Anonymous ID: d9b15b Dec. 12, 2023, 4:55 p.m. No.20065264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5284 >>5291 >>5320


A farmer and his young wife want to win the county fair for the biggest pig.

He goes out to the yard in August, stuffs a cork up the ass of the biggest hog, gives it its own pen and starts dumping shitloads of food in it daily.

Meanwhile his wife trains a monkey to pull the cork out of the pigs ass.

Needless to say he wins the fair, biggest pig in history.

Day after, the farmer stands about 50 feet away and let's the monkey pull the cork out of the pigs ass, wife is on the porch with binoculars.

Monkey pulls the cork and an explosion of shit drowns the monkey and the farmer.

Farmer wakes up in heaven next to the monkey.

He turns around to see his beloved wife.

"Honey, what happened you well far enough away from the shit "

"I died laughing watch the monkey trying to put the cork back in"