Look at the analog clock on the graphic.
>5 to 5 also looks like?
>Switch the clock hands.
>JFK JR born 11/25
WHO the hell are you??
You are either one of those fun trolls or just genius!
I don't believe in coincidence and go for both options!!
R? Is that you? or Q?
>Best thread on the boards..full of thoughtfulness & calm seas..
So true, it's like a haven of peace and also to contemplate about all the happenings so far.
I am from the Netherlands and I am 9 year youger than Kennedy Jr. but my did I cry when he "crashed"I knew everything about JFK as well. Somehow the whole world just knows intuitively, that was good, than came evil!
At least I knew from a young age! i was woke very early!
I like this thread
She was all grace and elegance! My mother is still a big fan of her as many women are. She was a great example. I don't know about the story of her shooting JFK, as has been suggested. That can't simply be true! It looked like it on the footage, but somehow and I work mainly intuitively (which I am good at) she was not the killer at all!
<<Q is JFK Jr. - can this really be??
<<Rewind to 1:26:35
Who is that speaker??
Very interesting! I can totally believe that!
Of course Alien are working close to us and inner earth people too! We are evolving.
It's actually pretty simple if one knows Quantum mechanics and how everything is energy, we are definitely so much more than we know!
we also recieve help from Aliens now! No matter how crazy people think I may be, I don't care.
This man speaks the truth, no matter if he channels or not!
You mean to say; Trump is the Ram and Cabal the (Obvious) goat?
I'm sorry I am really trying here!
If I understand it correctly you mean the ocean floor and the whole earth was mapped because they figured out it was written in the patterns of earth? the future? what would happen?
Isn't there already time travel behind the mainstream scene? Wouldn't that not help to tell the tale?
Totally different nose, which of course can be faked
Teeth, can be faked, that makes it impossible to identify (which is the point) however, between Snowden and JFK Jr…it could be both at that point! I need ears! That , does identify!
Whe I saw the footage, I could immediately recognize James Dean, Yet I've never seen a movie, only pictures, and yet I felt immediately he is (now, Was) James Dean
All these Kennedy men are looking alike , their build and all attractive! However, anything is possible!
It is, I thought by the time I get down this thread, I'd find people already had figured that out, as right after a snowden picture was posted,
It seems that was about a different subject of which I wasn't aware yet either (Potus and Snowden together)
But yeah, seems most plausible and with that it is actually AGAIN a legit post from R
You think the speaker is JFK Jr???
I thought he was just a channeler or inner earth being, which makes sense too that he went to inner earth for protection!
I know plenty of men his age that have hardly any wrinkles even without botx, and the look still very attractive. With John Jr being very athletic , loving sports and all, I cannot imagine him being this old looking at all! However, a certain disguise would be necessary , so it can all be faked, but what with what does that leaves us, other than speculating…again!
It definitely is the same guy, though, so it is someone we're supposed to know, and again holding a picture up! I think it may be snowden with heavy aging make up. His face shape looks like it, his posture too
Fair enough, and the mouth to chin is a match too
as is the space between mouth and nose, he wrinkles line up, and yes he looks butt ugly, but that is the point, even the wig is totally out of place, which is the trolling part LOL
>Yeah…I didn't catch that! The person who POSTED IT…asked "Who posted the high Rez" (with only 1 post) obviously DRAWING OUR ATTENTION TO IT!!!
>I'm the one who posted the FUZZY ONE…I'm the only one that had it on this thread…until the HIGH REZ, 1 post anon!!
Well, we need to find it and check out the date, time and all the usual! Cause 1 post and this high res pic, is straight from the source, i'd say
Now seeing the bigger version of the picture it definitely matches up with the facial measurements!
Can you compare to snowden?
Wrinkles can be faked too! I have a friend who is a makeup artist! it can all be done these days, and very real looking too
Dang! 4AM here, I HAVE to sleep! Don't want to but I so gonna regret if I don't
Back tomorrow evening again, it's great with these time zones, that way I find all new stuff when I get back :)
Goodnight everyone! Keep digging! We will get the proof! I full in very fiber of my being Q = JFK Jr and R is too!