Anonymous ID: 59252e Dec. 13, 2023, 2:20 p.m. No.20069895   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9906 >>9975

Former foreign minister Alexander Downer 'deeply disappointed' by Albanese government's Israel-Hamas ceasefire call


The Albanese government has been criticised over its call for a sustainable ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, with former foreign minister Alexander Downer arguing it should instead demand the militant group's "unconditional surrender".


Former foreign minister Alexander Downer said he was "deeply disappointed" by the Albanese government's call for a sustainable ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.


Australia voted in favour of a ceasefire resolution passed through the United Nations on Tuesday, with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese then issuing a joint statement on Wednesday that called for steps toward an enduring halt to the conflict.


The statement, which was co-signed with the prime ministers of Canada and New Zealand, expressed concern for "the diminishing safe space for civilians in Gaza" and urged Israel to do more to prevent loss of innocent life.


It also, however, acknowledged the country's right to self-defence and demanded Hamas release all remaining Israeli hostages.


Mr Albanese has since been heavily criticised for the move, with the opposition accusing him of a "shameful abandonment" of Israel and one Labor MP even breaking ranks to condemn the joint message.


Speaking to Sky News Australia on Wednesday evening, Mr Downer also expressed dismay at the statement, suggesting the government should instead be demanding Hamas's "unconditional surrender."


"I was both surprised and very disappointed, deeply disappointed that Australia should have supported a ceasefire," he said.


"This is the language that Hamas wants adopted because from Hamas's point of view, it survives another day with a ceasefire. It is able to rebuild during the ceasefire and it is able to launch fresh attacks on Israel.


"Hamas has to be destroyed. And when they are destroyed, then good, we can have a ceasefire; but, you know, we demanded during the Second World War unconditional surrender by the evil doers of Nazi Germany.


"We should be demanding the unconditional surrender of Hamas."


While Mr Downer claimed to have "no idea" as to what had driven the government to release the declaration, Mr Albanese and other ministers had repeatedly expressed the view that Israel should be careful whilst carrying out its attempt to destroy the militant group.

Anonymous ID: 59252e Dec. 13, 2023, 2:28 p.m. No.20069918   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Absolutely not’: Israeli ambassador to UK rejects two-state solution


Israeli ambassador to the UK Tzipi Hotovely has outrightly dismissed a two-state solution for Israelis and Palestinians.


Speaking to Sky News UK’s Mark Austin the ambassador issued a stark warning that it could take many more weeks, possibly months, of war to wipe out Hamas.


Ms Hotovely said after weeks of war there’s still “no prospect” of a resolution.


“I think it’s about time for the world to realise the Oslo paradigm failed on October 7, and we need to build a new one,” she told Sky News UK.


“Palestinians never wanted to have a state next to Israel, they want to have a state from the river to the sea.”

Anonymous ID: 59252e Dec. 13, 2023, 2:30 p.m. No.20069922   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9940 >>9950

Judge Chutkan Pauses Trump DC Case Amid Dispute Over Immunity Argument


Obama-appointed Judge Tanya Chutkan paused Trump’s January 6 case in DC amid a dispute over the former president’s immunity argument.


In September Trump was hit with 4 counts in Jack Smith’s January 6 case up in DC: Conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights.


Trump’s lawyers argued that Trump is immune from federal prosecution for alleged ‘crimes’ committed while he served as US President.


Earlier Wednesday Trump’s lawyers filed a response to Jack Smith’s demand to expedite appeal of Judge Chutkan’s presidential immunity order at the DC Circuit Court of Appeals (this is separate from Trump’s response to Jack Smith’s appeal to SCOTUS).

Anonymous ID: 59252e Dec. 13, 2023, 2:33 p.m. No.20069929   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We want the client lists not the fucking flight logs


Epstein's full flight logs - UNREDACTED

Anonymous ID: 59252e Dec. 13, 2023, 2:41 p.m. No.20069957   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0011 >>0201

Anonymous ID: 59252e Dec. 13, 2023, 3:48 p.m. No.20070255   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0308

US Blocks Transfer Of Over 20,000 Rifles To Israel Over Settler Violence


There's been some serious mixed messaging and contradictory signals coming from the White House of late regarding Israel and the Gaza War. President Biden on Tuesday had for the first time offered criticism of Israel's "indiscriminate bombing" of Gaza - even while keeping the massive defense aid flowing to Israel's military on an unconditional basis. He said Israel risks losing the world's support.


But even as it hands over 2,000-pound bombs and other heavy munitions, the US administration has ironically enough temporarily blocked a shipment of more than 20,000 rifles on fears the small arms could fuel more Israeli settler violence against Palestinians in the West Bank. Most or all of the rifle shipments appear to be M-16s.


These military-grade assault rifles had been requested by the Netanyahu government from within the first week of the war, in the wake of Oct.7.


Axios writes in a fresh report, "The Israeli request was treated with caution by the Biden administration because of concerns Itamar Ben Gvir, the ultra-nationalist minister of national security who oversees the police, would distribute the rifles to extremist settlers in the West Bank, according to U.S. officials."


A US official told the publication, "This deal isn't moving anywhere at the moment. We need more assurances from Israel about the steps it is going to take to curb attacks by violent settlers and to make sure no new U.S. weapons will reach settlers in the West Bank."


This week, Turkish media correspondents documented the following incident in the West Bank:


Israeli settlers on Monday confronted olive pickers in the town of Aqraba, southern Nablus, firing live rounds to intimidate and force them to leave their lands, the Palestinian Wafa news agency reported.


Israeli occupation forces and settlers have carried out a total of 333 attacks against olive pickers since the beginning of the season in October, the agency said, citing the Colonization and Wall Resistance Commission.


Last week, the US administration unveiled rare sanctions on Israeli settlers involved in attacks on Palestinians, which bans them from traveling to the United States.


The US government has not sanctioned Israeli settlers going all the way back to the Clinton administration, but Washington has consistently condemned settler expansion in the West Bank, at least as far as public policy and rhetoric goes.