>anons gotta understand that when the low brow right wing opinion media writes for the MAGA hicks they dumb it down as much as they can
Now do Russia, Russia, Russia.
>from the pic you cannot tell what Harari actually said, who needs for what โฆ
Now do Orange Man Bad pics.
>if there's a democracy the majority can decide how the goods produced by the AI and robots should be distributed โฆ
Nothing to do with anything.
>MAGAs tend to get angry if you tell them America is not only a Constitutional Republic but also a Liberal Democracy โฆ they get triggered by the words because they don't understand their meaning, and they would rather give tax cuts for the elites instead of thinking UBI for instance โฆ
Calling it a liberal democracy is the delusion. Reality does not lean liberal.
>it's actually rather pathetic how the bottom of the barrel MAGAs and Trumpen Proles want to give tax cuts for the Elites hoping that some of the wealth would trickle down when the RIch hire magas as servants/valets/chauffeurs/lawnmovers/ass swipers โฆ. anon got news for you โฆ they will in any case rather hire a humble Mexicano or docile Philipino instead of some uppity unruly MAGA
Compare the "tax cuts" to the "wealthy" under POTUS Trump and its effect on your paycheck, and now with Biden's tax increases.