Anonymous ID: 459eda Dec. 13, 2023, 8:39 a.m. No.20068501   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Media warn if Trump wins again every bad possible thing will happen

0:43 / 3:07

Media Warn if Trump Wins Again Every Bad Possible Thing Will Happen

4:01 PM · Dec 12, 2023


Anonymous ID: 459eda Dec. 13, 2023, 8:48 a.m. No.20068545   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Everything You Know About The “QAnon Shaman” Is Wrong!


84,000 views Dec 12, 2023 #TheJimmyDoreShow

The media dubbed him the “QAnon Shaman,” and made him into Public Enemy #1 after footage of a face-painted and horned helmet-clad Jacob Chansley emerged as the symbol of the “insurrection” at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th. Now, fresh off an 18-month prison term Chansley is on The Jimmy Dore Show, exposing the truth about his experience on that fateful January day.


Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Chansley about the “insurrection” misinformation campaign and his plans to run for Congress in Arizona’s 8th Congressional District in 2024.

Anonymous ID: 459eda Dec. 13, 2023, 9:22 a.m. No.20068717   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8768

'' Those darned Trump supporters''

December 13, 2023


By Pete Colan

Seems like everyone from the far left to the far right is stunned at the tenacity of Trump supporters. Trump has topped the polls since polling for the 2024 election began.


Townhall headlines 12/11: “Another One: Trump Leads Biden Yet Again” and “Trump Makes Polling History in Iowa”


Breitbart 12/12: “Poll: Donald Trump Towers over GOP Primary with 66% Support, Leads in Super Tuesday States”


Breitbart 12/11: “CNN Poll: Trump Opens Double-Digit Lead over Biden in Michigan”


Why is that? Haven’t we been told over and over that Trump is a wannabe dictator, and specifically in a fiery speech by the former Vice President Joe Biden on September 1, 2022 that "Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic"? Weren’t we told again on September 28, 2023 "This MAGA threat is a threat to the brick and mortar of our democratic institutions"?


Why are we not convinced? Why can’t we be happy with Ron DeSantis or Nikki Haley? Ron DeSantis was supposed to be the new “Trump light;” A refreshing younger politician with solid conservative credentials and performance as governor but without the “unpolished” persona of DJT. Yet DeSantis is failing in the polls and his candidacy. Nikki Haley would also be a great fit as the first woman president, daughter of immigrants from India, and an experienced politician. But she also isn’t gaining any traction in the polls.


So, who are these MAGA fanatics? Did we drink too much Kool-Aid or are we under the spell of a madman, as the Left would have the world believe?


I think it’s simple. It’s not about Trump’s endearing personality , his deep humility , or his strong leadership in the early days of the “pandemic” pushing aside all the toxic advice from Lord Fauci.


It’s about critical thinking. This is truly what the Left is truly out to destroy. This is why they’ve infiltrated our schools and colleges with curriculums that no longer focus on core skills, critical thinking, and entrepreneurship but instead fill our children’s heads with their poisonous ideology.


Critical thinkers understand nothing is perfect, the “science” isn’t “settled,” and yet there are certain inviolates, such as, you can’t just on a whim change the definitions of “vaccine,” “woman,” or “insurrection.” Critical thinking thrives on open and free exchange of ideas, and dies with censorship. Critical thinking thrives on the removal of government regulations and opening the curtains for entrepreneurship and dies with totalitarianism. Critical thinking thrives on the prospect of reward for innovation with the corresponding risk of failure, and dies with the promise of equity.


We abhor being told what to think and what to do, and we abhor safety nets. We seek strong leadership that will allow us just to be who we are. Trump spent his life as an entrepreneur, so he gets it. He doesn’t have the genes of dictator; he only knows the rewards of success from risk and hard work. Trump proved he could shove aside the enormous barriers erected over the decades by predecessors from both sides of the aisle to allow critical thinking to reign in this country.


Trump had four years and despite his many great achievements, he failed to clean house. This is what critical thinkers vividly see in the next Trump term that we don’t see in a DeSantis or Haley administration. We see the drive and energy in Trump akin to Milei, who kept his promise to slash the burdensome bureaucracy in Argentina’s government on day one. We see in Argentina that it can be done here, and Trump is the one to do it.