Anonymous ID: d9ae1b Dec. 13, 2023, 3:07 a.m. No.20067009   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The holocaust never happened.


(((They))) had years to leave Germany, they were given years warning, they were going to be expelled from Europe after the war.


The gassing was never ordered, the cremation numbers (time to cremate x time camps operated) don't add up to the total listed dead. In fact, the red cross initial report listed deaths at 270,000 for one particular camp and that number was later inflated to a million+.


The leucter report found zero cyanide stains on the wall of the chambers, the Jews still can't say how the report is false they simply say that it was anti Semitic. Heard that one before?


Most Jews that died were shot resisting, or starved when supply lines were cut off during the war. When the British cracked the Schutzstaffel code using that faggot British computer - they never found any evidence of the holocaust being communicated to Himmler, it was never mentioned. Hghly suspicious.


I am so tired of this lie. This is politically the greatest scam pulled in our history.


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