Anonymous ID: 35aa98 Dec. 13, 2023, 9:42 p.m. No.20071811   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1812

Anonymous 05/18/18 (Fri) 09:06:07 450fcc No.1456783


If you want to wake up one level further its up to you. The choice has always been yours.




OBVIOUSLY: (for the shills and (not so smart people) who can't read or think)


Any "alien" attack on the human population during the GITMO trials and justice phase would clearly be a distraction. We've had the tech (this time around the cycle) since at least 1947 and the UFO's you've been seeing are mostly from MIC SSP or breakaway's. Humans fooling humans. The loyalty of these faction(s) will be shown from the fallout of released "disruptive" tech to the world. The planet needs to catch up with the rest of humanity so to speak.


Now with that out of the way and the reason Q gave this warning, we can get to the actual question at hand. The point is that the "aliens" are CURRENTLY a distraction for the phase of JUSTICE.


  • Regardless of the argument of aliens verses trans dimensional beings, anthropology has indicated that humans have been in contact with otherworld beings for a very long time. (world grid and megaliths)


Modern hominids have been around for over 200k years, similar sized cranial capacity of hominids for much longer. You think history is 10K years old? You think we sat with our thumbs up our asses until one day we became man?



We don't know our history.


Large civilizations with dense population centers usually exist on the coast line. The great flood occurred around 12,800~ years ago near the younger dryas. Talk to any anthropologist (hello) and you'll understand the real fantasy is thinking that humanity progressed without collapse and repetition. (Breakaways?)








  • The slaves awake


  • The slaves act


  • The slaves forget.


Which brings us to 4 possibilities with semantic argument for aliens/humans/demons for each.


  • Star too far


  • Star far away, FTL (faster than light tech)


  • Star near


  • Transdemensional beings AKA "demons" (location doesn't matter, see Bill Clinton's stories from the 90's about his portal/stargate)




















> How far away is the closest star?


> What do you think?


> -Q

Anonymous ID: 35aa98 Dec. 13, 2023, 10:41 p.m. No.20071898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1904


why i read the news as well

would be interested in a list of movies with tags on that describe what they might be sure someone has something similar …but any orderly like anons here…sure would be great to have a whole bread devoted to that.