Anonymous ID: 119d80 Dec. 12, 2023, 11:53 a.m. No.20063937   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former Police Officer Sentenced to 5 Years in Federal Prison for Distribution of Child Sex Abuse Materials

Anonymous ID: 119d80 Dec. 12, 2023, 11:57 a.m. No.20063961   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jewish Truther Warns The World - Interview with Elizabeth Glass


Many Jews are unaware of the Noahide Laws!

An interview with Elizabeth Glass discussing Noahide laws, Israel-Palestine conflict, The Talmud and Gentiles. She was initially unaware of the Noahide Laws and did not believe what she was told until she researched it and was utterly shocked to find out the truth about them. She is currently actively speaking out and warning people that they must listen and learn because it is an agenda that is gaining momentum.

Anonymous ID: 119d80 Dec. 12, 2023, 12:03 p.m. No.20063978   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4168 >>4373 >>4601 >>4674 >>4705

Watchdog calls on US to ban candy cancer chemicals as UK begins SEIZING Mountain Dew, Jolly Rancher, Swedish Fish and Lemonhead amid crackdown on American junk food that is linked to infertility and health issues


Food standards officials said the foods didn't meet the UK's 'high food standards'

Additives were in products linked to cancer, tumors and hyperactivity


A US watchdog has told that the seizure of American candies in the UK should be a wake-up call for Americans about what's in their food.


On Monday, footage from the UK showed workers stuffing American candy and sodas - which are found in virtually every US store — into trash bags as regulators get tough on US imports.


Candies like Jolly Rancher, Swedish Fish and Lemonhead contain several additives that are legal in the US but banned under EU and UK law due to their links to cancer, infertility and other problems.


The watchdog Consumer Reports said the video should trigger a shift in food policy in the US and urged officials here to 'do more' to protect adults and children.


They called for the list of food additives banned in the US to be expanded — to include more food dyes and chemicals outlawed in Europe years ago.


The Food and Drugs Administration has been under increasing pressure to tighten its regulations on food additives in recent months.


California outlawed four food additives — brominated vegetable oil, potassium bromate, propyl paraben, and red dye no.3 — in October amid concerns over their links to cancer and other health problems.


New York and Pennsylvania are now also looking to follow suit, exclusively revealed.


Brian Ronholm, director of food policy at Consumer Reports, said: 'The chemical additives that are to be banned under the California law are certainly a good start for addressing this issue in the US.


'However, as this import action in the UK highlights, more needs to be done.


'The list of chemical additives to target and scrutinize should be expanded to include synthetic food dyes and other chemicals that have been linked to cancer and other adverse health conditions.'


He added: 'What is ultimately needed in the US is for the FDA to modernize and strengthen its regulatory process for food additives.'

Anonymous ID: 119d80 Dec. 12, 2023, 12:07 p.m. No.20063991   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4168 >>4373 >>4601 >>4674 >>4705

NSW Department of Education took 10 years to remove teacher accused of historical child sexual abuse


A Sydney primary school teacher under investigation over historical child sexual abuse allegations was only removed from classroom duties after questions were raised by ABC Investigations, despite the state education department being aware of the claims for a decade.


Key points:

An alleged victim is cooperating with ACT Police on a new investigation

NSW Department of Education confirmed the man was still under its employ

The department said it closed its investigation in 2015 after the victim declined to be contacted again

The teacher's alleged grooming and sexual abuse of a teenage girl in a Canberra Catholic high school in the 1990s was the subject of a civil lawsuit and compensation payout settled by the Catholic Education Office of Canberra and Goulburn (CECG) in 2021.


But the teacher was only removed from classroom duties at a Sydney public school after ABC Investigations put a series of questions to the New South Wales Department of Education.


Although the matter is currently the subject of an ACT Police investigation, the Education Department confirms that the man remains an employee of the department.


"The teacher is no longer in the classroom while the Australian Federal Police conducts an investigation," a Department spokesperson confirmed.


Do you know more?

Contact Russell Jackson at or please use this form to get in contact with the ABC Investigations team, or if you require more secure communication, please choose an option on the confidential tips page.


A CECG spokesperson confirmed to ABC Investigations that it first became aware of the allegations in July 2013 and provided a report to the ACT Child and Youth Protection Services in August 2013, which triggered involvement by ACT Police from August 24, 2013 and the NSW Ombudsman in September 2013.


"While under investigation by ACT Police, CECG were in contact with an investigator appointed by NSW Department of Education and provided the investigator with the relevant contact details of the police officer working with the complainant," the CECG spokesperson said.


"CECG takes all allegations associated with alleged sexual abuse seriously and adheres to stringent reporting requirements."


Legal matter settled after eight years

Documents provided by the alleged victim indicate that her civil litigation claim against the CECG was settled in June 2021, but she told ABC Investigations that at no stage in that legal process was she made aware that her alleged abuser was still a school teacher.

Anonymous ID: 119d80 Dec. 12, 2023, 12:17 p.m. No.20064029   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4168 >>4373 >>4601 >>4674 >>4705

19 State Attorneys General Urge Biden Regime to Reconsider Proposed Rule that Disqualify Christian Families Who Do Not Affirm LGBTQ Rules from Becoming Foster Parents


Attorneys General from 19 states have penned a joint letter opposing a recent rule proposed by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) impacting foster care placements.


The contentious rule, officially titled “Safe and Appropriate Foster Care Placement Requirements for Titles IV-E and IV-B,” was published in the Federal Register on September 28, 2023, under the citation 88 Fed. Reg. 66752.


This proposed regulation aims to establish guidelines for foster care placements, with a specific focus on respecting and affirming the self-identified gender identities of children in the foster care system. Among its stipulations, the rule mandates that foster parents acknowledge and use a child’s chosen name and pronouns and permit them to dress in a manner consistent with their gender identity.


According to the American Family Association (AFA), a non-profit organization, “Those who do not “affirm” the LGBTQ rules because of their Christian faith will be deemed “unsafe” by the Biden administration and ultimately rejected as foster parent candidates.”


The legal challenge, led by Steve Marshall, Attorney General of Alabama, along with Alaska, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia, argues that the rule entitled “Safe and Appropriate Foster Care Placement Requirements” threatens the fundamental rights safeguarded under the First Amendment, related to freedom of religion and speech.


The Attorneys General argue that historical precedence from the Supreme Court bars the government from disqualifying foster care providers based on their religious convictions. Furthermore, they assert the rule imposes an ideological stance that mandates certain speech from private citizens.


“Through this “retaliation” provision, the proposed rule directly endangers the religious freedom of individuals and organizations of faith. The “Free Exercise Clause provides an absolute right to hold religious beliefs,” according to the letter.


It added, “HHS’s attempt to force speech on individuals and organizations of faith thus violates the First Amendment’s protection of foster parents’ freedom of speech.”


The group also highlights concerns about the potential harm to foster children themselves. They assert that the rule could reduce family setting options for foster children, pushing more children into less supportive congregate settings.


The letter also raises concerns about the safety and appropriateness of placing transgender, gender non-conforming, or intersex children in sex-segregated child-care institutions based solely on their gender identity.

States, according to the group, could face additional financial burdens due to the proposed rule. It argues that the rule underestimates the costs of recruiting non-religious foster care providers and fails to account for the costs of replacing faith-based organizations that may exit the system as a result of the new requirements.


The Attorneys General question the very basis of the proposed rule, challenging the evidence used to justify it. It suggests that the rule is based on limited and potentially unrepresentative data, and it fails to demonstrate a systemic problem in the treatment of LGBTQI+ children in foster care that it aims to solve​.


“The proposed rule infringes on the freedom of religion and the freedom of speech, fundamental rights preserved by the First Amendment. The Supreme Court has repeatedly rejected attempts by the government to exclude foster care providers based on religious beliefs or to mandate speech on private actors. The proposed rule also will harm children, harm families, and harm States, all to advance an ideology. HHS should reject the proposed rule,” the letter read.