Anonymous ID: a6fa00 Dec. 14, 2023, 8:36 a.m. No.20073758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3806

>>20072224 The Unvaccinated Were Scapegoated for Failure of COVID Vaccines - Journal of Medical Ethics studyPN

Pdfs attached, astoundingly long, study and the definition of Propaganda


Implications for medical ethics, science communications and ideological divisions

Humans often react to threats by applying generalisations driven by a miscalibration of risks, selective information retrieval or the unwillingness to update beliefs based on new information.14 56 Our data provide evidence that these processes led some people to use a single piece of information—vaccination status—as a heuristic for making judgements about the culpability of individuals, regardless of whether or not they are statistically at risk of needing care, pose a grave threat to others, have recovered from the virus and whether the vaccinated individuals have not been boosted for many months. These overgeneralisations and the resulting scapegoating are not without social and ethical implications.

One social consequence is that scapegoating can subject people to ostracism, discrimination and, in extreme cases, even violence and persecution.10 11 13 63 64 While we did not seek to document these consequences in our studies, scapegoating risks reinforcing public attitudes that may be based as a justification for discrimination. For instance, multiple policies were implemented in the USA to pressure individuals to get vaccinated, including employer mandates and vaccine passports. Although widely supported,49 these policies did not consider the protective effects of prior infection or the age-based risk distribution of severe disease outcomes. There is some evidence that they generated adverse societal consequences, such as reactance, and increased vaccine scepticism and social polarisation,6 among others. Therefore, because the C19 pandemic showed how the public’s understanding of health information could impact social cohesion, we strongly recommend that the medical community considers the downstream and negative impacts of presumptively well-intentioned guidelines.

Second, scapegoating implies that the blame is either undeserved or disproportional. Thus, we encourage public health researchers, practitioners and science communicators to consider the implications of relying primarily on fear-based approaches to mitigating the harms caused by C19.65 For example, if 35% of US adults believed that at least half of C19 infections require hospitalisation,18 it suggests a significant health communication failure. A result is that it can lead people to turn against and blame each other when doing so is not justified by available facts, which may not have been adequately presented to the public. We submit that a relevant ethical question that public health officials should debate is whether it is morally obligatory for them to correct misinformation regardless of whether it overestimates or underestimates of C19 risk.

Third, our findings also show the impact of citizens’ political ideology on scapegoating. We did not test the sources of liberals’ greater likelihood to scapegoat the unvaccinated individuals, but we encourage further investigation of whether media exposure could be a contributing factor. Just as conservative media and politicians are culpable for misinformation leading people to underestimate certain C19 risks,66 67 it is possible that liberal outlets introduced misinformation in the opposite direction. For instance, Rachel Maddow of MSNBC, an outlet with a decidedly liberal audience,68 noted in March 2021: ‘Now we know that the vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinated person.’69 However, this claim was not possible to make at that time,70 nor was it true. The original clinical trials did not test for effectiveness on transmission.71 Early evidence, and reasonable deduction from the research in vaccinology and virology, suggested that the vaccines would not fully stop transmission. By April 2021, more than 10 000 vaccine breakthrough infections had been officially reported across the USA (a substantial undercounting), 10% of which had been hospitalised and 2% of which had died.72 An outbreak investigation by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in July 2021 found that 74% of cases linked to a summer event in Massachusetts were vaccinated and most were symptomatic.73 Therefore, we argue that it is important to correct the dubious claims made by both sides of the political spectrum, as both may distort risk and fuel polarisation…

Anonymous ID: a6fa00 Dec. 14, 2023, 8:53 a.m. No.20073823   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3848 >>3883 >>4163 >>4237 >>4268

Are anons watching Epstein today in front of Senate?He thinks Klobuchar wants to attack him is his feeling and debunk his evidence


Dr. Robert Epstein Joins WarRoom To Discuss His Testimony Tomorrow On Election Manipulation



Anonymous ID: a6fa00 Dec. 14, 2023, 9:08 a.m. No.20073883   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Senate hearing on Elections and AI not until 3 pm today with Dr Epstein, of course the democrats don't mention Election manipulation in the title. Consumer rights? This is gonna be aggressively against Epstein’s evidence! He expects it



The New Invisible Hand? The Impact of Algorithms on Competition and Consumer Rights

Type: Subcommittee Hearing

Date: Wedn, December 13th, 2023

Time: 03:00pm

Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building Room 226

Presiding: Chair Klobuchar


Witnesses: Roger Alford

Professor of Law

University of Notre Dame Law School South Bend, IN



Sarah Myers WestManaging Director

AI Now Institute New York, NY



Robert Epstein: Senior Research Psychologist

American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology

Vista, CA



Damon Hewitt

President and Executive Director

Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law Washington, DC



The Honorable Bill Baer

Visiting Fellow in Governance Studies; The Brookings Institution

Washington, DC




Anonymous ID: a6fa00 Dec. 14, 2023, 9:21 a.m. No.20073955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4002

The New York Times doctored what Hunter Biden said, leaving out one very important key word…

December 14, 2023 (12 hours ago)


The New York Times is at it again with its dissemination of fake news. This isn’t just another accidentally incorrect story, like so many before, or their “Pulitzer prize-winning” fake Russia hoax stories; this time, they’re actively altering quotes, presumably to shield Joe Biden. This latest fake news scandal comes on the heels of a recent Gallup poll that highlighted a historic low in American trust in the fake news legacy media.



=•American’s trust in media has fallen to a historic low==, according to new polling from Gallup.


Why it matters: Trust in media had previously dropped to 32% in 2016 before rebounding slightly. Those gains have essentially been wiped out, according to the poll.


Details: Only 32% of the population reports having “a great deal” or “a fair amount” of confidence that the media reports the news in a full, fair and accurate way.


The only other time in recent history that trust has fallen to 32% was in 2016.

📉 In some cases, the sentiment is worse today.


A record-high number of Americans (39%), say they don’t trust the media at all. That number has steadily increased since 2018.


The most frustrating part of all this is how the left, along with their cohorts in the media, are eagerly establishing these phony “disinformation watch groups” like Media Matters and NewsGuard. They use these platforms to eagerly point fingers at others, while they themselves degrade journalism with falsehoods, manipulated edits, and blatant lies. It’s almost too easy for them to spread fake news while masquerading as the last bastion of truth. It’s a perfect disguise, isn’t it? It’s like an arsonist leading a “fire safety” seminar.


So, what’s the latest from the New York Times? They’ve altered a quote from Hunter Biden, removing a rather intriguing word: financial—and yes, it could make a very big difference in a lot of people’s minds.


Author Hans Mahncke shared the startling update via a post on X:

This is so bad. @nytimes doctored what Hunter said today, leaving out the key word. Wow.


NYT: “Let me state as clearly as I can: My father was not involved in my business.”


Hunter: “Let me state as clearly as I can: My father was not financially involved in my business.”


It’s quite interesting to see that specific word omitted; it really makes you wonder why. Is the New York Times protecting Joe Biden?It seems that way. Sadly, the Old Gray Lady, once a beacon of journalism, is actively spreading disinformation while simultaneously condemning others for supposedly doing the same. This is the current state of our shameless propaganda media, and they wonder why the American people don’t trust them.


Here is an archive link to the New York Times article: click here.


(Rhetorical question, of course they are, the usually bury the lead and partial truth, 15 paragraphs down.)

Anonymous ID: a6fa00 Dec. 14, 2023, 9:33 a.m. No.20074006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4157

This would be the most watched GOP debate in US history…

December 14, 2023 (12 hours ago)


(Who would Trump Debate, they are all losers? And it’s doubtful Bidan will even do presidential debates!)


Get ready to witness what could potentially become the greatest GOP debate in history. While it might seem like a pipe dream at the moment, if Tucker gets his way, something truly extraordinary could unfold on the debate stage before the primary season wraps up. Who could forget the spectacle of one of the greatest GOP debate extravaganzas? It was March 4, 2016, when the Fox News GOP debate aired live from Detroit, and it was a barn burner. That debate drew a staggering 24 million viewers, thanks to President Trump, who captivated American voters.


That debate was a remarkable moment in conservative politics.


However, the debate scene is much different in 2024, with a lackluster group of wannabes who can’t seem to connect with voters, drawing very paltry ratings. As a matter of fact, the fourth GOP debate only drew 4.1 million Americans to watch it live on TV. It’s a stunning drop and a true testament to President Trump’s political prowess.


The question now, especially after the dismal ratings of the last GOP debate, is whether there will be another one. And if so, why? By this point, it’s widely accepted that President Trump will be the nominee, so why are Ronna McDaniel and the RNC investing time and resources in pretending that there’s a genuine “contest” underway? In addition, these “corporate-sponsored” mainstream debates don’t seem to provide any real benefits to the American people, so one may wonder why bother?


Well, that’s a legit question, and Tucker Carlson has an answer. What if we trashed the tired, old mainstream media debates that seem to do nothing but excite donors and instead offered voters something that would genuinely provide insight and information?Tucker is open to the idea of hosting a GOP debate alongside Joe Rogan and Elon Musk—just imagine the ratings! It could potentially become the most historic and popular GOP debate in US history.


That sounds like a debate rockstar night that would require its own arena and several hundred concession stands. Imagine the excitement of a night of discovery where Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, and Elon Musk ask debate questions that genuinely matter to the American people. This would be an event for the record books, offering the American people a unique opportunity to see where our political leaders and wannabe leaders stand on issues that mainstream media avoids like the plague.


Bring it on!

Anonymous ID: a6fa00 Dec. 14, 2023, 9:41 a.m. No.20074032   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4049

14 Dec, 2023 14:

Putin reveals number of troops in Ukraine conflict zone

Some 617,000 soldiers and officers are fighting Kievin some capacity, the Russian president has said


Russia has deployed more than half a million service members, including many volunteers, in the combat zone of the Ukraine conflict, President Vladimir Putin has revealed.


Speaking during his Q&A session on Thursday, the Russian leader was asked to comment oncomplaints that military volunteersoften rely on aid fundraised by their fellow citizens rather than on state support.


Putin emphasized that supplies provided by the government account for 99% of all assistance, but noted that Moscow welcomes and will in no way hinder pure-hearted efforts to provide Russian soldiers with various types of equipment and supplies.


Still, he admitted that there could be a lack of specialized high-tech hardware, such as electronic warfare equipment, at a given time and place, and promised to look into the matter.


I want to repeat myself: the line of contact [with Ukraine] is more than 2,000km long. There are now 617,000 people in the combat zone… So, of course, there could be some problems in some places.


According to Putin, 244,000 of those in the combat zone are troops that were called up when Russia announced partial mobilization in September 2022. They were deployed in a bid to stabilize the situation, protect new territories, and conduct further offensives. At the time, Moscow mobilized 300,000 troops. However,Putin said that 41,000 had since been discharged for health reasons, or after reaching the maximum age.


Moscow has repeatedly denied it plans to announce a second wave of mobilization, with the Russian president explaining that there was no need for such a move. Instead, Russia is relying on a steady stream of volunteers willing to sign contracts with the military.


Putin noted that theauthorities had signed up some 486,000 soldiers in this large-scale recruitment campaign, adding that more are ready to enlist. However, he did not say how many of them have been deployed to the front, are undergoing training, or are stationed elsewhere.


Commenting on the battlefield situation, Putin remarked thatRussian troops “to say it humbly, are improving their positions” along the entire frontline. He also said that Ukraine’s much-hyped counteroffensive – which began in early June – has been a complete failure, with no territorial gains. Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu earlier this month estimated Kiev’s losses at more than 125,000 troops since the start of the push.


(Meanwhile Kiev sends police and military to capture men fleeing Ukraine because of not wanting to fight.)

Anonymous ID: a6fa00 Dec. 14, 2023, 10:03 a.m. No.20074132   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4163 >>4237 >>4268

14 Dec, 2023 14:48

Pope planning his funeral

The religious leader, who has had to reschedule multiple international trips this year, says he wants to simplify Catholic rites before his own passing


Pope Francis is already planning for his funeral by simplifying the rites around papal burials, he has told the Mexican broadcaster N+. The pontiff insisted, however, that he is not intending to resign from his position despite recent ill health.


The Catholic leader, who turns 87 on Sunday, said it is sensible to make arrangements for his passing, admitting in an interview on Wednesday that “when old age arrives and you reach your limits, you need to prepare yourself.” Pope Francis has suffered a number of health issues during his ten years as pontiff. Most recently, he was hospitalized with acute bronchitis, forcing him to cancel several official visits, including to the 28th UN climate summit in Dubai. “Thank God it wasn’t pneumonia,”the pontiff said, alluding to the fact that he had part of one lung removed earlier in life.


Despite the health concerns, Francis stated he is not planning to step down, declaring that “the pontificate is forever.” He conceded, however, that there is a “possibility” that he could take the same step as his predecessor, Pope Benedict XV, who became the first pontiff in six centuries to resign his position, citing physical and mental ill health.


“He was a great and humble man who when he realized his limits had the courage to say ‘enough’,” Pope Francis said.


The current pontiff plans to be the first pope in more than a century to be buried outside of the Vatican. He is working with staff in the Holy See to simplify the rite of papal funerals, and joked to the interviewer that he would be the one to debut it.


The last of the pontiff’s antecedents to be buried outside the Vatican was Leo XIII in 1924, when his remains were moved from St. Peter’s Basilica to the Basilica of St. John Lateran.


Pope Francis’ wish is to beburied at the Borghese Chapel of the Basilica of St. Mary Major, the home of the ‘Virgin Mary with the Child Jesus’ icon, painted by Luke the Evangelist. (Hell NO way!)


“It is my great devotion,” Francis said. “As I always promised the Virgin, and the place is already prepared, I want to be buried in St. Mary Major.” The pontiff added that he prays at the icon before and after every international visit.


Papal visits rescheduled for next year will see Francis travel to Belgium and Polynesia, as well as his Argentinian homeland, where he was recently invited by newly elected President Javier Milei.


(Cremate him, don’t let one drop of his genetic code or his hell consciousness remain here, and do an exorcism WW before and after he dies!)


The grand and sumptuously decorated Cappella Paolina, (Pauline Chapel), which is part of thechurch of Santa Maria Maggiore, was built at the behest of Pope Paul V (r. 1605-21) to house the ancient and much-venerated Byzantine icon known as the Salus Populi Romani (Health/Salvation of the Roman People). The icon is thought to have arrived in Rome during the reign of Pope Gregory the Great (r. 590-604). The Cappella Paolina, which was designed by Flaminio Ponzio (1560-1618) and built between 1606 and 1612, was consecrated on January 27th, 1613. The painter was a close friend of the great scientist Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) and in his depiction of the Virgin Mary we see the first example of Galileo's discoveries about the physical nature of the moon.



Anonymous ID: a6fa00 Dec. 14, 2023, 10:16 a.m. No.20074174   🗄️.is 🔗kun

14 Dec, 2023 16:15

EU’s energy crisis ‘is their problem’ – Putin

Moscow fulfills its gas export obligations, including transit through Ukraine, the president has insisted


Accusations thatRussia has stopped natural gas supplies to the EU are “complete nonsense,” President Vladimir Putinstated on Thursday.


The decline in gas exports to the bloc which resulted in a protracted energy crisis is not the fault of Moscow, but of the countries that have decided to abandon Russian energy, Putin stressed.


Russia continues to deliver natural gas to Europe because Gazprom is a “reliable partner” and fulfills all of its obligations, including transit through Ukraine, the president said during his annual live TV press conference in Moscow.


“We also receive money, of course. Ukraine receives [payments] for transit, as if we didn’t supply Ukraine; in fact, they consume our gas,” Putin noted. (BOOM! Ukraine at war and still buy Russian Gas!)


He dismissed claims from a number of Western politicians that Moscow cut gas supplies to Western Europe last year. “The fact that Europe does not receive enough gas is their problem.Oddly enough, they tried to blame it on us, that we weren’t selling or something.”


Speaking at a meeting of the ruling Social Democratic Party (SPD) in Berlin on Saturday, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz accused Russia and Putin himself of halting gas deliveries to the EU.


“This is complete nonsense, becausewe didn’t close the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline – Poland did it; we didn’t close the second branch of the gas pipeline through the territory of Ukraine – Ukraine did it,” Putin said.


The Western sanctions on Moscow resulted in the halting of most imports of pipeline gas from Russia to the EU since last year. They further declined due to sabotage attacks on the Nord Stream gas pipelines, and the refusal of a number of EU member states to pay in rubles.


Regarding the rerouting of energy supplies to Asia, the president said that Russia has long planned to diversify its supplies and expand oil and gas exports to emerging markets, stressing thatthe country’s “turn to the East” was not politically motivated.


“The Power of Siberia gas pipeline was not built because of Ukraine, we started building it earlier. Why? Because we see the development trend of the world economy,” the president explained, adding that Russia has pivoted its exports of oil, gas, and coal to “new centers of economic growth” where major consumers have emerged in recent years.


(Scholz fucked up the German economy by going along with blowing up Nord Stream 2, so he blames Russia. The majority of Germans like Russia and don’t trust their government. This whole fake war is changing political dynamics in all EU countries that back Ukraine, the people are embracing consrvatives)

Anonymous ID: a6fa00 Dec. 14, 2023, 10:42 a.m. No.20074246   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4251 >>4255 >>4262 >>4268

Tech Anons I need help with iphone


Ever since Newsguard was put on Apple, something is able to manipulate the functions on my phone, not only online downloads. Something prevents cutting articles and pasting in an email, to post.


Does anyone have a fix or how to figure out how its messing with documents and remove it?