Anonymous ID: a9bc6c Dec. 15, 2023, 3:13 p.m. No.20080299   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0313 >>0364 >>0417

>>20080185 lb

>Aidan Maese-Czeropski

fucking degenerates


Gov. Gavin Newsom also stayed mum on his presidential choice after casting his vote in Sacramento, but his wife, filmmaker and activist Jennifer Siebel Newsom, endorsed and campaigned with Sen. Elizabeth Warren.


At the diner, Aidan Maese-Czeropski, a 20-year-old UC Berkeley student who had just cast his first ever presidential vote for Biden,said meeting the former veep was “mind-blowing.” While he’d previously planned to support Klobuchar, he said he was happy to see the moderate candidates uniting.


“I should be in class right now — I’m skipping it, but it’s worth it,” Maese-Czeropski said. “This is a historic moment.”

Anonymous ID: a9bc6c Dec. 15, 2023, 3:16 p.m. No.20080313   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>fucking degenerates


US-Colombia Advisory Group


We are beyond grateful to our US-Colombia Advisory Group members for their passion, commitment, expertise, and leadership. Members who provided crucial input and have decided to have their names associated with this report are listed below.

Honorary Co-Chairs


The Hon. Ben Cardin

US Senator (D-MD)

United States


The Hon. Bill Hagerty

US Senator (R-TN)

United States




We would like to thank Adrienne Arsht for her generous support, without which the work of this Advisory Group would not have been possible.


Foremost, thank you to Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN) and Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) for their leadership as honorary co-chairs of this group. It is always a true pleasure and honor to work with them and to see how successful bipartisan efforts come to fruition. Thank you to Robert Zarate, Nick Checker, Lucas Da Pieve, Michael Manucy, Tom Melia, Brandon Yoder, Stephanie Oviedo,and Aidan Maese-Czeropski for facilitating the unwavering cooperation of our honorary co-chairs.


Isabel Chiriboga, Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center (AALAC) program assistant, was an instrumental force behind this project from start to finish. She played a key role in coordinating the Advisory Group, drafting the report, and organizing multiple strategy sessions. We also thank Enrique Millán-Mejía, AALAC consultant, who provided crucial expertise, important feedback, and logistical support for this project, and Lucie Kneip for her research and editorial support throughout the publication process. The success of this project is also thanks to the leadership of Jason Marczak and Geoff Ramsey, who worked to convene the Advisory Group and whose passion for a prosperous US-Colombia strategic partnership is reflected in this brief.


For decisive input, thorough research, and as an exceptional adviser on the topic we thank Ambassador Kevin Whitaker. For their precise editorial assistance and flexibility, we thank Cate Hansberry and Mary Kate Aylward and Beverly Larson. We would also like to extend our thanks to Nancy Messieh, Andrea Ratiu, and Romain Warnault for their design of another Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center publication.


The Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center broadens understanding of regional transformations and delivers constructive, results-oriented solutions to inform how the public and private sectors can advance hemispheric prosperity.

Anonymous ID: a9bc6c Dec. 15, 2023, 3:52 p.m. No.20080475   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0478 >>0497 >>0514 >>0611 >>0656 >>0753 >>0964

Anons, check out this story spouse anon just pointed out.

>a "Transient"

>Glock 17

> a Romanian identification card,

>a one-way plane ticket to Germany and

>$7,100 in cash.



Transient receives life sentence for killing NH couple

Brian Reid knows his parents will always be remembered as humanitarians, loving family members, dedicated tennis players and global ambassadors.


He hopes the name and memory of Logan Clegg, the man convicted of murdering Steve and Wendy Reid as they went for a walk near their Concord home, will fade into the shadows of the four walls of the jail cell where he will spend the rest of his life.


Clegg, 27, shot and killed the Reids on the Broken Ground trail system in April of 2022. It was broad daylight and no motive was ever revealed. On Friday, he was sentenced to New Hampshire State Prison on two counts of murder for a minimum of 50 years and a maximum of life.


“There is no chance, as this sentence holds, that he will spend a day outside of prison,” said Merrimack County Superior Court Judge John Kissinger. “I hope the family has peace.”


Reid family members and friends took the microphone in court Friday morning expressing the loss they felt and the love they shared with Steve and Wendy.


When Barbara Reid stood to speak, she introduced herself as Bobbie – Steve’s sister-in-law.


She married into a tight-knit family, where Steve and her husband Peter roomed together for a year while attending the University of Notre Dame. Later on, they lived alongside their brother Mark in California.


When she and Peter were engaged, it wasn’t a question as to who would be his best man.


“Despite the decades of literally living half a world apart, Peter and Steve could always pick up right where they left off as if they had just seen each other only yesterday, instead of months or years ago,” she said.


Peter misses many things in his brother’s absence – doubles tennis matches, Patriots football games, Friday night dinners at Szechuan Gardens on Fisherville Road. It was only the start of the retirement years they envisioned sharing.


And as the brothers reunited, Bobbie found a new friend and confidant in Wendy. Broken Ground was one of Wendy’s favorite trails in Concord and just three days before the murders, the two women walked the loop together.


In October, a jury found Clegg guilty on all charges – four counts of second-degree murder, four counts of falsifying evidence and one count of possession of a firearm as a convicted felon – after a three-week trial.

Anonymous ID: a9bc6c Dec. 15, 2023, 3:53 p.m. No.20080478   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0497 >>0514 >>0553 >>0586 >>0753 >>0964


>Anons, check out this story spouse anon just pointed out.


>>a "Transient"


>>Glock 17


Prosecutors painted a portrait of Clegg as an elusive individual, who lied to police in the aftermath of the murderunder an alias, Arthur Kelly. Clegg, a transient, left little trace in Concord, burning his campsite in the woods off the Broken Ground Trails.


When he was finally tracked down by police in Burlington, Vermont, the contents of his backpack linked him back to the Concord crime.Clegg had the murder weapon, a Glock 17, a Romanian identification card, a one-way plane ticket to Germany and $7,100 in cash.


Throughout the trial, Clegg showed no emotion as he returned to the murder scene and sat through hours of witness testimony and evidence.


On Friday, he took to the microphone himself, in defense of his innocence.


“No man with any pride or dignity gives up just because it was a single battle,” he said. “Especially when he knows he was in the right.”


He thanked his lawyers, Caroline Smith and Maya Dominguez, for their support throughout the process. And he vowed if the Supreme Court would hear his case, his conviction would be overturned.


“When you have to throw sand in your opponent’s eyes in order to win, that’s a sure sign that you’re not the one who deserves to win,” he said.


Kissinger rejected Clegg’s account.


“Let me be clear. There is absolutely no basis to that claim,” he said. “There is no doubt in my mind that Concord police worked tirelessly and skillfully to bring the killer of Steve and Wendy Reid to justice.”


A six-month investigation, with help from local, state and federal law enforcement, identified Clegg as the sole suspect.He was arrested in Vermont in October of 2022.


A member of the Reid family attended each event – from Clegg’s arraignment through the three-week trial, shared Keelan Forey, Steve and Wendy’s niece.


It’s testimony to their family foundation. And something she wanted Clegg to know, as she chose to address Clegg directly.


“My family is strong and we are smart,” she said. “We have what you don’t have which is meaning, purpose, each other and love.”


It’s the casual moments that catch Bobbie off guard – seeing someone from behind in the grocery store who resembles Wendy, or passing a log on Turkey Pond Road, where she sat with Wendy to plan Steve’s birthday dinner.


After their bodies were found, Bobbie would drive to the trailhead parking lot and sit in her car, looking for answers.


One day, she said to herself: “What happened to you guys?”


Never before has she heard voices from beyond, she said. But that day, alone in her car, they answered.


“We’re alright,” she heard Wendy say.


“You don’t want to know,” Steve replied.


“We’re here today because we all now know what happened and exactly who was responsible,” said Bobbie.


When Wendy replied that they were all right and they are okay, she is correct, said Bobbie, because Steve and Wendy are together. But for the family left behind, it’s a different story.


“We are not all right and we will never be okay,” she said. “The predictable waves of grief and the rogue waves of grief over the senseless murders of Steve and Wendy continue to crash over us and won’t ever cease.”

Anonymous ID: a9bc6c Dec. 15, 2023, 4:03 p.m. No.20080514   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0538 >>0753 >>0964


>Anons, check out this story spouse anon just pointed out.

>>a "Transient"

>>Glock 17

>> a Romanian identification card,

>>a one-way plane ticket to Germany and

>>$7,100 in cash.




Now read their Obituary


Stephen & Djeswende Reid


Concord, NH — Stephen Leavitt Reid and his wife Djeswende Pasgo Reid tragically died on Monday, April 18, 2022. Steve was born in 1955 in Concord, New Hampshire, the second of five children of William and Peggy-Ann (Leavitt) Reid. Djeswende,affectionally known as Wendy,was the eldest daughter of nine children, born in Benin in 1956 to Bila and Poco Pasgo.


A man of great learning dedicated beyond the call of duty, gifted yet humble, Steve grew up in a lively and loving home in south Concord. Steve attended Concord schools graduating from Concord High School in 1973. An avid athlete, he played defensive back for the CHS football team and made 3 interceptions in a single game which up until that time had never been done at CHS. Steve later attended the University of Notre Dame where he graduated with highest honors in 1978 with a degree in English. After receiving full scholarships to several law schools, Steve decided to pursue a career in public service, starting by joining the Peace Corps.


In 1979, Steve's first overseas assignment took him to the small town of Madaoua in Niger, West Africa where he taught English. In 1982, Stevereturned to the United States to take a position at Peace Corps headquarters in Washington, D.C., as a liaison to several West African countries. It was there that Steve met the love of his life, Djeswende (Wendy).


Although Wendy was raised in Togo, both her parents and the extended family hailed from Burkina Faso. As the daughter of a prominent pastor in the Assemblies of God Church, she was raised with, and maintained, a deep-rooted faith.


Departing from tradition Bila Pasgo nurtured and supported his daughter's love of basketball and encouraged her to achieve an early international career. Wendy traveled the world with the Togolese National Basketball Team participating in international competitions in Lagos, Cairo, Paris, Beijing, Nanjing, Shanghai, Buenos Aires, Bamako, Kinshasa, and Brazzaville –and winning awards and medals in Tunis, Dakar, Nairobi, Mexico City and Yamoussoukro.


Wendy applied to and earned scholarships to attend college in the United States. Whilean undergraduate in Washington, D.C., Wendy was introduced to Steve via a mutual friend who told her that he knew an American who spoke Hausa (a West African language) and Parisian French well enough to meet her conversational standards. Upon meeting Steve, Wendy went from disbelief to impressed. It took several invitations to play tennis from the timid Steve Reid, as well as a hint from Wendy's college roommate for her to understand the romantic intentions behind those invitations.


Wendy was as outgoing and extroverted as Steve was introverted and reserved; in short, they made a dynamic pair who complemented one another and brought out the best in each other. From both sides of the Atlantic, the Pasgo and Reid families recognized Wendy and Steve's genuine love for each other and blessed their 1984 marriage in Senegal. However,Steve and Wendy ensured their children were born in Steve's native Concord, NH. In 1986 their first child, Lindsay Wenkouni Reid arrived, followed in 1990 by the birth of their second child, Brian Daniel Reid. Steve and Wendy provided their two children with abundant multicultural childhood experiences, and instilled in them a sense of global community, love of humanity and human diversity in all its forms, hard work, courage and integrity.


Apromotion to Associate Director of the Peace Corps in Senegal, had Steve leading numerous projects addressing reforestation, water supply, community development, and intercultural language training. Steve eventually left the Peace Corps to attend Syracuse University to pursue a master's degree in public administration while Wendy worked to support their growing family.

Anonymous ID: a9bc6c Dec. 15, 2023, 4:08 p.m. No.20080538   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0550 >>0558 >>0562 >>0564 >>0753 >>0964




>Now read their Obituary

>Stephen & Djeswende Reid



In 1989,Steve was recruited by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to work with a local NGO (non-governmental organization) headquartered in Burkina Faso dedicated to addressing the interrelated issues of climate change and food security in West Africa. Here Wendy worked first as a Personnel Assistant and later as a Community Liaison Officer for the American Embassy.


Steve excelled in the field of international development and became a career Chief of Party,directing USAID-funded projects in Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Liberia, Niger, Senegal and Haiti for Tetra Tech (formerly Associates in Rural Development) and The Mitchell Group.Always respectful of local people and cultures, Steve was an exceptional leader of multicultural teams. Soft spoken and down-to-earth, he easily gained the respect, love, admiration, and trust of those he served as a living embodiment of humility, hard work and compassion.


Throughout his long career, Steve was able to count on the love and support of his wife, who was instrumental to his success, often accompanying him on field visits, organizing logistics, translating and copy-editing reports in French and English. In 2003, she completed the degree she was pursuing before marrying and raising two children. Wendy graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, from Suffolk University (Dakar, Senegal Campus). She went on to serve as an Admissions Counselor for the University, recruiting and supporting the enrollment of students from French-speaking West African countries.


Later they moved to Burlington Vermont where Steve served as aSenior Associate for Democracy and Governance at ARD Inc. (presently Tetra Tech ARD)and Wendy served as a Program Coordinator atVermont Refugee Resettlement, a field office of the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants.


In 2009, the couple accepted an assignment in Haiti where Steve worked on a USAID-funded local governance project to increase transparency and improve collaboration among municipalities.Steve and Wendy were in Port-au-Prince during the devastating earthquake of 2010.Instead of evacuating the country like most foreigners, they chose to stay. Steve helped shore up the municipalities most impacted by the earthquake and Wendy supported efforts to protect internally displaced persons as an Administrative Coordinator/Interim Program Manager, again for the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants.


After retiring in 2019 from Niger, Steve and Wendy finally returned to Concord with the intention of spending the rest of their lives with family and old friends whom they loved so much. After a gap of several decades, Steve returned to playing tennis, and enjoyed the challenges and comradery of doubles competitions. Spurred on by the pandemic's emphasis on outdoor activities, Steve and Wendy enjoyed hiking together on Concord's vast trail system.


Although not a publicly affectionate man, Steve left a trove of romantic letters written to his wife. Forming a remarkable team throughout their married and professional lives, Steve and Wendy lived and died next to each other, united for better or worse, when their lives were cruelly taken on April 18th.

Anonymous ID: a9bc6c Dec. 15, 2023, 4:13 p.m. No.20080562   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0668 >>0868


>In2009, the couple accepted an assignmentin Haiti where Steve worked on aUSAID-funded local governance project to increase transparency and improve collaboration among municipalities.Steve and Wendywere in Port-au-Prince during the devastating earthquake of 2010.



This exceptional couple will be remembered for an impressive list of humanitarian accomplishments. Their lifelong contributions to making the world a better place have left an indelible mark on the lives of many people around the world, their children and all who knew them. It can be said that the two were loved and respected by all of those with eyes to see and ears to hear. They will be greatly missed.


Steve and Wendy were predeceased by Steve's parents William and Peggy-Ann (Leavitt) Reid, and Wendy's parents Bila and Poco Pasgo. They are survived and mourned by their daughter Lindsay Wenkouni Reid and husband Nathan Reynolds of Vermont; son Brian Reid and wife Jackelina of Florida; brothers and brothers-in-law; Peter Reid and wife Barbara of Concord; Mark Reid and wife Isabel of Miami, FL; Scott Reid and wife Marion of Warner; Jacob Pasgo and wife Happy Pasgo of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso; sisters and sisters-in law; Susan Forey and husband Rod Forey of Concord, Marie Pasgo and Elise Pasgo of Lomé, Togo; brother Benjamin Pasgo and his wife Delphine of Lomé, Togo; as well as many beloved nieces, nephews and cousins.


A memorial service celebrating Steve and Wendy's lives will be held June 24 in Derry, New Hampshire. The exact time and location will be posted on the website of Waters Funeral Home @ There will be another memorial service in Togo and/or Burkina Faso at a later date. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to PCI Media (, and Doctors Without Borders (


Published by Concord Monitor on May 26, 2022.



Victim of homicide.

66 year old Djeswende "Wende" (also called Wendy) and her 67 year old husband Stephen "Steve" Reid died somewhen between April 18 and 21, 2022. The bodies were found near the Broken Ground Trail in Concord, New Hampshire, where they had been out walking. The Reids were last seen Monday, April 18, 2022 afternoon when they left the Alton Woods apartment complex where they lived for a walk outside. Family members first reported the couple missing Wednesday.

The investigation continues.

Anonymous ID: a9bc6c Dec. 15, 2023, 4:14 p.m. No.20080566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0574


>here are many rumors about significant child trafficking in both Southern Vermont and Southern New Hampshire, with multiple county sheriff's offices involved.



>Found it:


>The realities of human trafficking in New Hampshire – and what you can do to help




Anonymous ID: a9bc6c Dec. 15, 2023, 4:26 p.m. No.20080611   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0656





>receives life sentence for killing

>NH couple



Strzoks dad had a similar career path

Though a tad earlier. late 70s early 80s

and the phrase Rural Development tingles the almonds.

Think Strzok Sr did something with a similar name.

Trying to find the screencap



Anonymous ID: a9bc6c Dec. 15, 2023, 4:34 p.m. No.20080656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0668 >>0868






>>receives life sentence for killing

>>NH couple


>Strzoks dad had a similar career path

>Though a tad earlier. late 70s early 80s

>and the phrase Rural Development tingles the almonds.

>ThinkStrzok Sr did something with a similar name.

>Trying to find the screencap




Found it in this graphic

Agency to facilitate growth of Rural Organizations

Anonymous ID: a9bc6c Dec. 15, 2023, 5:34 p.m. No.20080868   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0910




Lots of info here




Justice for Steve & Wendy Reid: The Capture of Logan Clegg

Too long to post but some info on the'Transient'


Meet Logan Clegg


As the Reids were settling down for retirement, another man who they had never met, Logan Clegg, was making his mark on the world out west.


He was born in January of 1996, younger than either of Steve and Wendy’s two children, and was an only child. His father, Randy, died at 38 years old, when Logan was just 12. He and his mother, Tisha, lived in her family’s home of Colville, Washington, a rural town of 4,000 in the mountains of northeast Washington State. Little is known about his youth. The Boston Globe reached out to Colville residents and people didn’t seem to remember him.


By the time he was 22, in May of 2018, he fatally stabbed a man in Spokane, Washington. According to Logan, he was on his way to work, walking on foot, when Corey Ward, a 19-year-old, started yelling at him and calling him names from his apartment window. Things escalated, Corey left his apartment, and confronted Logan outside. Logan said that he had told him, “I’m here. Let’s go.” Logan saw that the man was bigger than him and he feared he would be badly beaten, so he decided to defend himself. He pulled out a small knife that he kept in his front pocket, stabbed Corey several times, and then continued his walk to work at McDonald’s, arriving with a facial injury and blood on his hand. As he was clocking in at work a mile away, a neighbor heard Corey yelling out that he had been stabbed, and they called 9-1-1. Paramedics arrived just before midnight and found him lying on the grass near the roadway. They discovered numerous cuts and stab wounds on his jaw, chest, left arm, and back, and though they tried to save him, it was too late. He was pronounced dead just after midnight.


Corey’s mother, Lisa Ward, said that her son’s last words were, “I was beating someone up and he stabbed me in the heart.” But she believes it was Logan that provoked Corey, not the other way around. She suspects that he was trying to break into his car, and Corey went out to confront him.


Police searched both men’s devices and concluded that there was no prior communication between them. The incident seemed like a strange violent escalation with no motive and no explanation. The district attorney’s office reviewed the facts of the case and decided not to bring any criminal charges against Logan, but it wouldn’t be the last bit of senseless violence that Logan was involved in.

Anonymous ID: a9bc6c Dec. 15, 2023, 5:39 p.m. No.20080910   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Daughter works in Haiti?

no time to read it, but article is Child Trafficking related



Behavior Change Theory and Entertainment Works


Loyal listenership has grown since Zoukoutap began broadcasting in 2013 with listenership increasing from 98,897 in 2014 to more than half a million Haitians (559,680) listening weekly to Zoukoutap 3. The cost-effectiveness of the Zoukoutap series improved alongside the show’s increased popularity. Audience engagement of the first Zoukoutap resulted in a cost per loyal listener of USD 4.50 – the cost per Zoukoutap 3 loyal listener was just USD 1.00. With proper program design and audience research, each PMC show holds the promise of better cost effectiveness and moving audiences closer toward the desired behavior change – even on deeply embedded, taboo topics.


“These results are a testament to the hard work and dedication of our PMC-Haiti team and folks who worked on our previous seasons to engage audiences over the years,” says Program Manager Lindsay Wenkouni Reid.


Zoukoutap 3 aired from November 2018 to July 2020 in Haitian Creole, a language spoken by over 90% of Haitians. The 156-episode show was funded in part by Restavek Freedom Foundation, an organization dedicated to ending child slavery in Haiti, in addition to funding from Save the Children, the Bergstrom Foundation, and an anonymous donor.





>sounds like a patsy.

ya…you might be correct


