Anonymous ID: bb6b3b Dec. 12, 2023, 4:27 p.m. No.20065157   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5189 >>5429 >>5522

PF: Aussie AF MGPE01 E7 Wedgetail AEW&C back on its trackin’ just north of Rzsesow Airport, Poland


Cap 3 is E7 and will eventually start being used by the USAF but not scheduled to be in service for at least 4 years-Turks,RAF and SoKos use them currently-an updated Sentry AWACS that we have many of


Rzsesow Airport is exactly where Zelensky’s AC will end up eventually-cuz it may make a stop in Brussels for a “drop off” as it has to stop at Shannon like it did for last weeks trip (as a reminder this same AC was at JBA for 3 days so Z could have been here then too but media said “Zoom” call but likely the FM) after it leaves JBA and where most of the visits “to Kiev” take place


Italian AF IAM1497 G5-high level diplomatic and Italian Air Cmd. AC east from Rome over southern Black Sea just passed over Istanbul @ 41k ft and over 500kts ground speed


Italian AF IAM3115 Falcon 900 NW from Rome-both ACs out of Mario do Bernardi AB


Russian AF RFF7301 Tupolev Ty-154 south from Moscow-Chkalovsky AB


On September 18th some ACs blowd up here as it is


Claims Swirl Around ‘Sabotage Raid’ On Airbase Near Moscow


‘’’Chkalovsky AB’’’

Inside the Secret Facility Where the USSR’s First Cosmonauts Trained

Anonymous ID: bb6b3b Dec. 12, 2023, 5:14 p.m. No.20065328   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5354 >>5429 >>5522

Japan's Kishida to remove scandal-hit spokesman as soon as Thursday


Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is preparing to replace Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno and three other ministers early as Thursday over a political fundraising scandal, in the first of two rounds of changes to his cabinet and the ruling party's leadership, senior party officials say.

According to senior officials in the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, there is a proposal to remove Matsuno and three ministers from the LDP faction at the center of the scandal: Yasutoshi Nishimura, minister of economy, trade and industry; Junji Suzuki, minister for internal affairs and communications; and Ichiro Miyashita, minister of agriculture, forestry and fisheries. Allegations of widespread unreported income from LDP fundraising parties have rocked Kishida's government as tries to draft the budget for fiscal 2024, which starts this coming April. Kishida will decide whether to remove the cabinet members based on checks by the ministers themselves into whether their political organizations properly declared funds.

This would not be a full cabinet reshuffle, where all ministers submit their resignations simultaneously. LDP policy chief Koichi Hagiuda, are gathering opinions from the party on the budget proposal. Kishida will decide how to proceed with them after the budget proposal is approved, around Dec. 22.

"We will consider what the appropriate response to the public should be, and the right time to act to avoid causing policy delays," the prime minister told reporters Tuesday.

Kishida will hold a news conference Wednesday, the final day of the current parliament session.

Cabinet members and senior party officials from the LDP's largest faction, previously led by the late former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, are suspected of failing to report hundreds of millions of yen in revenue from ticket sales for party fundraisers. (100 million yen equals $687,000).

A proposal had been raised within the LDP to remove all cabinet and top party officials belonging to the Abe faction, including ministers, senior vice ministers and parliamentary secretaries.

But the smaller Nikai faction is suspected of failing to report more than 100 million yen in fundraiser income, and it was reported Tuesday that Kishida's own faction may have underreported income from ticket sales.


This is ALL about muh Unification Church grasp on Japan’s political system-Kishida won’t even take questions on it at PR events so removing the Abe linked politicians “cleans” it up….he/they think. Don’t forget both Pompeo and 45 sung it’s praises (that church)in remote speeches after Abe’s assassination and the assailant blamed his mothers donations to the church for their current financial situation. Iirc the assassin had to drop out of college and another family member died because mom gave all their money to that church so he built a home made shotgun and made gunpowder and you know the rest. The politicians hold parties and attendees purchase tickets to attend and one of the popular usages of this are Sakura (cherry blossom) parties that the “tickets” are dramatically overpriced so that’s the work around for political donation without having to really account for it-who runs the Intl board can speak moar clearly on this but that how I understand it has been used

Anonymous ID: bb6b3b Dec. 12, 2023, 5:28 p.m. No.20065398   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5458


>Can't see it being that hard a problem for the Russians to solve

Russians know it’s over already and it’s in its death throes so as the saying goes “never interfere with an enemy who is in process of destroying themselves”


They sent the same AC over last week too in the same way and stopped at Brussels and then quick stop at Shannon for fuel-could have refueled in Brussels so what did they load in last weeks flight or who did that occupant meet with that required an additional stop that normally wouldn’t be needed?

Anonymous ID: bb6b3b Dec. 12, 2023, 5:40 p.m. No.20065458   🗄️.is 🔗kun


All pb and last weeks flight

Will also add he had 2 public appearances in Brazil and Argentina prior to DC arrival so it’s over

>>20039835, >>20039843, >>20039894 pb planeFag: Europe/Med-Ukraine AF A330 landed at Rzsesow from JBA depart as Canada AF leaves, Globeys at Ramstein (departed Dover around same time as muh Ukraine flight etc)

It’s mistyped as A330

>>20037361 pb Ukraine AF UN1301 A330 departed JBA NE and will eventually go to Rzsesow Airport, Poland

>>20026921 pb Ukraine AF UKN1301 A319 on descent for Washington D.C: Rzsesow-Brussels-Shannon-DC today