>Ya know? I don't think I've ever seen a dig on "disinformation is real" or "disinformation is necessary".
It's often used dismissively, Anon, or without an appreciation for the strategic or tactical context. In an information war what tools are you armed with?
The Significance of Deception in Contemporary Information Warfare
the major methods of deception are:
• Presenting data to the adversary that represents the truth as you would want them to perceive it. This is achieved by presenting a tailored subset of ‘real’ data, and/or manipulated data, and/or depriving the foe of any data, and/or disrupting the foe’s data collection, and/or • Setting the context in which the foe interprets that data, and/or
• Producing ‘noise’ in the communication channel so that the foe receives only the data allowed by the deceiver.
Information Warfare and Deception, Informing Science, Volume 9, 2006
Deception in Support of Operations Security (DISO). DISO is a MILDEC activity that protects friendly operations, personnel, programs, equipment, and other assets against foreign intelligence and security services (FISS) collection. The intent of a DISO is to create multiple false indicators to confuse or make friendly force intentions harder to interpret by FISS, limiting the ability of FISS to collect accurate intelligence on friendly forces. DISOs are general in nature, they are not specifically targeted against particular adversary military, paramilitary, or VEO decision makers, but are, instead, used to protect friendly operations and forces by obfuscating friendly capabilities, intent, or vulnerabilities. JP 3-13.4 https://jfsc.ndu.edu/portals/72/documents/jc2ios/additional_reading/1c3-jp_3-13-4_mildec.pdf
Examples of Deception In Support of Operations (DISO)* in the writings of Q :
*('create multiple false indicators to confuse or make friendly force intentions harder to interpret'), (obfuscating)
11.3 (https://qalerts.net/?q=11.3) 9 post(s) found containing "11.3".
D5 (https://www.newsweek.com/qanon-conspiracy-posts-trump-news-d5-december-5-george-bush-storm-great-1245823) Successful feint. See Q #2553.
2018 will be glorious. (https://qalerts.net/?q=2018+will+be) 13 post(s) found containing "2018 will be glorious".
11.11.18 (https://qalerts.net/?q=11.11) 5 post(s) found containing "11.11".