Anonymous ID: 036847 Dec. 13, 2023, 7:07 a.m. No.20067945   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7949 >>7973 >>8262

After seeing the Poop calling Lucifer the father of Jesus Christ in the X video, I found prophecies on the Destruction of the Vatican and Catholic Church:


Eerie pope prediction for 2023 as Malachy’s prophecy resurfaces

Ellissa BainFri 30 Dec. 2022

As 2022 ends, people are looking at ancient predictions once again and applying them to 2023 – and there’s an interesting one about the pope.

One of the most famous ones it Nostradamus, was a French astrologer, apothecary, physician, and seer who died in 1566. He is best known for his book Les Prophéties, which is a collection of 942 poetic quatrains that predict future events.


The predictions aren’t linked to specific years, but people often apply his interesting projections to the coming year – and some of them are pretty scary.


However, it’s Irish Saint Malachy’s interesting prophecy about popes that’s got everyone talking this year…


Saint Malachy’s Prophecy of the Popes

The Prophecy of the Popes is a series of 112 short, cryptic phrases in Latin which predict the future of the Catholic popes. Published in 1595, the book begins with Celestine II and saysthe Catholic Church will have 112 popes in total before the church ends.


“In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations, after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End,” the 112th prophecy says.


Pope Francis is the 112th pope

Pope Benedict, who was leader of the Catholic Church from 2005 to 2013 and retired due to old age, was the 11th pope.


That means the current Pope Francis, who has been in the position for almost a decade, is number 112 – the last in Saint Malachy’s prediction.


Now, many think this means Pope Francis will lose the title in 2023 and the “final persecution” will begin as Saint Malachy predicted.


It could be the end of a long history of popes and the Catholic Church as we know it as “the seven-hilled city will be destroyed”.


Saint Malachy, the Archbishop of Armagh, died in 1148 and there’s no proof that his prophecy will come true – but it’s gone viral online nonetheless.


The former pope Benedict is also “very unwell” according to Pope Francis who has asked everyone to pray for him so that God will comfort him “to the very end”. His death would be a huge loss in the Catholic Church.


Nostradamus’ predictions for 2023

Nostradamus’ predictions didn’t have dates, but people are applying his prophecies to some possible 2023 events too.


As explained by Sky History, he spoke about a “Great War” which many think could be referring to World War Three in 2023.


He also said the “light of Mars will go out” which could put an end to Elon Musk’s dream of humans setting foot on the planet in 2029.


The French seer spoke about economic disaster causing cannibalism too, saying: “So high will the bushel of wheat rise, that man will be eating his fellow man.”


Plus, he forecasted terrible climate issues, writing: “For forty years the rainbow will not be seen. For forty years it will be seen every day. The dry earth will grow more parched, and there will be great floods when it is seen.”

Anonymous ID: 036847 Dec. 13, 2023, 7:13 a.m. No.20067973   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8262


After watching the video of the Poop invoking Lucifer as the Father of Jesus from X,I had searched “did Jesus prophecy the destruction of the future Vaticandue to the infiltration of Luciferians?” And this was the answer. I was wondering if God would save all the Vatican’s 1000s of years of artifacts, etc.


nikola 3 @ronin19217435

The Pope calling Lucifer "God and the Father of Christ." Unspeakable blasphemy and some will still insist there is no 'Satanic Cabal.'

Embedded video.jpeg

2:49 PM · Dec 10,2023


Luke 21:5-38

New King James Version

Jesus Predicts the Destruction of the Temple

5 Then, as some spoke of the temple, how it was [a]adorned with beautiful stones and donations, He said, 6 “These things which you see—the days will come in which not one stone shall be left upon another that shall not be thrown down.”


The Signs of the Times and the End of the Age

7 So they asked Him, saying, “Teacher, but when will these things be? And what sign will there bewhen these things are about to take place?”

8 And He said: “Take heed that you not be deceived. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am He,’ and, ‘The time has drawn near.’ [b]Therefore do not [c]go after them. 9 But when you hear of wars and commotions, do not be terrified; for these things must come to pass first, but the end will not come immediately.”

10 Then He said to them, “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.

11 And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.

12 But before all these things, they will lay their hands on you and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues and prisons. You will be brought before kings and rulers for My name’s sake.

13 But it will turn out for you as an occasion for testimony.

14 Therefore settle it in your hearts not to meditate beforehand on what you will [d]answer;

15 for I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries will not be able to contradict or [e]resist.

16 You will be betrayed even by parents and brothers, relatives and friends; and they will put some of you to death.

17 And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake.

18 But not a hair of your head shall be lost.

19 By your patience possess your souls.


The Destruction of Jerusalem

20 “But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near.

21 Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those who are in the midst of her depart, and let not those who are in the country enter her.

22 For these are the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.

23 But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days! For there will be great distress in the land and wrath upon this people.

24 And they will fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away captive into all nations. And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.


The Coming of the Son of Man

25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring;

26 men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

27 Then they will see the Son of Mancoming in a cloud with power and great glory.

28 Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”


The Parable of the Fig Tree

29 Then He spoke to them a parable: “Look at the fig tree, and all the trees. 30 When they are already budding, you see and know for yourselves that summer is now near.

31 So you also, when you see these things happening, know that the kingdom of God is near.

32 Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all things take place.

33 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.


The Importance of Watching

34 “But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with [f]carousing, drunkenness, andcares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly.

35 For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth.

36 Watch therefore, and pray always that you may[g]be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”

37 And in the daytime He was teaching in the temple, but at night He went out and stayed on the mountain called Olivet.

38 Then early in the morning all the people came to Him in the temple to hear Him.

Anonymous ID: 036847 Dec. 13, 2023, 8:15 a.m. No.20068357   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8389 >>8392

(A lot of chatter about prophecy lately, “predictive programming” or real?)

Royal trouble, climate catastrophe and international conflict - Nostradamus' 2024 predictions revealed


By Matthew Cox. 12 Dec 2023

The world is facing war at sea, a new King and worsening climate in 2024

Or it is according to 16th century French astrologer Nostradamus at least

Prince Harry could become King of England in 2024 according to the writings of history's most notorious seer - the 16th century French astrologer Nostradamus.

His infamous work Les Propheties (The Prophecies), published in 1555, predicts the future across 942 quatrains - poetic verses.


Some attribute this text with predicting 9/11, the rise of Adolf Hitler and the development of Artificial Intelligence. Described as the 'Prophet of Doom', the apothecary was inspired by biblical texts and his own experiences of plague, with predictions often focusing on famine and sorrow. Find out what we have in store for 2024 according to Nostradamus below.


What did Nostradamus predict for 2024?

Confrontation with China

Joe Biden tried to thaw relations with China when he and Xi Jinping met in November 2023 to discuss Taiwan, fentanyl and climate change.


However, Nostradamus' predictions suggest it could have all been in vain.


In a verse which begins by describing 'combat and naval battle', he writes of how a 'Red adversary will become pale with fear, putting the great Ocean in dread.'


The 'Red adversary' could refer to China, given the colour of their flag, and the references to naval conflict are eerie in light of escalating discussion about the state of Taiwan - with the island located at the junction of the East and South China Seas.


And this is certainly a conflict to avoid if China is the adversary in question, with Beijing boasting the largest navy on the planet.


Royal turmoil

British author and Nostradamus commentator Mario Reading has spoken previously of how the French astrologer - whose full name was Michel de Nostredame - perhaps foresaw the death of Queen Elizabeth II.


And the seer could be in for another royal reckoning, with one of his predictions talking of the 'King of the Isles', who has had a controversial divorce being 'driven out by force'.


He is then replaced by 'one who will have no mark of a king'.


In Reading's analysis, this points to King Charles III abdicating due to 'persistent attacks on both himself and his second wife', and Harry replacing him, rather than William or any of his children, as the man who has 'no mark of a king'.


Climate Catastrophe

With 2024 coming in off the back of the COP28 summit, this prediction from Nostradamus could ride on December's events in Dubai which are expected to break records for carbon emissions - not a great sign.


Climate chaos has already begun with cases of wildfires, flooding and drought increasing around the globe in recent years, especially in 2023.


But what's interesting is how he seems to have foreseen these apocalyptic events, all those centuries ago.


He predicts: 'The dry earth will grow more parched, and there will be great floods when it is seen.'


Elsewhere, he warns of storms leading to starvation. 'Very great famine through pestiferous wave,' he wrote.


A new Pope

The King is not the only major figure in line for replacement according to Les Propheties.


Pope Francis, currently in his mid-80s and having suffered health problems in recent times, could be moving on.


One passage reads: 'Through the death of a very old Pontiff, A Roman of good age will be elected, Of him it will be said that he weakens his see, But long will he sit and in biting activity.'


What did Nostradamus get right about 2023?

One of the prophesies which could be applied both to 2022 and 2023 relates to the increasing cost of living since Russia's invasion of Ukraine.


'So high will the bushel of wheat rise,' Nostradamus wrote, 'That man will be eating his fellow man.'


Since February 2022, wheat prices rose to even higher levels than those seen after the financial crash in the late 2000s, and it is only just beginning to fall back to pre-war levels now.


And while cannibalism has not taken hold, a metaphorical interpretation could liken this to the bloodshed of the very same war.

Anonymous ID: 036847 Dec. 13, 2023, 8:37 a.m. No.20068494   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8558 >>8695 >>8768

Stunning new information now has Americans seriously questioning 2020 election…

December 12, 2023


Thanks to a stunning new survey, many Americans are now viewing the 2020 election in a totally different light.


In total,about 20 percent of 2020 voters now admit to cheating. These folks claim they took advantage of loosey-goosey election laws due to COVID, which included filling out ballots for other people and other cheaty things.


In fact, it got so bad that some Americans even admitted to voting in states where they don’t reside. Others confessed to letting somebody else fill out their mail-in ballots, all of which is illegal,by the way. If these are the ones who admit to it, imagine all the others who won’t.


Here’s what Charlie Kirk had to say about the disturbing new survey:


We’ve been told that the 2020 election was the most secure in America history. If you don’t say that, you’re called an election denier and a conspiracy theorist. If you worked for President Trump, you’ll probably be indicted.


But according to a new survey,1-in-5 Americans admit to committing election fraud, taking advantage of 2020’s loosened mail-in ballots, signature verification, and vote bundling enforcement.


Other polls have proven that aplurality or even a majority of Americans believe fraud impacted 2020, but this is the first survey where voters admitted they participated.


Some of the findings include:


– 21% of likely voters who voted by absentee or mail-in ballot in the 2020 election say they filled out a ballot, in part or in full, on behalf of a friend or family member, such as a spouse or child, while 78% say they didn’t.


– 19% of those who cast mail-in votes say a friend or family member filled out their ballot, in part or in full.


– 17% of mail-in voters said they cast a ballot in a state where they were no longer permanent residents.


– Among all voters, mail and in-person, 11% said a friend, family member, co-worker, or other acquaintance has admitted to them they filled out a ballot on behalf of another person in 2020.


And this is just the most mild sort of illegal voting behavior. How many people actually voted in multiple places? How many people had a family member vote for them WITHOUT telling them? How many people did this and didn’t blab to a random pollster?


2020 was not a fair election. It’s obvious. Only a relentless terror campaign by the regime media keeps everyone from saying as much.


This survey and these confessions from Americans really make you wonderhow many non-American citizens votedin the convoluted, chaotic 2020 election, don’t they? The bottom line is that Charlie’s right—2020 was not a “fair election,” and Americans have a right and a duty to keep calling out the fraud


(They will still call us election deniers!)

Anonymous ID: 036847 Dec. 13, 2023, 8:42 a.m. No.20068519   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8540 >>8695 >>8768

Tesla issues massive recall of more than 2 million vehicles over autopilot safety concerns

Tesla is recalling more than 2 million of its vehicles, nearly all its cars on the road in the U.S., after an investigation found its autopilot safety system was “not sufficient to prevent driver misuse.” The recall includes the 2012-2023 Model S, 2016-2023 Model X, 2017-2023 Model 3 and 2020-2023 Model Y equipped with Autosteer, a feature Tesla describes as “traffic-aware cruise control.”


“In certain circumstances when Autosteer is engaged, the prominence and scope of the feature’s controls may not be sufficient to prevent driver misuse,” the recall notice said.


Autosteer maintains a set speed or a set following distance, detects lane markings and the presence of other vehicles. But the company warns that drivers’ hands should remain on the steering wheel and “always be prepared to take immediate action” even when using the feature.


The recall was issued following a probe by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, which is under the Transportation Department. The NHTSA first investigated 11 incidents involving Tesla’s Autosteer in August 2021. In total, the agency reviewed nearly 1,000 crashes where autopilot was initially alleged to have been used, and focused on 322 autopilot-involved crashes "including frontal impacts and impacts from potential inadvertent disengagement of the system."


Tesla cooperated and had several meetings with the agency over the next two years. The investigation found that in certain circumstances with Autosteer, the driver “does not maintain responsibility for vehicle operation and is unprepared to intervene as necessary or fails to recognize when Autosteer is canceled or not engaged, there may be an increased risk of a crash.”


The safety report said that Tesla didn’t agree with the agency’s engineering analysis of the Autosteer issue, but on Dec. 5, agreed to voluntarily administer a recall and remedy: a free over-the-air software update to impacted vehicles.


The update will “incorporate additional controls and alerts" to "further encourage the driver to adhere to their continuous driving responsibility whenever Autosteer is engaged,” the safety report said.


Owners of impacted vehicles will be alerted via mail. The report noted that as of Dec. 8, Tesla has identified nine warranty claims received between July 13, 2021, and Sept. 17, 2023, that “may be related” to the Autosteer issue.


NBC News has reached out to Tesla, based in Austin, Texas, for comment. The recall the latest hurdle for Tesla, which has long touted its Autopilot and “Full Self Driving” mode as safe.


On Monday,Tesla doubled down tweeting, “Safety metrics are emphatically stronger when Autopilot is engaged than when not engaged” in response to a Washington Postarticle highlighting eight fatal or serious Tesla crashes that occurred when Autopilot should not have been enabled in the first place.

In February this year, Tesla recalled more than360,000 vehicles because of a version of its “full self-driving” software that may increase the risk of crashes, the NHTSA said at the time.


The NHTSA spokesperson said Wednesday that its investigation "remains open as we monitor the efficacy of Tesla’s remedies and continue to work with the automaker to ensure the highest level of safety."


"Automated technology holds great promise for improving safety but only when it is deployed responsibly; today’s action is an example of improving automated systems by prioritizing safety," the spokesperson added.

Anonymous ID: 036847 Dec. 13, 2023, 8:46 a.m. No.20068537   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8630 >>8641


holy fuck is Wikipedia one massive grift


this are the salaries of executives at Wikimedia in 2021. Mind you, it's about doubled since, but they don't publish breakdowns


They have enough cash to operate wikipedia for more than 100 years according to the public IRS filings.

Anonymous ID: 036847 Dec. 13, 2023, 8:53 a.m. No.20068573   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8695 >>8768

Argentina peso: Milei begins 'shock therapy' by devaluing currency

13th, Dec 2023

Argentina's new government says it will weaken the value of its currency by more than 50% against the US dollar.

It is part of the "economic shock therapy" that President Javier Milei says the country needs to fix its worst crisis in decades.

Economy Minister Luis Caputo also announced deep cuts to public spending.

They include a reduction in fuel and transport subsidies and freezing spending on some major government contracts and advertising.

Mr Caputo said he had inherited the worst economic legacy in Argentina's history and he was taking steps to avoid hyperinflation.

"We are going to be worse off than before for a few months, particularly in terms of inflation. And I say that because, as the president says, it is better to tell an uncomfortable truth than a comfortable lie," Mr Caputo said in a televised address.

Argentina is battling soaring inflation, with prices rising by around 150% over the last year. It is also struggling with low cash reserves, high government debt, while 40% of the population is living below the poverty line.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) - to which Argentina owes $44bn (£35bn) - called the measures "bold" and said they will help create the environment for private sector growth.

"I welcome the decisive measures," IMF chief Kristalina Georgieva said, adding that it is "an important step toward restoring stability and rebuilding the country's economic potential."

Mr Caputo said the exchange rate would be cut to 800 pesos to the US dollar, from roughly 391 pesos.

Since 2019, Argentina has kept its currency artificially strong by strictly controlling the movement of the currency.

That helped drive demand for the US dollar on the informal currency market, which saw the peso trading at a much lower rate that the the official level.

Mr Milei, a libertarian who rose from relative obscurity to the top office in a bitterly fought election, was sworn in on Sunday.

He campaigned on promises of major spending cuts and was known for wielding a chainsaw at rallies to depict his intentions to slash government spending.

It is not clear if his coalition, which is only the third largest bloc in the country's Congress will be able to implement enough major spending cuts needed to shore up the economy without pushing it into turmoil.

Mr Milei has already cut nine government ministries, which Mr Caputo said would reduce 34% of public sector jobs.

Speaking about the cuts to government spending for infrastructure projects, Mr Caputo said: "The reality is that there is no money to pay for more public works that, as all Argentines know, often end up in the pockets of politicians or businessmen on duty".

Anonymous ID: 036847 Dec. 13, 2023, 8:58 a.m. No.20068600   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8610 >>8695 >>8768

'It's So Unimaginable': Tucker Carlson Says He's 'Not Suited' to Be Donald Trump's Running Mate Ahead of 2024 Election

Dec 12, 2023


Tucker Carlson finally revealed whether or not he would be Donald Trump's 2024 running mate after the former president said he would consider him for the coveted position.


“Well, it’s just — it’s just so unimaginable,” Carlson told Megyn Kelly on her podcast "The Megyn Kelly Show." “I mean, I haven’t led a life that prepares a person for politics. As I said,I don’t think I have any like horrible skeletons or anything. It’s not that, it’s just that that’s not how my brain works. I’ve never done anything like that. I can’t imagine spending time with politicians.”


(“He doesn’t think” he has skeletons? He doesn’t know?)

Anonymous ID: 036847 Dec. 13, 2023, 9:05 a.m. No.20068640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8695 >>8768

More Damning Information Revealed about RFK Jr.’s Ties to Jeffrey Epstein. 'The office space turned out to be Epstein’s…'

Posted by

Ken Silva December 12, 2023


The New York Postreported last week that third-party candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. once worked out of the office of notorious multimillionaire sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein—a fact that RFK left previously undisclosed when discussing his relationship with Epstein.


The Post cited longtime Kennedy family friend Christina Oxenberg, who wrote in her autobiography thatshe and RFK used Epstein’s office when planning an event that involved then-New York City mayor David Dinkins.


“The office space turned out to be Epstein’s ‘suite of offices on Madison Avenue’ where Oxenberg and the associate identified operated out of a “large and comfy conference room,” the Post reported Dec. 8.


The Post further quoted from Oxenberg’s book, which said that Epstein’s office was “populated by several female executive assistants, all of them in their early 20s and looking like flight attendants from yesteryear with tidy buns, high heels and short tight-skirted suits.”


Along with Oxenberg’s allegations, the Post also published a previously unpublicized photo of RFK and Epstein at the Pierre Hotel in Manhattan in March 1994.


The new information follows RFK having to explain why he flew on Epstein’s private jet.


A Kennedy spokesperson reportedly told Newsweek last month that he had “flown one time on Jeffrey Epstein’s private plane. It was in 1993 from [New York City] to Palm Beach [Florida] to visit RFK Jr.’s mom for Easter.”


The spokesperson reportedly added that the private jet trip was facilitated through Kennedy’s then-wife,Mary Richardson Kennedy, who was apparently friendly with Epstein’s partner, Ghislaine Maxwell. Richardson Kennedy passed away in 2012, and RFK Jr. has been married to Curb Your Enthusiasm star Cheryl Hines since 2014.


“Mary, Kennedy’s wife, and two of their kids were on the flight,” the representative told Newsweek. “Mary knew Epstein’s girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell, who learned that they were going to Palm Beach for Easter and offered their family a ride.”


However, what the spokesperson told Newsweek contradicts what Kennedy has reportedly told investigative journalist Whitney Webb for her Epstein magnum opus, One Nation Under Blackmail.


In that book,Webb quoted Kennedy saying he flew on Epstein’s jet twice—not once, as Newsweek reported. “In one instance, the flight was part of a pre-planned fossil hunting trip to South Dakota, which he believed had been Ghislaine’s idea as Epstein had appeared to only have attended ‘grudgingly,’” Webb wrote.


“On that trip, Kennedy remembered that Epstein ‘did not mingle with us and hardly spoke and did not participate in the fossil hunt.” According to Webb’s book, Epstein had a problem with Kennedy’s “rambunctious children.” Epstein purportedly ordered the flight to land in Chicago and deplaned so he could make his own way home.


A blonde was waiting for Epstein at planeside in Chicago, and Kennedy remembered that Maxwell was in “silent tears” after Epstein’s abrupt departure. The other trip described in Webb’s book seems to be the same one reported by Newsweek.


Remarking on Kennedy changing his tune,Webb said: “I am very concerned that he told me in an interview for my book he was on the plane twice, but now is saying it was once.”

Anonymous ID: 036847 Dec. 13, 2023, 9:11 a.m. No.20068660   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8695 >>8768

Rumble Hit With "Unprecedented" Cyber Attack After Posting J6 Security Cam Footage


Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via, Dec. 12, 2023


Free speech video hosting platform Rumble was hit with an “unprecedented” cyber attack shortly after new security camera footage from January 6 was posted on the platform.


Last week it was revealed that the GOP-controlled Committee on House Administration’s Subcommittee on Oversight had created a new Rumble channel to post hours of security footage from Capitol Police taken on January 6, 2021.


“The first few videos were posted to the Rumble channel on Dec. 5. By the next day, the collection grew to 135 clips—each about 10 minutes long. The channel had nearly 700 followers on Dec. 7,” reported the Epoch Times.


Apparently, that upset some people.


Shortly after, Rumble was hit by a massive and seemingly organized attack that left people unable to upload or watch content.


“I can confirm that this attack has been unprecedented and has been happening since this weekend,” Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski posted on X.


“I also suspect it is political, coming from activists and/or organizations who want to censor our creators, and related to J6 videos being posted on Rumble,” he added.


Rumble was only able to completely restore services last night.


“A major thank you to our cyber security partners and our entire team. This was a massive learning experience that will only make us stronger,” said the company.


“A big thank you to all users and creators who have been incredibly patient with us during this time.”


Censorship takes another L.

Anonymous ID: 036847 Dec. 13, 2023, 9:19 a.m. No.20068703   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8768

At Grocery Stores, Customer Marketing Data Is Becoming The Product


For years we have been writing about how hedge funds have been buying any type of data they can get their hands on to try and anticipate moves in the American consumer and, by proxy, the market.

And now the latest spot they could be buying their data from could wind up being your grocery store. Everybody knows that we are now accustomed to putting our phone numbers or email addresses into a computer almost literally every time we buy something - but few people know why they really do it and even fewer feel they have control over what retail establishments do with such data.

Consumers feel powerless about the data-grab. A new study from the University of Pennsylvania showed that "79% of Americans feel they have little control over what marketers can find out about them", according to CNBC.

The same survey found that over half of adults in the United States, approximately 56%, are unclear about the meaning of "privacy policy." A common misconception among these individuals is that such policies assure that a company will not distribute their personal data to third parties unless consent is explicitly given.

Lead researcher Joseph Turow, Robert Lewis Shayon Professor of Media Systems & Industries at the Annenberg School for Communication said: “People don't feel that they have the ability to protect their data online — even if they want to.”

Among other things, the Penn survey revealed:

• Only around 1 in 3 Americans knows it is legal for an online store to charge people different prices depending on where they are located.

• More than 8 in 10 Americans believe, incorrectly, that the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) stops apps from selling data collected about app users’ health to marketers.

• Fewer than one in three Americans know that price-comparison travel sites such as Expedia or Orbitz are not obligated to display the lowest airline prices.

• Fewer than half of Americans know that Facebook’s user privacy settings allow users to limit some of the information about them shared with advertisers.

R.J. Cross, director of Public Interest Research Group’s Don’t Sell My Data campaign, told CNBC: “Retailers today are doing just about everything they can to get as much information about you as possible, because that’s a whole new revenue stream for them.”

Almost every single company that you’re shopping at today is in the business of selling your data, and you and your data are their latest product,” Cross continued.

And the market for data on what you buy is growing exponentially.

As of 2021, the data brokerage industry was estimated to be worth around $319 billion, with projections suggesting it could exceed $545 billion by 2028, CNBC wrote.

Traditionally, retailers relied on purchasing information from data brokers to understand consumer behavior. However, in a shift towards greater efficiency,these retailers are now bypassing intermediaries and are gathering consumer data firsthand through various methods, including loyalty schemes, location tracking, mobile app usage, and digital receipt analysis.

Refive founder and CEO Mitul Jain concluded: “My face is part of the data that’s being captured, my behavior, and all of that gives off many more pieces of information about me, my age, my gender, my ethnicity. And all of these pieces of information can then again be combined together with all these other little tidbits that I’ve been leaving behind from my shopping journey.“

Anonymous ID: 036847 Dec. 13, 2023, 9:25 a.m. No.20068727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8768


Tireless Busybodies Again Target Substack

Substack faces another deplatforming campaign, triggered by a clarion-call from America's flagship of suck, Atlantic Magazine



Substack is under attack again. The crusade is led by a site contributor, Jonathan Katz, whose style might be characterized as embittered-conventional, i.e. toting the same opinions as every mainstream editorialist, only angrier about it. There’s been more of this genre on offer here as staff positions for talking-point-spouters dry up in legacy shops, but hey, it’s a free country. If you want braying about fascism, Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk, the lab leak theory, and other #Resistance horrors you’d hear about if you just left MSNBC on in a corner — or feel deprived of headlines like“What Ron DeSantis and a Norwegian mass murderer have in common” — Substack’s got you covered. It’s not my idea of what alternative media’s for, but fortunately, nobody asked me. Why should I care what other people read?

Katz does. Though this site is a true content free-for-all, where you can find everything from serialized graphic novels to Portuguese “dark storytelling” to bagel bites recipes, a microcosm of the old Internet where the randomness of being able to hop from Bigfoot to Buddhism is a key part of the free vibe, Katz believes he’s detected a malicious pattern. He aims to put a stop to it, by deplatforming Substack contributors he doesn’t like. A group letter is being organized, demanding action, following Katz’s stern argument in the Atlantic, “Substack Has a Nazi Problem.”


As an aside: a big reason people read Substack is because of the terribleness of magazines like The Atlantic, which is edited by a guy, Jeffrey Goldberg, who won a pile of awards for blowing the WMD story in spectacular fashion for years on end, making him a walking, talking symbol of the failing-upward dynamic in corporate media. If that magazine wants people to read Substack less, it might consider not filling its pages with exposés about the Alfa Server fantasies or plaintive defenses of the Steele dossier or other transparent propaganda, instead of demanding deplatforming here.


Like a prosecutor introducing an adverse witness early, Katz in his piece concedes a numerical observation about the “white supremacist” problem on Substack:

These are, to be sure, a tiny fraction of the newsletters on a site that had more than 17,000 paid writers as of March, according to Axios, and has many other writers who do not charge for their work…


Really he should stop there, but trudges forward. There are 16 whole sites, he says, that deploy some variation of a swastika on Substack, and despite these being both legal and a complete non-factor in the national discussion, their existence cannot be tolerated. After explaining his real gripe, that “Substack’s leaders proudly disdain the content-moderation methods that other platforms employ,” Katz comes to the moment — inevitable in this humorously consistent genre of diatribe — in which he threatens to pick up his Substack ball and go home:

The question is what kind of community Substack is actively cultivating. How long will writers such as Bari Weiss, Patti Smith, and George Saunders — and, for that matter, me — be willing to stake our reputations on, and share a cut of our revenue with, a company that can’t decide if Nazi flags count as hate speech?

The first time someone tried this, Bari was on the other end of the dynamic, listed as one of the Substack evils supposedly inspiring decent folk to leave. In March 2021, Jude Ellison S. Doyle announced his/their intention to walk out because Substack wouldn’t kick the likes of Graham Linehan, author of the very funny Irish sitcom Father Ted, off the platform. The concept then was a transphobia panic, i.e. Substack was home to a burgeoning anti-trans movement, spearheaded, Doyle claimed, by Linehan and… and… well, there had to be a second really bad example, so Doyle somehow settled on Jesse Singal, perhaps the single most inoffensive personality to have ever carried a New York magazine byline. Nonetheless, Doyle identified the duo of Linehan and Singal as “harassment influencers,” meaning those engaged in “naming individual trans people who then get swarmed by their followers.”….

Anonymous ID: 036847 Dec. 13, 2023, 9:41 a.m. No.20068812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8841

Sad Meatball – Chris Sununu Slights DeSantis, Endorses Nikki Haley

December 13, 2023 | Sundance |


This stuff is so predictably pathetic it can make your skin crawl, or you can laugh at it. Choose the latter.


Chris Christie and Ron DeSantis both chased the ‘coveted‘ Chris Sununu endorsement in New Hampshire. However, as predictably predicted, Nikki Haley became the #1 best hope of the professionally Republican political class to challenge President Donald Trump. After all other efforts were exhausted by the billionaires and multinationals, they have collapsed into the Alamo Nikki Haley represents. Meanwhile, the vulgarian horde, the unwashed masses of deplorables, deconstruct their schemes and defenses.


The result – Chris Sununu falls into place and gives Haley his 0.05% polling boost with an official endorsement. Haley jumps from 7% to 7.05%, lolol.


MANCHESTER, New Hampshire — New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu endorsed Nikki Haley for president on Tuesday night, giving the former South Carolina governor a boost in a key early state.


“You bet your ass I am,” endorsing Haley, an energetic Sununu said to a cheering crowd packed into a ski lodge here.


“When you look at the poll numbers and you look at the ground game that Nikki has laid, it has been absolutely unbelievable,” Sununu said. “To see her out there, to see her connecting with folks, to feel that momentum — it is real, it is tangible.”


A beaming Haley walked out to a standing ovation and accepted Sununu’s endorsement with a warm embrace.


“It doesn’t get any better than this,” Haley said. “To go and get endorsed by the ‘Live Free or Die’ governor is about as rock-solid of an endorsement as we could hope for.” (read more)


Too funny.


It was always going to be Nikki despite the full-throated first wave of support for Ron. Why was this prediction below so transparently obvious? Simply, because DeSantis sucks as a candidate, and at a certain point the management cannot overcome the candidate weakness. The principal has to stand alone, and Ron DeSantis is not the guy to be able to handle that responsibility; he’s just too weak and controlled.


So yeah, it was always going to be Nikki as the hopeful GOPe nominee to block Trump. CHECK DATE:

Anonymous ID: 036847 Dec. 13, 2023, 9:47 a.m. No.20068841   🗄️.is 🔗kun


She’s got 7% of the vote, Trump at 67% more or less, why would Sununu say how amazing her game is? The funny thing is they think this exercise in futility is the “right propaganda” to convince us this time!Pathetic losers praise themselves in failing to be liked


“When you look at the poll numbers and you look at the ground game that Nikki has laid,it has been absolutely unbelievable,” Sununu said. “To see her out there, to see her connecting with folks, to feel that momentum —it is real, it is tangible.”


Kekkity, Kek, Kek, Kek!