Anonymous ID: c2a7dd Dec. 13, 2023, 4:38 p.m. No.20070549   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0615 >>0708 >>1064 >>1110 >>1134 >>1259

New Dubinsky and Kulyk Case: How Joe Biden is Cleaning Up Evidence of His Corruption in Ukraine with the Help of Ukrainian Authorities


The end of 2023 was a time of bad news and dim political prospects for US President Joe Biden. Declining approval ratings in key states and the House of Representatives’ increasingly persistent attempts to put Biden through impeachment proceedings have him focused on defending himself against a host of potential charges of influence peddling and corruption.


A situational partner for Biden has been his dependent Ukrainian government, which has recently made several important decisions to shield Biden from potential investigations. On the one hand, the court released all the defendants involved in the high-profile case of a $6 million cash bribe to close cases against the Burisma company and its owner, the odious Mykola Zlochevsky. It was at Burisma that Biden’s son Hunter worked for 5 years.


On the other hand, Ukraine has toughened the prosecution of those who publicized evidence of corrupt practices of Biden and his son. Ukrainian MP Andriy Derkach, who was the first to present evidence of Biden’s corruption (including the famous “Derkach tapes” with conversations between Joe Biden and Petro Poroshenko), has disappeared from the public eye. His fate is still unknown, but in his home country he was stripped of his citizenship and the status of people’s deputy, and a number of criminal cases are being investigated against him.


Journalist and MP Oleksandr Dubinsky has been put in a pre-trial detention center. The reason was his participation in the press conference of Andriy Derkach about corruption in Burisma, despite it took place back in 2019.


The next object of attention from the Ukrainian security services may be prosecutor Kostyantyn Kulyk. Kulyk is a military prosecutor who served in the ATO zone for a long time. He became publicly known after the return to Ukraine of assets worth 1.5 billion dollars stolen by fugitive President Viktor Yanukovych.


Kulyk’s next high-profile case was the investigation of corruption in Burisma. Kulyk prepared the famous seven-page dossier, which claimed that Ukrainian prosecutors had sufficient evidence of corruption aimed at Joe Biden’s personal enrichment. In an interview with The Hill, Kostyantyn Kulyk claimed that he tried to hand over to the U.S. government evidence of gross misconduct by Democrats and U.S. diplomats. However, all evidence was blocked by the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, which later caused the firing of Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch.


It was also Kulyk who first showed how the laundering of funds through Burisma took place. All cash was transferred from Ukraine under fake contracts and then settled in accounts in the Latvian “daughter” of the Ukrainian Privatbank (in particular, through Wirelogic Technology AS and Digitex Organization LLP). The amounts involved were around 10 million dollars monthly.


From Latvia, this money went to pay to Zlochevsky’s western lobbyists. In particular, Kulyk made public the evidence that 3.5 million dollars was received by Rosemont Seneca, a firm controlled by Hunter Biden. This evidence was later confirmed by financial monitoring in Cyprus and Latvia, as well as financial statements of Rosemont Seneca’s accounts at Morgan Stanley Bank.


In 2020, at a press conference organized by Andriy Derkach, Kulyk revealed new details about the $6 million bribe to close the Burisma case. As Kulik claimed, and as stated on the website of the international network of independent anti-corruption investigators OCCRP, the 6 million turned out to be the first part of a larger bribe that was supposed to be 50 million dollars.