You'll go blind trying to read that.
Here is the proposed 2004 legislation.
Easier to read
You'll go blind trying to read that.
Here is the proposed 2004 legislation.
Easier to read
It is remarkably difficult to find information on NESARA. Many things that appear to be sources of the original document are just some download scam. Almost as if someone went to a lot of trouble to remove it from the net and replace it with fakes,
Here is a brief History of NESARA
The thing about a flyers is that there is enough room for a meme and then a couple of URLs for videos
This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected
Q's Plan to Save The World
And a couple of URLs for QProofs.com
And some site where they can download this short book attached, which is a set of proofs from a different author
That is a pretty damn short tweet, even for the old universe of 140 chars. You are likely triggering a spam filter. Say more, a lot more. You have 280 chars
I was wrong.
The real problem is you are posting a FAKE URL
Try this and the tweet goes through
Don't tell me what works in your browser. This would not be the first time that a browser lets people get by with invalid URLs by guessing what they meant