Anonymous ID: f22161 Dec. 14, 2023, 11:25 p.m. No.20077282   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7399


Fringe theme is nice, thanks. The background grid permits orientation via scrollbar when ctrl-f constantly loses its place.


Would be good if anons decoded your gist re Wikileaks, but I fear your 404 ID prophetic.


Doesn't seem to be my area of comparative advantage.

Anonymous ID: f22161 Dec. 14, 2023, 11:40 p.m. No.20077314   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7318 >>7322


Prophetic indeed; over 50 posts by 404d2e deleted now.


If this is the "test" mentioned last board, then censorship counts as failure.



Interesting that the baker (mayor?) likes Mr. Pig and replies to chrtl (404d2e) with a statue of angelic Saturn eating his children.


I guess the chrtl's ββ stands for BB AKA Burning Bush, Paul Furber's source. Chrtl is aligned with BB, who is of Avian/Angelic/Anunnaki origin.


I guess chrtl's Wikileaks posts are related to Kissinger and Watergate. Kissinger was surely up to no good.

Anonymous ID: f22161 Dec. 15, 2023, 12:14 a.m. No.20077399   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7413 >>7517



this >>20077095

should instead be


a recurring error of mine due to Emacs kill ring vagaries.



I am always open to intelligent rebuttals.



Cleanup of low-IQ spam is welcome. Chrtl is cruel, but neither low-IQ nor anti-Q.


Q's predictions could fit a range of outcomes from rosy to grim. We are in the grim timeline. Some reprimand is to be expected.



The dark stuff is largely about the horrific human experimentation, sacrifices and breeding programs evil Fallen Grays, Insectoids and Reptilians are doing in cooperation with the Cabal and with government sanction in underground bases.


The big picture is cheerful, as long as we survive the solar flashpocalypse and don't get enslaved too harshly. Even Redditors can handle it.


The reason whistleblowers such as Grusch have such a "somber" outlook is that their information comes from evil (or at least Fallen) aliens cooperating with our evil governments. Talk to a Gray about religion and you'll come away depressed because it's (more or less) a soulless android with no concept of beauty.


They'll say we're lab rats and slaves, but that's just how sociopaths always work their demoralizing magic. We've seen it all personality-wise; it's just the tech tricks that are new, like psionics.


Yeah, they do feed on our loosh in various ways. No, it's not why we were created.


Before someone calls me a shill, this board has more donation requests than my Gitlab document does (zero).

Anonymous ID: f22161 Dec. 15, 2023, 1:17 a.m. No.20077517   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7522 >>7526



I advise you to falsify the default hypothesis; you are embarrassingly behind the curve. Also, my 99 beats your 13, without dipping into my timestamp's triple 4s. Wreckt.


I feel inspired to fully articulate my theory of Q's origins for the first time.


Yajweh of Ibania was the previous Anunnaki-appointed overseer of Earth. Like Yeshua, he was known for his compassion. It got the better of him as we approached the current apocalypse, and he sought to avert the 90% depopulation agenda by Disclosing forbidden truths. This got him fired and his diplomatic immunity pulled. He wound up stranded on Earth, persona non grata, and hunted down by elites (including Putin) until he went MIA, presumed dead. With Putin it was personal, but the Cabal wanted his head for more esoteric reasons.


Shortly before his MIA, he planned to use "numbers stations" to trigger a Great Awakening.


> A numbers station is a shortwave radio station characterized by broadcasts of formatted numbers, which are believed to be addressed to intelligence officers operating in foreign countries.


He thought being cryptic would add mystique to his message. Also, he wanted to Disclose lots of sensitive operational details of Cabal depopulation activities, which would require opsec to avoid retaliation.


None of this had any chance of succeeding. Yajweh was massively multilingual but technologically illiterate and could barely read and write English. He was allowed to record and distribute some messages on an obscure YouTube channel of a terrible musician until someone finally had enough and got rid of him.


Aliens generally don't know how to get things done on Earth, for the same reason the average Millennial wouldn't be useful 1,000 years ago.


The Anunnaki selected Yajweh because he was the foremost scholar suited to guide the founding of Humanity's major historical religions and also to conduct archaeological searches for dangerous artifacts from prior Ages of Man, some of them capable of blowing up the planet if mishandled.


Yajweh's replacement, an Arcturian (IIRC) named Andt, was what Yajweh called a "thug", in other words someone capable of getting things done in a quick and dirty manner. Andt had a Gray on his team, who went in wearing a Human body. (Grays do a lot of body-swapping.)


Personality-wise, Grays tend to be helpful technological followers, allowing others to lead the political agenda, just happy to participate. (Their religion is oriented towards increasing the complexity of Concsciousness, without being picky about the contents thereof.)


So I think Andt took Yajweh's idea and transformed it into something that could actually work. The Gray was embedded with the Trump administration, where his competence and work ethic made him indispensable. Q writes like an AI partly to disguise his writeprint, but also because Grays are substantially AIs rather than natural life-forms.


Again, just a guess, connecting dots when too few of them are known.


Further info on Yajweh here:


Yajweh talks about most of this on his last (?) CD set, Arcana Revisited. It's not transcribed, unfortunately, and I forget the Gray's name offhand.

Anonymous ID: f22161 Dec. 15, 2023, 1:27 a.m. No.20077532   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I was trying to post the screenshot, and accidentally revealed my sordid love of blondes.


How does one use that delete password? Nothing in the FAQ.

Anonymous ID: f22161 Dec. 15, 2023, 3:23 a.m. No.20077793   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>so was Grenell a homo humanoid Patriot?


Grays are indeed gender-fluid (asexual). However, Q would have to be someone low-profile, a civil servant (or REMF) who could be near Trump. An ambassador is the opposite of that.


Q would've been in place years before Trump was elected.


I read somewhere, BBsphere perhaps, that Q's first body was killed, and he returned in another. This would be typical behavior for a Gray. I don't think it's quite so easy for most species. Normally incarnation requires high compatibility with the host body.


Huh, another point in favor of Q being a Gray… I thought I was idly speculating until those digits hit, the 17:17 timestamp with 17 post #.
