Anonymous ID: 5494c2 Dec. 14, 2023, 8:29 p.m. No.20076735   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6746

Hanna Payne

>be white girl with ccw

>see some drunk nigger rear end a car and nearly kill a family

>Nig is drunk

>He jumps back in his totalled truck and revs engine to scare all the witnesses away from vehicle

>Speeds off in his busted truck

>White girl calls 911 and follows him to get tag number

>Red light stop

>She blocks him in and puts 911 on speaker as she tries to get him to go back to the original crash

>Drunk nigger decides to slap her and grab her arm scratching her, pull her into vehicle gets her in headlock hanging out the driver window and hits the gas, dragging her 10ft until slaming into her own jeep.

>she pulls pistol yelling at him to let go

>He grabs pistol and tries to disarm her

>Gun goes off, 1shot, killing the nig

>Multiple witnesses see him try to kill her

>Atlanta news calls her a racist for hunting down and murdering a nig

>She got no bail for last 5 years pretrial because 25yo women are a threat and she racist

>All black jury found her guilty yesterday of two counts of felony murder, malice murder, aggravated assault, false imprisonment, and three charges of weapons possession during a crime.

>Expected to be sentenced to life tomorrow