Anonymous ID: be5134 Dec. 14, 2023, 9:26 a.m. No.20073969   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3994

My fellow Americans,


We all know our friends, the tiny cowering powers, are imploding the global economy to replace the dollar with their form of crypto. To take from us the freedom to interact with our fellow citizens without any form of government oversight.


They are doing this on their timeline.


To my way of thinking, I'm all for frustrating these global fucks in every little thing they do. Especially their timeline.


I had a plan to pay them back, but after I lost not one, but two, jobs because I refused to be masked and jabbed, I stayed home. And when those credit card companies put their hand out, expecting me to keep paying, I just quit doing that, too.


I kept the money in my pocket. These companies will charge off your debt, take it off THEIR taxes, and sell your debt to junk-debt buyers for pennies on the dollar. I save the dunning letters. I answer any summons.


I also realized that if I keep my mortgage current, I don't need a credit score. I don't have a car payment, just a good car without bells and whistles and all the neatest tech crap. In return, I got Cheap insurance.


What a joy it was to have that extra money in my pocket. A doubling of that joy was the realization I was stiffing the same global fucks who are stiffing all of us.


I wonder what would happen to the banks if only 50% of America stiffed the cards. To me, it seems like we would all be a monkeywrench to their timeline of global implosion.


I, for one, am quite willing to do my small part against these evil fucks.


So, what's in your wallet? Kek


Two years later and now I have this great credit score and am getting offers again and again. All I did was pay the mortgage on time and keep the lights on. That's all I make.


Do the Math. See if you can drop your working hours to part-time and spend more time on what matters to you.


Me, I live to find ways to TAKE FROM this dual-citizen government whose loyalties are always divided, but not in America's favor, and I wait.


I wait for God. I trust God. His will in all things.