Anonymous ID: dcf6c6 Dec. 15, 2023, 4:08 p.m. No.20080541   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Aidan Maese-Czeropski


REHOBOTH BEACH DELAWARE was taken over by the Deep State fags decades ago - here's another advertisement




Max Miller Identifies Staffer Behind Anti-Semitic Confrontation


Aidan Maese-Czeropski, a legislative aide for Sen. Ben Cardin (D., Md.), was the staffer who screamed "Free Palestine" to Miller when he confronted the congressman in the Cannon House Office Building on Wednesday, the Daily Caller reported. Miller previously told the Free Beacon that the staffer came up to him "visibly shaking" as he was talking to NBC News's Ali Vitali.


>visibly shaking

Anonymous ID: dcf6c6 Dec. 15, 2023, 4:19 p.m. No.20080587   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0597 >>0614 >>0629

Alabama is sued by inmates who claim state made a staggering $450M by 'convict leasing' - and forcing them to work in fast food joints like McDonald's and Burger King 'for next to nothing' in move 'similar to cotton-picking'


  • A group of current and former prisoners is suing Alabama State for allegedly subjecting them to 'forced labor'

  • They say they were made to work long hours in unsafe conditions for as little as $2 a day under threat of punishment

  • One of the women said she was made to work even when she was extremely sick


A group of current and former prisoners are suing Alabama state alleging they made $450million by forcing them to work in fast food chains for 'next to nothing'.


The lawsuit, filed on Tuesday at the Middle District Court, claims the prisoners were forced into a 'modern-day form of slavery' by the state.


It says they were 'entrapped in a system of ‘convict leasing’ in which incarcerated people are forced to work, often for little or no money' while the state kept the profits of their labor.


The plaintiffs said they are regularly forced to work at McDonald’s, KFC, Wendy’s, and Burger King franchises, Anheuser-Busch distributors, and meat processors.


According to the complaint, inmates, 'live in a constant danger of being murdered, stabbed, or raped… and if they refuse to work, the State punishes them even more.'


Robert Earl Council, is an incarcerated activist who cofounded the Free Alabama Movement, a group that helped organize a 2016 nationwide strike among incarcerated people


>Democrats ALWAYS exploiting black and brown people



Robert Earl Council, pictured - Robert Earl Council, is an incarcerated activist who cofounded the Free Alabama Movement, a group that helped organize a 2016 nationwide strike among incarcerated people


The lawsuit accuses government agencies - including the Alabama Department of Corrections - and over two dozen state officials, including Governor Kay Ivey and Attorney General Steve Marshall, of violating the Trafficking Victims Protection Act.


Alabama makes $450 million a year from forced labor, according to the complaint, which says since 2018, 575 private employers and over 100 public employers have 'leased' labor from Alabama prisons.


It says the inmates work against their will in 'unsafe work conditions' and the ADOC takes 40 percent of gross earnings claiming it is ‘to assist in defraying the cost of his/her incarceration'.


In September 2023, the complaint says 1,374 incarcerated people were enrolled in the work program.



Anonymous ID: dcf6c6 Dec. 15, 2023, 4:23 p.m. No.20080597   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0603 >>0617

>>20080587 (me)


So all these employers KNOWINGLY hire and exploit prisoners…?



  • McDonalds

  • Burger King

  • KFC

  • Wendy's

  • Anheuser-Busch

  • Meat processors


>hostile work environment, threatened ←-federal violation

>working for slave wages ←-federal violation


>Trafficking Victims Protection Act violations on a State level


….huge, if true