This base is a massive multi-leveled facility run by the 33rd degree of Zion which, fronting as the Bilderberger organization, is the control and command centre with the Rothschild apparatus Illuminati. Pine Gap is a major control center for the New World Order Dictatorship and is equipped with levels of computer terminals tied-in to the major computer mainframes of the world’. Claims linked to the base include: mind-controlled military workers in upper levels, greys & dracos connected to Alpha Draco, Rigel Orion and Sirius-B in the lower levels along with “Nordic” like human captives; an operational connection to the Dulce, New Mexico base; several levels of computer mainframes connected to other major computer mainframes all over the world, a potential electronic control center for the New World Order, Inc., controlled by the Club of Rome and Bilderberger group which is composed of 39 members at the core [13 Maltese Jesuits, 13 Wicca Masons and 13 Black Nobility – a “Mr. X” claimed that at least one-third of this “Illuminati” are shape-shifting reptiloids posing as human via laser-hologram devices attached to their belts. Cathy O’Brien claims that the Jesuit Lodge has been completely infiltrated by physical reptilian infiltrators, 5th dimensional reptilian parasites using human host bodies, implanted clones, etc.