The Basis Trade: US Treasuries, Arbitrage, hedge funds, and Leverage-how it may affect you
What you are seeing in the debt Market is a combination of many moving parts: hedge funds using leverage on United States Treasury debt-bills specifically but less of notes because bills are short-term. You'll need to understand two things being long and asset and short a derivative of the same assetthis is key.This strategy can be used for any asset class that trades a derivative of it such as a futures contract, or an option contract of an equity (stonks). Now on to the US Treasury arbitrage opportunity or exploitation depending on your point of view. It exists however the profit is very small on a per trade basis meaning a single trade. Hedge Funds buy US Treasury Bills/Notes but will stick with bills for this example as they also borrow money on a short term basis-overnight. They buy existing T bills using cash but they also short the futures or derivatives of the same treasury bills. What they care about is the price difference between the actual bill and the derivative of the same bill-thus is Arbitrage and the strategy works if they hold the bill to maturity as that is the intent of this trade. As already mentioned the profit from this trade is very small on a per trade basis. This is where massive leverage comes into play as you couldn't make much money doing this on a single trade basis-you need a lot of these trades to make a decent profit. So what do they do? Jack themselves up to the tits by borrowing in the Repo or Private Market they can then buy the treasuries and the derivative and pocket the difference if you use massive amounts of leverage and do this trade thousands or tens of thousands of times a day because if you do you can see how profitable it will be. But there is a catch to doing this successfully as the rate of repo (their COF or cost of funding) must remain consistent or you will be forced out of your trade if the cost of funds or securities/collateral changes dramatically/see uptick in SOFR rates as this is affecting this trade slowly but could blow it out altogether if the hunt for cash gets out of hand.
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