Anonymous ID: d43220 Dec. 13, 2023, 12:27 a.m. No.20066802   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6810 >>6817 >>6899 >>7022 >>7492

>>20065176 pb

PF: Ukraine AF UNKN1112 A319Zelenskylanded at Oslo Intl Airport after JBA depart


Ukrainian President Zelenskiy on Surprise Visit to Norway


If you believe he left DC empty handed then… way they give it up unless it’s on their terms because the Israel distraction is going so well for them /s


JAKE17 Rivet Joint on patrol- this is for Z’s flight coverage


SAM615 C40B stopped at Shannon for a refuel and east


The same AC last week



All pb and last weeks flight

Will also add he had 2 public appearances in Brazil and Argentina prior to DC arrival so it’s over

>>20039835, >>20039843, >>20039894 pb planeFag: Europe/Med-Ukraine AF A330 landed at Rzsesow from JBA depart as Canada AF leaves, Globeys at Ramstein (departed Dover around same time as muh Ukraine flight etc)

It’s mistyped as A330

>>20037361 pb Ukraine AF UN1301 A330 departed JBA NE and will eventually go to Rzsesow Airport, Poland

>>20026921 pb Ukraine AF UKN1301 A319 on descent for Washington D.C: Rzsesow-Brussels-Shannon-DC today

Anonymous ID: d43220 Dec. 13, 2023, 1:05 a.m. No.20066852   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6886 >>6891 >>6899 >>7022 >>7492

Israel AF IAF669 707 Re’em tanker crossed Atlantic from RAF Mildenhall depart

They let this one land at RAF base as last Mondays 1am Dover AFB depart was diverted to Birmingham Intl cuz it likely had some “toys” on board


>>20065157 lb in cap 2

Italian AF IAM3115 G5 stopped at Shannon and also inbound to CONUS

Anonymous ID: d43220 Dec. 13, 2023, 1:29 a.m. No.20066880   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6881 >>6893 >>6898 >>6957 >>7022 >>7492

UAE officially stops using dollar for oil trades


[from Nov 27 and ironic the UAE Oil Minister hosted COP28]



he global financial landscape is witnessing a seismic shift as the United Arab Emirates (UAE) boldly moves away from the US dollar in its oil trade dealings.

This strategic pivot aligns with the broader ambitions of the BRICS economic alliance, of which the UAE is a recent addition. The changeover, involving the transition to local currencies for oil transactions, marks a significant departure from the long-established dollar dominance in the global oil market. The BRICS bloc, comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, recently expanded its membership to include the UAE, along with Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, and ~~Argentina~~[FIFY as NFW they gettin’ in that with its debt load and nao devaluation]

This expansion signifies a growing inclination towards de-dollarization among these nations, a move that challenges the traditional hegemony of the US dollar in international trade.

The UAE’s decision to prioritize local currency over the US dollar in new oil deals is a clear reflection of this sentiment. This move isn’t just a mere policy shift; it’s a strategic maneuver in the complex chess game of global economics.

By aligning with the BRICS nations, the UAE is not only diversifying its economic partnerships but also reinforcing its position as a global oil powerhouse. This change could potentially reshuffle the cards in the international oil trade, impacting the dollar’s stronghold and introducing a new era of currency dynamics in oil transactions.