Anonymous ID: 4847ec Dec. 15, 2023, 3:31 p.m. No.20080374   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He was no friend anon. He was a user, taker and he looked at you for what he could get out of you. He showed his true self so you are better off without his kind of "friendship". Clean break. No contact, fuck him.

Anonymous ID: 4847ec Dec. 15, 2023, 3:34 p.m. No.20080380   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No doubt about it. And whatever else they could find. [They] know that our POTUS has the goods on them. There is no statute of limitations on conspiracy to commit treason.

Anonymous ID: 4847ec Dec. 15, 2023, 3:46 p.m. No.20080437   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Have never seen someone who is so compulsively obsessed with photographing himself neked like this fuck Hunter. He has absolutely no reason to be so as he is a fucking slob ass hump.