Anonymous ID: 3072a8 Dec. 14, 2023, 2:13 p.m. No.20074999   🗄️.is 🔗kun
  • Rose Fart Rumbles

So if you have a "my website is satire" like Michael Baxter can you skip the "I am not a broker" bit?


Glad this anon isn't the one to find out lol

Anonymous ID: 3072a8 Dec. 14, 2023, 2:21 p.m. No.20075042   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Telephone Phone numbers are available on each state's page or on your senator's website Senators Suite & Telephone List (PDF) A U.S. Capitol Switchboard operator can also connect you directly with the Senate office. (202) 224-3121


Tell em

stop bombin the apartment complex

stop writing checks to israel (aparteid)

stop writing checks to ukraine (nazis)

write a check to Hawaii | Maui | Lahaina (A us State)

no cbdc

no digital id

end the fed

let 702 die

vote NO on NDAA follow the constitution!

support H.R. 6570, the Protect Liberty and End Warrantless

Surveillance Act, and vote NO on H.R. 6611

arrest the fisa judges and ses guys

no WHO treaty

close the border from invasion


make a new law and oath of national security to get

commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist zionist or identity fraud off the ballots, out off offices, removed from weapon secrets, supply chain, being appointed.

So help you god.


Thanks bye bye