Fuck dems are dumb, bitch just said Ice is a raciest group, other bitch just told the one bitch that 40% of Ice agents are hispanic, then the bitch says that leaves 60% that are raciest…..this SJW is the most raciest person i have ever seen, who the fuck are these people anyway
I think china is with us russia as well, china is putting on a show for the cabal, terrifs kill the dollar then we all jump out together into a silver/gold/oil based currency (rainbow currency) no homo >>2007781
ok nice so the open testimony will tell the story >>2007869
are they going to try more false flags or are they neutralized
you going to give us a hint on RR is he fucked? or is he playing his part
lol I did but it could be disinformation trick nosey dems >>2008110