Interestingly, vampires are only allowed inside your house if you openly invite them.
Those that can See and/or “know their comms” can find what they are looking for aka “truth”.
Sure, (((they))) hide in the shadows but more realistically, and Q has said many times, (((they))) use symbology out in the open. (Symbology could mean anything from esoteric to dog comms etc. doesn’t always have to be “mystical”.)
The average person doesn’t have (((their))) map so (((their))) plans are done out in the open. Why hide when the public is none the wiser? Too much trouble and doing things in secret, at night, WILL attract attention. Do it openly and people will think “surely, they aren’t doing anything bad because bad things are done behind closed doors”.
Think about the art exhibits, the foundations politicians have, the fancy fashion shows. What are they Really for? Tip: they ARENT for “us”.
Truth is a self seeking journey. If you are told what the truth is, you are just a pre-programmed cultist then. (<— for the naïve anons)