Israel ID: 06a3ff Dec. 13, 2023, 10:30 a.m. No.20069012   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9019 >>9033 >>9339 >>9588 >>9625 >>9655 >>9678


vid where guy finds 10ft metal atenna headed morgellon in the vaccine that eats graphine and graphene

video of it self assembling graphene motherboard style with the golden ratio numbers (smallest POV)

video from the lab that studied the crap out of the morgellons

vaxxed vs unvaxxed blood, shows vicious morgellons in the vaccinated blood

one video of one of the mortitions who was having to pull tons of giant morgellon "clots" that shrivel up after being pulled out, artificial veins.

health ranger finds morgellons in chicken nuggets


so basically theres a bunch of cells in your butt. And when the cells get to far apart, parasites creep in, and infect your butt. Than they put chemicals out that go to your brain and tell you (keep putting dicks in your butt, ((or your butt will heal, and we'll die))) its called toxoplasmosis


1:03 PM

so the morgellons are saying (put more morgellons in your body, your a morgellon, also the vaccine is safe and effective) they're like molecular crackheads trying to rebuild you from the inside out into a crackhead. android morgelly.

one video of graphene in water bottles they sell at the store


there is tons of these videos in food and water, if you throw your weed stems in an amp or a redbull, and pull them out, theyll absorb so much graphene that they turn silver grey and sparkly

1:07 PM

then someone started building water processing plants that use graphene to filter water so I guess the morgellons were saying (graphene makes you strong, drink your graphene)

1:27 PM

all were missing is the schizoposting about the properties of keratin and other videos where they electrospectronomied the morgellons. Than all other research further hasn't been discovered/uncovered yet