Anonymous ID: ebcb09 Dec. 14, 2023, 11:01 a.m. No.20074306   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4358 >>4663 >>4853 >>4963 >>5086 >>5139

FDA & HHS Sued Over Docs Revealing Suppression Of HCQ And Ivermectin


America First Legal (AFL) is suing the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for failing to turn over documents related to the government’s suppression of the COVID-19 treatments hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and ivermectin.


According to the lawsuit, AFL filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request in August 2022 with HHS and the FDA seeking information related to the anti-malarial drug HCQ from March 1 to Sept. 1, 2020. AFL received confirmation and tracking numbers from both agencies that its request had been received.


AFL filed similar FOIA requests in September 2022 with the same agencies seeking information on ivermectin—a popular antiparasitic medication—and also received confirmation that the requests were received, along with tracking numbers, according to an AFL press release.


AFL, a nonprofit “working to promote the rule of law in the United States, prevent executive overreach, and ensure due process and equal protection for all Americans,” sought information to determine when and why government officials, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, discouraged and suppressed the use of HCQ and ivermectin to treat COVID-19. Neither agency complied with the requests.


“COVID-19 exposed the public health establishment to be highly politicized and shockingly inept. To this day, precisely why the bureaucrats suppressed HCQ and Ivermectin remains an unanswered question. In filing this suit, AFL has taken a first step toward exposing the truth and holding accountable the individuals responsible for denying patients access to these potentially useful drugs. Americans have a right to know if it was the political animus of leftist government workers toward former President Trump, rather than the science, that was driving decision-making,” Reed D. Rubinstein, AFL's senior counselor and director of Oversight and Investigations told The Epoch Times in an email.


Despite hundreds of peer-reviewed studies supporting the effectiveness of both medications, the FDA has cautioned against using HCQ and ivermectin to prevent and treat COVID-19. On its website, the FDA states that “currently available data do not show ivermectin is effective against COVID-19,” yet half of the studies the agency uses to support its position support using ivermectin against COVID-19, according to a 2022 review by The Epoch Times.


In September, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals revived a lawsuit against HHS and the FDA filed by three doctors who claimed the FDA overstepped its authority when it initiated an anti-ivermectin public relations campaign in 2021 that warned people not to take the drug.

Anonymous ID: ebcb09 Dec. 14, 2023, 11:10 a.m. No.20074339   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4663 >>4853 >>4963 >>5086 >>5139

US Has No Plans to Restrict Military Aid to Israel Despite Biden Calling Gaza Bombing ‘Indiscriminate’


US officials say they're not conducting assessments of Israeli strikes


The US has no plans to restrict military aid to Israel or draw any red lines on Israel’s use of US-provided munitions despite President Biden labeling Israel’s bombing of Gaza “indiscriminate” and the massive civilian death toll, US officials told CNN.


One official said the US does not consider the death of civilians a violation of the laws of war unless they are purposefully targeted. A report from +972 Magazine revealed that Israel is intentionally targeting civilians as part of a strategy to put pressure on Hamas, but the Biden administration is still claiming Israel is taking steps to mitigate civilian casualties.


White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby claimed on Wednesday that Israel “stated their intent to reduce civilian casualties. And they have acted on that.” When pressed on President Biden’s comments calling Israel’s bombing campaign “indiscriminate,” Kirby refused to say if that was the US government’s official position.


“The President was expressing concerns — again, as I said — about the civilian casualties that we’ve seen. And, again, it’s reflective of our constant efforts to urge the Israelis to be as precise and careful as possible,” Kirby said.


In the same speech where Biden called the Israeli bombing “indiscriminate,” he vowed to continue supporting the campaign.


While US officials have been expressing “concern” about civilian casualties, the administration is not using any leverage it has over Israel to force them to change their tactics. Israel dropped more than 22,000 US-provided bombs on Gaza in just the first month and a half of the operation, demonstrating how reliant the Israeli military is on US support.


The US officials speaking to CNN also said the US was not conducting real-time assessments of each Israeli strike to see what weapons were used and how many civilians were killed. They said doing so would be “nearly impossible” due to the sheer number of Israeli bombings.


So far, the US-backed slaughter in Gaza has killed over 18,000 Palestinians, including over 7,000 children. The White House has previously acknowledged “many, many thousands of innocent people” were being killed by Israel in Gaza.

Anonymous ID: ebcb09 Dec. 14, 2023, 11:11 a.m. No.20074344   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4663 >>4853 >>4963 >>5086 >>5139

Final Batch Of Pfizer Documents Released By FDA


The FDA released the final batch of documents it relied upon in licensing Pfizer’s Comirnaty COVID-19 vaccine for ages 16 and up—more than 800 days after the agency approved the shot.


The documents are “finally in the hands of the public, where they belong,” the Informed Consent Action Network said in a press release. “Now, independent scientists and researchers can see everything FDA saw when it made its decision that this vaccine was ‘safe and effective.'”


The recent documents disclosed as part of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) show the agency knew its safety monitoring system was “not sufficient” for assessing the risk of heart conditions associated with Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine when it licensed the company's “Comirnaty” vaccine.


Documents also reveal numerous manufacturing problems in Pfizer batches released to the public and show the FDA knew about a phenomenon known as vaccine-associated enhanced disease (VAED) in those vaccinated who experience breakthrough COVID-19.

Anonymous ID: ebcb09 Dec. 14, 2023, 11:14 a.m. No.20074353   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4663 >>4853 >>4963 >>5086 >>5139

IDF Fires on Ambulance in Gaza and Arrests Medical Staff


International Aid organizations report their staff attempting to provide medical assistance to the people of Gaza are facing abuse from the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). The IDF fired on a World Health Organization (WHO) medical convo. A senior doctor at a hospital in northern Gaza says dozens of medical staff have been arrested.


According to a WHO statement, “On 9 December, a WHO team, in collaboration with the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) and the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), and with support from the UN Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS), completed a high-risk mission to Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza City to deliver medical supplies, assess the situation in the hospital, and transfer critically-injured patients to a hospital in the south.”


“On the way north, the UN convoy was inspected at the Wadi Gaza checkpoint, and ambulance crew members had to leave the vehicles for identification.” The statement continues, “Two PRCS staff were detained for over an hour. WHO staff saw one of them being made to kneel at gunpoint and then taken out of sight, where he was reportedly harassed, beaten, stripped and searched.”


“As the mission entered Gaza City, the aid truck carrying the medical supplies and one of the ambulances were hit by bullets,” the WHO report of the incident says.


The convoy faced additional harassment as it attempted to move patients to south Gaza. “On the way back towards southern Gaza, with the patients from Al-Ahli Hospital on board, the convoy was again stopped at the Wadi Gaza checkpoint, where PRCS staff and most of the patients had to leave the ambulances for security checks.” The WHO statement adds. “One of the same two PRCS staff temporarily detained earlier on the way in was taken for interrogation a second time.”


The IDF treatment of an aid convoy may have led to the death of one of the patients. “PRCS reported afterwards that during the transfer process, one of the injured patients died, as a result of his untreated wounds,” the WHO said.


Another hospital in north Gaza had its medical staff arrested by the IDF. Dr. Hossam Abu-Safia, the head of pediatrics at Kamal Adwan Hospital, told CNN that 70 medical staff, including the director of the hospital, have been detained in an unknown location by Israeli soldiers.


Abu-Safia said the hospital was barely functioning. “[The IDF] asked us to gather in only one section or building [and] close all the doors and windows, and not to be near doors or windows,” he said. Adding the Israeli soldiers only allowed five doctors to remain at the hospital.


The WHO statement described an equally troubling situation at the Al-Ahli Hospital. The state of Al-Ahli Hospital was described by WHO staff as “utter chaos and a humanitarian disaster zone.” They added, “It is extremely congested with many displaced people and over 200 patients, while it only has enough resources to support 40 beds – half of its original bed capacity.” The press release continues, “The building has sustained substantial damage because of the hostilities.”

Anonymous ID: ebcb09 Dec. 14, 2023, 11:27 a.m. No.20074393   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4663 >>4853 >>4963 >>5086 >>5139

Israelis Question if 'Hannibal Directive' Was Used on Oct 7 as Army Admits 'Immense' Amount of Friendly Fire Took Place


The Israeli media is openly questioning whether their government exercised the "Hannibal Directive" a controversial IDF doctrine that stipulates using maximum force to prevent kidnappings "by all means, even at the price of striking and harming our own" as it's now being admitted by the Israeli army that "immense" amounts of friendly fire took place on Oct 7.


From Haaretz:

If Israel Used a Controversial Procedure Against Its Citizens, We Need to Talk About It Now


Did Israel implement the so-called Hannibal Directive – which allows the military to endanger a soldier to prevent them from being kidnapped – at the hostage-taking incident in Be'eri on October 7?


by Noa Limone | Dec 13, 2023 5:37 pm IST


The accounts of the only two survivors of the hostage-taking incident in Be'eri on October 7 give the impression that the Israel Defense Forces employed the so-called Hannibal Directive with the people being held hostage by Hamas inside one of the houses on the kibbutz. When it is implemented, the Hannibal Directive allows the military to endanger a soldier to prevent them from being kidnapped.


According to a report on Channel 12 News over the weekend about the Be'eri hostage situation, after several hours of firefights between Israeli troops and Hamas terrorists, which saw the use of light anti-tank weapons, a terrorist exited the building with hostage Yasmin Porat and released her. She said she was then questioned by Police Special Anti-Terror and told them that there were about 40 terrorists and 14 civilian hostages in the house.


Eventually, Brig. Gen. Barak Hiram arrived to take command of the area. When one of the soldiers remarked about the fighting, "Barak, it's a disgrace," he replied, "I know." Afterward, a tank positioned near the house fired two shells – one at the ground, the other at the roof. Of the 14 hostages still inside, two of them children, only Hadas Dagan survived. Porat's first public account of the incident appeared two days later and was later verified by Dagan.

Anonymous ID: ebcb09 Dec. 14, 2023, 11:33 a.m. No.20074420   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4663 >>4853 >>4963 >>5086 >>5139



On December 14, a missile fired from a Yemeni area controlled by Houthis (Ansar Allah) missed a container ship traveling through the strategic Bab el-Mandeb Strait, a United States defense official told the Associated Press.


According to the unnamed official, the missile splashed harmlessly in the water near the Maersk Gibraltar, a Hong Kong-flagged container ship that had been traveling from Oman’s Salalah to Jeddah in Saudi Arabia.


The official’s comments come after the British military’s United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations, which monitors Mideast shipping lanes, put out an alert warning of an incident in the strait, which separates East Africa from the Arabian Peninsula.


The Maersk Gibraltar was hailed over the radio by “an entity claiming to be the Yemeni Navy ahead of the missile being launched toward the vessel,” according to the private intelligence firm Ambrey.


“The Yemeni Navy demanded the vessel alter course to head for Yemen. Ambrey assessed the entity to be” the Houthis.


Shortly after the AP reported the attack, a Yemeni source told Al Jazeera that the Houthis seized a container ship in the Red Sea and were taking it to a Yemeni port. It is still unclear if the ship in question is the Maersk Gibraltar, one of the world’s biggest shippers.


The Houthis, who control much of Yemen’s Red Sea coast and possess a large arsenal of missiles and drones, are a part of the so-called “Axis of Resistance” that is backed by Iran and opposes Israel.


The group has fired several missiles and drones at the southernmost Israeli city of Eilat since the beginning of the Israeli war on the Palestinian Gaza Strip. It has also assaulted a number of Israeli-owned ships.


Last week, the Houthis announced that they will start targeting any ship passing through the Red Sea en route to Israel, regardless of whether the ship’s ownership is linked to the country, in response to the Israeli blockade on Gaza.


A Norwegian-owned tanker that was sailing to an Israeli port was the first to be struck by the group on December 11, just two days after the threat. Later on December 13, missiles were fired from Yemen at the Marshall Islands-flagged Ardmore Encounter oil and chemical tanker. However, the vessel was not hit.


Israel has already reinforced its presence in the Red Sea by deploying one of its advanced Sa’ar 6-class corvette to Eilat. The U.S. is also reportedly working on a naval task force to counter the Houthis.

Anonymous ID: ebcb09 Dec. 14, 2023, 11:36 a.m. No.20074437   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4442 >>4461 >>4663 >>4853 >>4963 >>5086 >>5139

House Passes Resolution Condemning Testimony Of University Presidents On Anti-Semitism


The GOP-led House passed a resolution on Wednesday condemning anti-Semitism and the controversial testimony of three college presidents on the topic.


A final tally showed 303 members voting in support of the bipartisan measure, 126 members voting against it, and three lawmakers voting “present.” Two others did not vote. All the members who opposed the measure were Democrats except for Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY).


Is Rep Massie the only one not compromised by Mossad?

Anonymous ID: ebcb09 Dec. 14, 2023, 11:45 a.m. No.20074473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4853 >>4963 >>5086 >>5139

Soros Dark Money Keeps Biden’s SuperPAC Alive


As always, Joe “10%” Biden is a complete hypocrite. A new report says that dark money from a Soros organization gave millions of dollars to Joe Biden‘s favorite SuperPAC, even though Biden previously delivered self-righteous lectures about the dangers of dark money.


The Washington Free Beacon reported on Dec. 14 that it had reviewed financial disclosures showing how hypocritical Biden was to pretend he is disgusted by dark money (money from undisclosed sources). As recently as September, Biden was pushing disclosure legislation, pontificating, “Dark money erodes public trust.” The legislation would require a disclosure of donors who give more than $10,000. But the Soros-funded and -run Open Society Policy Center (OSPC) “non-profit” reportedly gave a whopping $15 million to the dark money affiliate of Joe Biden‘s favorite reelection SuperPAC, Future Forward.


The Free Beacon said that Future Forward has raised only about $14 million since old Joe took office, but “its dark money affiliate, Future Forward USA Action, has raised over $129 million in that same time.” So where is this pot of cash coming from?


The group’s latest tax filings show that almost all its funding in 2022 came from just 26 donors, including a $15 million gift from the Soros-funded Open Society Policy Center. The Hopewell Fund, a member of the Arabella Advisors dark money network, donated $1.5 million to Future Forward USA Action in 2022.


Future Forward’s fundraising largesse could open Biden to charges of hypocrisy. The president has repeatedly called dark money a threat to democracy and has endorsed legislative efforts to curtail its influence on American politics.

Anonymous ID: ebcb09 Dec. 14, 2023, 11:46 a.m. No.20074478   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4853 >>4963 >>5086 >>5139

Florida Detransitioner Isabelle Ayala who went from female to male at 14 - only to reverse the treatment three years later - sues American Academy of Pediatrics


Isabella Ayala, now 20, began transitioning from female to male at the age of 14

At the age of 17, she attempted suicide, and realized transitioning was a mistake

Ayala has made a new documentary to warn 'other vulnerable young girls'

Anonymous ID: ebcb09 Dec. 14, 2023, noon No.20074509   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4853 >>4963 >>5086 >>5139

US Navy whistle-blower who exposed spike in pilot heart-related conditions post-vaccination has been placed under investigation


According to the data from the Pentagon's Defence Medical Epidemiology Database ("DMED") presented by Lieutenant Ted Macie, there has been a dramatic increase in various heart-related ailments among fixed-wing and helicopter pilots in 2022.


The figures show dramatic increases in hypertensive disease (36%), ischemic heart disease (69%), pulmonary heart disease (62%), heart failure (973%), other forms of heart disease (63%) and cardiomyopathy (152%) compared to the pre-2022 five-year average.

Anonymous ID: ebcb09 Dec. 14, 2023, 12:01 p.m. No.20074515   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pastor Chuck Baldwin


The 800-pound gorilla in every room


Washington is controlled by Israel.

Anonymous ID: ebcb09 Dec. 14, 2023, 12:03 p.m. No.20074524   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4583

“Four Died Trying”: John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Robert F. Kennedy: A Powerful, Riveting, and Masterful Documentary Series Begins

Anonymous ID: ebcb09 Dec. 14, 2023, 2:02 p.m. No.20074965   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4973 >>5086 >>5139

Putin Holds a Marathon 4-Hour Press Conference: “We Will Bolster Russia’s Sovereignty, Fortify Border Security, Safeguard Rights and Freedoms of Our Citizens”


Russian President Vladimir Putin gave his year-end press conference with a Q&A session. It was a monumental affair, that lasted 4 hours and 4 minutes, in which Putin answered 67 questions from journalists – both Russian and foreign – and citizens.


Naturally, the western media needs to take him down a peg, so it is said that the questions were ‘carefully curated’, which is, of course, true. But just compare that to feeble Joe Biden squinting his eyes closed as he takes a couple of questions from pre-selected journalists and reads pre-written replies.


The difference between the leaders couldn’t be more clear.


We will present some highlights of the questioning marathon, with translation and reporting from Sputnik, RT, Sky News, New York Times and several Telegram channels.


The Russian President began by saying that ‘strengthening sovereignty is one of his priorities’, and that ‘Russia cannot exist without it’.


“The primary objective is to bolster Russia’s sovereignty, fortify border security, and safeguard the rights and freedoms of [our] citizens.”


“The world has been surprised the Russian economy has not collapsed under Western sanctions, but it has proved resilient and this will continue.”


Russia’s objectives in the ‘Special Military Operation’ in Ukraine remain ‘unchanged’ – the ‘denazification and demilitarization’ of Kiev’s regime remain top goals.


“Their national hero [Stephan Bandera] is a well-known Nazi figure.”


“Peace will come when we reach our goals,” he says. “Ukraine virtually produces or manufactures nothing… they have been importing things for free, freeloading.”


Video: “Odessa is a Russian city, everyone is aware of that, but they conjured up historical nonsense, and after the collapse of the USSR we gave into it.”


Putin stressed that 244,000 Russian troops are currently on the battlefield in Ukraine.


“Some 486,000 people had so far signed up voluntarily as contract soldiers, on top of the 300,000 people called up last year, and the flow is not diminishing.


In all, 1,500 people are recruited every day, with contracts signed for two or three years among volunteers.”


The Kremlin said that no less than 2 million questions were submitted – with many projected in screens in the studio – including blistering criticism.


On the subject of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Putin’s take was not perhaps the expected warlike one:

Anonymous ID: ebcb09 Dec. 14, 2023, 2:20 p.m. No.20075037   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5086 >>5139

Former Security Engineer For International Technology Company Pleads Guilty To Hacking Two Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchanges

Anonymous ID: ebcb09 Dec. 14, 2023, 2:28 p.m. No.20075079   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Watchdog warns against lab grown meat in six-figure ad campaign


The campaign aims to raise awareness about the lack of study on the long-term health impacts of the substance, which is grown using so-called "immortalized cells" that reproduce.


The Center for the Environment and Welfare (CEW) is pursuing a major public awareness campaign to inform the public on lab-grown meat, which has gained traction among environmental and sustainability activist groups as an alternative to traditional farming.


"The lab-grown meat sector will continue to face skepticism as consumers learn more about the chemicals, growth factors, and 'immortalized cells' used in manufacturing," CEW Executive Director Jack Hubbard said in a statement. "Our campaign aims to help the public learn the truth behind this experimental product, how it’s made, and the lack of long-term nutritional and health studies."


Some companies promoting both lab-grown meat and even lab-grown dairy products have already received the blessing of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.


The campaign aims to raise awareness about the lack of study on the long-term health impacts of the substance, which is grown using so-called "immortalized cells" that reproduce.


One leading ad from the campaign depicts a young girl at a science fair enticing the judge to try lab-grown meat, explaining that "immortalized cells replicate in perpetuity, over and over again, meaning they grow like a tumor."


"Then, you bake them with chemicals," the girls says, before offering the judge a taste, which she declines.

Anonymous ID: ebcb09 Dec. 14, 2023, 2:30 p.m. No.20075092   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Republican Senator Calls Out Companies For Remaining On TikTok While Boycotting X


Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) criticized companies including Comcast and Disney for having a double standard, over their recent decision to boycott American social media app X but not Chinese-owned TikTok.


In letters sent to the chief executive officers of 18 companies on Dec. 12, Mr. Rubio, a senior member of the Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee, said his office had conducted a review and found their boycott “originated with the left-wing advocacy group, Media Matters.” X, formerly Twitter, has filed a lawsuit against the non-profit for defamation, for charging the platform with promoting pro-Nazi content.


“Supposedly, companies are boycotting X out of concern that their brands could be tarnished by association with antisemitic content that some users have posted on that application,” the senator wrote.


Mr. Rubio emphasized that he takes “no position” on whether companies should boycott X. However, he believes that companies should recognize how their brand is tarnished by being on TikTok if they are concerned about their public image.


“Due to your company’s apparent concern for its image on social media, I was fascinated to learn that it maintains an active presence on TikTok. That social media application, through its parent company, ByteDance, is under the jurisdiction and influence of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), a brutal group that seeks to weaken our country and subvert our way of life,” he added.


Mr. Rubio’s letters were sent to Airbnb, Amazon, Apple, Coca-Cola, Comcast, Disney, Google, IBM, Jack in the Box, Lionsgate, Microsoft, Netflix, Paramount, Sony Pictures, Uber, Walmart, Warner Bros. Discovery, and the Washington Post.


The White House, U.S. armed forces, and more than 30 U.S. states have already banned TikTok. New York City joined the ban in August saying the Chinese app “posed a security threat to the city's technical networks.”


Earlier this year, FBI Director Christopher Wray said TikTok “screams” of national security risks.


In his letter, Mr. Rubio detailed different reasons that Americans should not use TikTok.


“China’s national-security laws give the CCP access to all data managed by Chinese firms, including ByteDance. This means TikTok is a far bigger liability to your company than X, and should be treated accordingly,” Mr. Rubio wrote.