Anonymous ID: 437126 Dec. 13, 2023, 1:24 p.m. No.20069716   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Controlled Information Beta Test Underway?


December 13, 2023 | Sundance


Someone asked: …”[Alex] Jones’ theory of the “massive cyber-attack” that requires a lockdown of the internet, followed by a limited access/controlled access internet where only approved (“safe”) sites can be accessed is both alarmingly believable and difficult to prepare for. It also nearly perfectly mirrors the COVD playbook in a virtual way – virtual lock downs, virtual “approved activities/sites”, controlled information and total censorship.” (link)


My requested response… Where the heck do you think Jones’ came up with that theory? Go back to AUGUST 2023, it’s so transparently predictable I even created a drop-down category “Internet” for the citations and articles about it. Jones is describing what I called, “The shadow banning of the internet“.


I believe the Beta Test was today:

