Anonymous ID: 2e465a Dec. 14, 2023, 8:42 a.m. No.20073783   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3949




“If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.” ― Thomas Pynchon, Gravity's Rainbow

Dec 12, 2022


Have you ever thought about the almost complete lack of opposition on Truth Social? The enemy knows it’s Trump’s platform, and that all of his supporters are over there developing a strong community and sharing information, and yet they’re not interested in disrupting that?


Based on recent events, we are finally realizing there is opposition on Truth Social and they are actively causing disruption on the platform.


If you are currently active on Truth Social, you’re probably witnessing a giant uptick in nasty attacks and “infighting.”


This is not organic.


This isn’t “infighting” either. There is a group on Truth Social that has been harassing others on the platform completely unsolicited and until now, without response.


On November 23rd, 2022, after weeks of escalating harassment, a video was posted on Truth Social by Alex (@the_authority) in which he claimed that Kate is a Mossad agent. The accusation would be laughable if it wasn’t so serious in nature.


What is Mossad?


Kate was accused of being an Israeli Spy. A capital crime.


Much has been uncovered behind the scenes in the weeks following the release of this video. We now know that this accusation was the culmination of a coordinated “operation” that has been in the works since at least October 7th.

The level of organization and pre-planning points to a coordinated, thought-out, targeted operation at Badlands, myself and Kate, yes, but also at the community in general, as our words, shows and ideas reach a large and growing audience. They had initially tapped me as their target and had been building the narrative that I was an infiltrator and a bad actor that had duped everyone, including Kate. When they couldn’t find anything to use against me, they set their sights on Kate. They hired a private investigator, and the result of their “investigation” was the Mossad accusation.


Since the attack on Kate kicked off, the day before Thanksgiving, things have been unfolding behind the scenes and we have been receiving information from people who were involved and knew about the operation for some time. We have been working hard to compile the copious amount of evidence, which we will be handing over to law enforcement in the cities where some of these people live. There were many people who had a hand in this. Of the people involved, I believe there was potentially a mix of 3 different types of people:


  1. Actual infiltrators whose job it was to destroy the movement


  1. Useful idiots being manipulated by the emotions, ego, jealousy, spitefulness, etc.


  1. Good people who got duped and really believe we are bad


I have no idea which of the first 2 categories Jeffrey Pedersen (@intheMatrixxx) or Alex (@the_Authority) belong to, but they were both leading the charge to some capacity. We know now that one big reason they were able to get so many people to join them on this mission was that they had these people convinced that they were being directed to carry this out by at least 1 very powerful person that everyone in this community respects:


These figures allege, without evidence, that Kash Patel sanctioned this defamatory operation, which we do not believe.


In the Matrix and The Authority used Kash's name as a mechanism to leverage support from people within WTM and the community to participate in an "operation" they were told was sanctioned by Kash (which we don’t believe) and his "best friend," Erik Rinehold.

Anonymous ID: 2e465a Dec. 14, 2023, 8:51 a.m. No.20073817   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Make Meat Great Again! Don’t Let The Globalists Pull This Off

December 11, 2023 / 6 Comments


It’s 2023, and most people are scurrying about their days making plans for the Holidays and figuring out whether to serve up a roast, a turkey or a ham. Meanwhile, over 70,000 clowns are toasting champagne at their 5 star hotels in Dubai while thinking they can tell people whether or not a roast, a turkey, or a ham is allowed. While flying around in their private jets, they giggle as they cook up their conspiracy theory on “climate change” to convince people to eat less meat. While they’re dancing with politicians and coercing nations to set new policies and regulations to harm the productivity of farmers and ranchers – our food source – people should be supporting them and stand together in defiance of this nonsense.


The funny thing is, while these clowns conspire and celebrate their narrative to save the planet, in part by the absurdity of reducing meat consumption, many of these same clowns are supporters of Merck and were pushing for a vote at Codex to inject cattle, pigs, and poultry with Merck’s toxic steroid-like drug zilpaterol hydrochloride to produce more muscle and less fat. This of course brings a fortune to Merck, while benefiting the bottom line for ranchers who are ok with poisoning their livestock and humans. How’s that for an oxymoron? That’s right, on November 28th, while the clowns sipped champagne on their private jets headed to the COP28 in Dubai to “save the world from climate change” and instruct nations to reduce meat consumption, their counterparts were at FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy, voting to approve this poison.


So the question is – do they want to reduce meat consumption or do they want to muscle up the meat and make it more desirable to eat so people devour toxins? Perhaps it’s both. Who can keep track anymore? The cocktails are endless, from GMOs to hormones, antibiotics, DNA and mRNA, or growing meat in a petri dish or 3D printing it. These globalists want to make it so inedible, no one will want to consume meat.


According to Scott Tips, President of The National Health Federation, who attends these Codex meetings to fight for the safety of consumers, this is all about money, and by adopting the Codex standard zilpaterol can “flood the world markets unobstructed.” This would allow Merck to force all of the countries who voted against it to open their markets to zilpaterol-tainted meat as well. Most of the western hemisphere has already been using zilpaterol despite the fact that there has never been a risk assessment done, it’s banned from use in horses because it’s not safe, and Merck actually withdrew it from the market in 2015 before working its way back in. At that time, under Merck’s brand name “Zilmax,” even Cargill and Tyson suspended their purchases of Zilmax-fed cattle in North America.


The many-years-long battle against the toxic vet drug came to an end when the Commission voted 88-49 with 11 abstentions to approve zilpaterol MRLs (maximum residue levels). Scott Tips reported that those “speaking against the standard were the European Union, Switzerland, Norway, Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkey, China, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iran, Iraq, UAE, Algeria, Belarus, Syria, Tunisia, North Macedonia, and Cameroon. Those pushing the standard were the United States, Canada, New Zealand, many African states, and every single one of the Western-hemisphere countries. The UK remained strangely aloof, as if wishing to avoid offending anyone.”


Back in the U.S., Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) has been trying to get the PRIME Act passed for nearly 6 years, but feels he is beginning to make headway now. If passed, the PRIME Act will make it much easier for local farms to compete with the handful of big meat companies, by allowing safe, local processing options rather than a farmer having to travel for hours to a USDA-inspected processing facility.


According to Rep. Massie, “Current law exempts custom slaughter of animals from federal inspection regulations, but only if the meat is slaughtered for personal, household, guest, and employee use (21 U.S.C. § 623(a)). This means that in order to sell individual cuts of locally raised meats to consumers, farmers and ranchers must first send their animals to one of a limited number of USDA-inspected slaughterhouses. These USDA-inspected slaughterhouses are sometimes hundreds of miles away from farms and ranches, adding substantial transportation costs and increasing the chances of locally raised meat co-mingling with industrially-produced meat. The PRIME Act would expand the current custom exemption and allow small farms, ranches, and slaughterhouses to thrive.”


While the battle on meat continues, it’s important for everyone to do their due diligence when it comes to shopping for and purchasing meat. According to the USDA, in March they released a proposed rule with new regulatory requirements on those voluntary “Product of USA” labels, whereby the claim can only be used on meat, poultry and egg products if they are derived from animals that are born, raised, slaughtered and processed in the USA. So pay attention to the labels – on all food for that matter. There are some small farms that offer co-ops whereby several people can go in on the ownership of cattle and split the beef. There are also a handful of companies who ship bundles of beef. In either case, it’s always important to confirm how the cattle are raised and processed, and if they are given zilpaterol, antibiotics, hormones, or mRNA. Always support your local farmers, whether it be for meat, vegetables, fruit, raw milk, or other items. They are quite literally our key to survival, unless of course you are able to grow enough food and raise livestock to support your entire family on an annual basis. They deserve our support and respect.


Corey’s Digs has done extensive research on an incredible, fully vertically integrated large ranching operation in the U.S. who controls their entire supply chain. It’s quite impressive. The cattle are all pasture raised on over 290,000 combined acres by their own mothers. This is a premium lineage of all Prime and High Choice, with the processing facility being right on the ranch, and the beef is aged for 21 days before shipping. Never ever zilpaterol, antibiotics, hormones, mRNA, or vaccines. They ship a variety of bundles monthly or every other month, along with individual added cuts, straight from the ranch to a customer’s home. The biggest difference is the taste – it’s amazing how delicious Prime beef is without all those toxins. The beef is exclusive to members through Shopping Club Freedom, which boasts hundreds of non toxic products that everyone uses in their daily lives, all of which are patented and produced by this same company right here in the U.S. It’s one heck of a solution to ensure access to healthy products and beef while sticking it to the globalists who want to rule everyone’s life, which is why Corey’s Digs has partnered with them and has been shopping there for over two years now.


No one should let these madmen make choices for them or their families. Everyone should support U.S. farmers and ranchers, get behind Rep. Massie’s PRIME Act, and don’t buy the poison these globalists are selling.