Anonymous ID: 384178 Dec. 16, 2023, 2:08 a.m. No.20082530   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Council for inclusive Capitalism with The Vatican - Founded by Lynn De Rothschild - News Updates 8 22 2023


Capitalism Redux Aug 8, 2023

Many employees, consumers and even some shareholders—especially those in younger generations—increasingly want companies to do that.

You can move the needle so social responsibility is something businesses and governments act on by creating an environmental, social and governance (ESG) activity.

For example, you could invest in equitable infrastructure, reduce your organization's carbon footprint, recruit more diverse personnel, etc. < Broken link, use search.


Inclusive capitalism and the causes of discontent Aug 6, 2023

When policymakers gather in Washington for next month’s meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, one topic will dominate discussions:

how to respond to the anger of those who feel they have been left behind by globalisation.


TRC Joins the Council for Inclusive Capitalism Aug 3, 2023

I have some fantastic news to share with you all today! TRC has made a significant leap towards fostering a more inclusive economy - we've joined the Council for Inclusive Capitalism.

This global nonprofit organization is dedicated to creating a more inclusive, sustainable, and trusted economic system that benefits both people and the planet.


Pillar One Of The Path To Inclusive Capitalism: Incorporate Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion Into Governance Jan 1, 2023


Shareholder capitalism: why we must return power to listed companies’ ultimate owners Jan 24, 2022

Under our system of shareholder capitalism it's not fund managers, it‘s the individual investors – the company's ultimate owners – who should be telling companies what kind of world we want, says Merryn Somerset Webb

Anonymous ID: 384178 Dec. 16, 2023, 2:09 a.m. No.20082533   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Source: 5 PAGES 3 PAGES


The Rockefeller Foundation



Ford Foundation



California State Treasurer






Johnson & Johnson



Bayer AG



United Nations



United Nations



Inclusive Capital Partners



Boston Consulting Group (BCG)



BP - British Petroleum






Bank of America



Visa Inc.













African Development Bank



Reliance Industries Limited



Allianz SE



Motorola Solutions, Inc.



International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)



Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD)



Brunello Cucinelli S.P.A.






Estee Lauder Companies



Estee Lauder Companies






Ayala Corporation



State Street



Towerbrook Capital Partners L.P.



African Union







Anonymous ID: 384178 Dec. 16, 2023, 2:18 a.m. No.20082554   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Jan 06, 2019 3:09:09 PM EST 2657

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 1bfec6 No. 4630322

When will the public discover that Ted Cruz was also illegally SURV (pre_POTUS_R nomination)?

C_A 'illegal' SURV members of Congress?

C_A 'illegal' SURV members of the Press?


Who ordered the SURV?

What justification was provided to AUTH SURV of ELECTED OFFICIALS?

SURV fall under scope of FISA warrant or internal to Dept or outsourced to FVEY?

Reality check - friend or foe, we all spy on each other?

Should we be spying on ourselves?

Should we be tasking others to spy on ourselves in order to avoid U.S. law?

Was FVEY established & designed by the INTEL COMM as a backchannel SURV apparatus to avoid domestic laws triggers and Congressional/Senate oversight?

What keylogs exist to monitor FVEY intel collection?

What ability do former GOV officials have re: ability to access C_LEVEL FVEY offshore data?

How did HRC gain access to highest CLAS SAPs (closed system access) and able to transfer to remote/home server?

(Q above should scare every single American)

How did CHINA locate primary C_A assets within CHINA [187]?

Money buys POWER.

No punishment [Brennan] by HUSSEIN ADMIN re: SURV of Senate etc?

Logical thinking, why?

Justice Dept declines to pursue?

Fake News media limits exposure to public?


NSA targeted?

Where did @Snowden work prior to NSA contractor ACCEPT?

What SENIOR LEVEL GOV/C_A OFFICIAL rec @Snowden for NSA contractor OFF/TAR position?

Post public release of CLAS NSA PRO U1?

Where is @Snowden today?

What country was involved in U1?

If real target country was VENEZUELA or ECUADOR - why didn't @Snowden take a direct flight from Hong Kong to those locations?

How many direct flights run daily from HK to V&E?

If @Snowden was C_A/NSA would he not understand (simple logic) going public PRIOR TO END DESTINATION SAFETY would 'LIMIT' ACTIVE PASSPORT TRAVEL ABILITY due to block_DEREG?


Why then would @Snowden route through RUSSIA?

Was RUSSIA final destination?

Was RUSSIA true destination?

Could @Snowden be seen releasing CLAS programs/intel FROM INSIDE OF RUSSIA?

What role did BRENNAN PLAY in the @Snowden leaks re: NSA?

What was BRENNAN's background re: SAUDI ARABIA?

Does the C_A hold blackmail on political leaders?

Does the C_A protect those who protect them?

Why are ex C_A contractors running for office?

How many ex C_A contractors are currently in office?

Hello, [AS].

Once an AGENT, always an AGENT.


Anonymous ID: 384178 Dec. 16, 2023, 2:20 a.m. No.20082556   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He was rejected by the CIA, came to journalism by chance and ended up being the most watched anchor in the United States, Who is Tucker Carlson?

After more than ten years at Fox News, he announced that he is ending his contractual relationship with the company and will seek new challenges. April 25, 2023


Tucker Carlson will leave Fox News after 14 years. The news shook both the journalistic and political worlds, as the popular anchor enjoyed millions of viewers every night. While he decides his future, let's take a look back at his career, from when he wanted to join the CIA to when he became the highest rated man on American television.

He was born on May 16, 1969 in San Francisco, California to a wealthy family and attended high school in Rhode Island, where he met his later wife, Susan Andrews.

He was raised by a single father and from an early age showed interest and debating skills, so he started organizing debates in high school.

When it was time to go to college, he entered Trinity College in Connecticut, where he again participated in numerous debates. It is said that at that time she began to wear her distinctive bow tie.


Failed entry into the CIA and beginnings in journalism

By 1992, with a history degree under his belt, Carlson tried unsuccessfully to join the CIA. Frustrated, he sought advice from his father, who advised him to go into journalism because "they'll take anyone".

He found his first job in the industry at Policy Review, where he was a fact-checker. He later landed at the Arkansas Democrat Gazzette, where he made a name for himself as a columnist.


"FOX News Media and Tucker Carlson have agreed to part ways. We thank him for his service to the network as an anchor and previously as a contributor," the company wrote in a statement.



Voice of America

In the summer of 1986, President Reagan announced his intention to nominate Carlson as an associate director of the United States Information Agency to succeed Ernest Eugene Pell.

Carlson became director of Voice of America, a U.S. government-funded, state-owned multimedia agency which serves as the United States federal government's official institution for non-military, external broadcasting.[15]

It broadcasts 24 hours a day in nearly 50 languages to more than 130 million people around the world, with a full-time staff of 3,000 and a part-time staff of 1,200.

Carlson was the longest-serving director in VOA's 50-year history.



Voice of America (VOA or VoA) is thestate-ownednews network and international radio broadcaster of the United States of America. It is the largest[3] and oldest of the U.S.-funded international broadcasters.[4][5]

VOA produces digital, TV, and radio content in 48 languages,[6] which it distributes to affiliate stations around the world. Its targeted and primary audience is non-American.

VOA was established in 1942,[7] and the VOA charter (Public Laws 94-350 and 103–415)[8] was signed into law in 1976 by President Gerald Ford.


VOA is headquartered in Washington, D.C., and overseen by the U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM), an independent agency of the U.S. government.[9] Funds are appropriated annually under the budget for embassies and consulates.

As of 2022, VOA has a weekly worldwide audience of approximately 326 million (up from 236.6 million in 2016) and employs 961 staff with annual budget of $252 million.[10][11]


Voice of America is seen by some listeners[who?] as having a positive impact while others[like whom?] see it asAmerican propaganda; it also serves US diplomacy.[12][13][14]

Anonymous ID: 384178 Dec. 16, 2023, 2:21 a.m. No.20082557   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Voice of America was born as the voice of the CIA21 July 2020


Recently, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, denounced that the Government of the United States is running a media campaign against Venezuela "in order to discredit our country with lies and deceit."


In this regard, he pointed out to the Voice of America (VOA), a radio, television and web service of the US government, of being in charge of implementing this media plan that Abrams announced on July 11 under the premise of a "communication offensive".


What is the VOA?

It defines itself as “an international multi-media broadcasting service. This service is responsible for clearly presenting the policies of the United States to the world and being a credible source of news. "


The first steps towards its birth are taken in 1941, before the United States entered the Second World War, when the Franklin D. Roosevelt government created the Foreign Broadcasting Information Service (FBIS) , as part of a program belonging to the science and technology direction of the Office of Strategic Services, today the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).


Its objective was the creation of content to promote information and propaganda about the model of progress that was on the rise in the North American nation, product of the New Deal.

Its first targets were Europe and Asia, continents that were submerged in conflict and where the post-war global balance would be redefined.


Thus, on February 1, 1942, the FBIS launched the Voice of America project, which began broadcasting in Europe with long and medium wave transmitters from the BBC.


With only months of its installation, its messages were broadcast in more than twenty languages ​​and its signal had a presence throughout Europe, America, Asia and Africa.

After the end of the Second World War and the beginning of the so-called “cold war”, it was transferred to the United States Information Agency (USIA).


Already in the 90s it was again transferred to the United States Agency for Global Media (IBB for its acronym in English) where it has remained until today as a tool of the US government to "promote" its model of society and democracy.


n addition to the operation launched in Europe during the Second World War, on February 17, 1947, it launched its signal towards the territory of the countries that made up the European socialist bloc, as well as in the Soviet Union, as part of the actions that promoted US agencies in the so-called "cold war."


In addition to the dissemination of its content and messages through its radio stations and TV, VOA uses various media for the placement of its content as it happened in Spain between 1955 and 1993.


This record was the inspiration for the "communication offensive" that the Ronald Raegan administration planned against Cuba, following the advice of its undersecretary for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs, Elliott abrams, who started Radio Martí on May 20, 1985, in order to promote anti-Castro content among the island's inhabitants.


In the early years of Radio Martí, the VOA was the main source for the creation of the special programs that were broadcast by this Miami-based radio station and later collaborated in the creation of Tv Martí in 1990, for which it also created programming.


Currently, the VOA maintains operations in most of the world and its antennas have been installed in several countries where the United States maintains military operations such as Afghanistan and Iraq, from where they broadcast signals to Asia and the Middle East.


Contrary to what would be believed, these "information services" could not be transmitted in the United States by mandate of theSmith-Mundt Actpromulgated in 1948 and repealed in 2013, which prohibited the dissemination of these messages, considering them as a mechanism of manipulation of the will of citizens.

Anonymous ID: 384178 Dec. 16, 2023, 2:22 a.m. No.20082560   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Eric Trump OVERJOYED By Special Gift From Q-anon Mar 20, 2022

Eric Trump was presented a huge, insane painting by 'Q' at the ReAwaken America Tour in San Marcos. John Iadarola and Brett Erlich break it down on The Damage Report.


In San Marcos, Gen. Flynn Gets Surfboard, Eric Trump Accepts ‘Q’ Painting of Father

March 11, 2022


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.342 📁 2347

Oct 5 2018 12:53:48 (EST)📁

Important moment in time.

The picture will be the signifier.

The signifier will 'force' the Q.

The Q will be answered (((WWG1WGA))).


Anonymous ID: 384178 Dec. 16, 2023, 2:24 a.m. No.20082563   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2565


A look at the time Tucker Carlson asked Hunter Biden for a favorPart I May 19, 2022 at 12:43 p.m. EDT

The Fox News host often ridicules the president’s son, but years ago, the two were close


Tucker Carlson and his wife were looking to get their son a leg up in his college application to Georgetown University when they turned to a well-connected Washington friend who had an even better-connected father.

“I realize you don’t really know Buckley,” Susie Carlson wrote via email in 2014 to Hunter Biden, a Georgetown graduate and the son of the then-vice president. “Maybe you could meet or speak to him and he could send you a very brief resume with his interests and grades attached.”

Tucker Carlson offered that his son was a good squash player and an excellent fly fisherman. “He loves Washington for all the right reasons, I think,” Carlson added, “and really wants to go to school here.” When Biden agreed to write a letter of recommendation, Susie Carlson added a heap of praise: “Tucker and I have the greatest respect and admiration for you. Always!”


The Carlsons’ past entreaties to Biden may come as a surprise to many present-day viewers of “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” the highly rated prime-time Fox News show on which the host has repeatedly ridiculed Biden for seeking to profit off his family connections and at times for his history of personal troubles and drug use.

The interactions reveal the extent to which Carlson was willing to turn on a former associate as he thrives in a hyperpartisan media world in which conservatives have made Biden a prime target for attack during his father’s presidency. They also show how Carlson once sought to benefit from the elite political circles in Washington that he now regularly rails against as the “ruling class.”


“When your dad is president, you get superpowers,” Carlson said in October 2021 during a segment about Biden pursuing a new career as an artist. “Maybe Hunter Biden will invent a new vaccine next we will be required to take. Who knows? You never know. The sky is the limit when your dad is in power.”

Some emails between Tucker Carlson and Biden, saved on a device copied from a laptop that Biden purportedly left at a Delaware computer repair shop in 2019, have been previously reported. The Washington Post has verified many of those emails through a forensic analysis and corroborated additional messages, including the correspondence with Carlson’s wife, with a person familiar with the communications.


Tucker Carlson, during a 15-minute phone interview, said that he was once close with Biden, as he has stated on his show.

“Hunter Biden was my neighbor. Our wives were friends. I knew him well. I talked to him many times about addiction, something I know a lot about,” Carlson said. “And I’ve said that. I think that Hunter Biden is an addict and that’s why his life is falling apart, and I feel bad for him. I’ve said that many times, and I mean it.”


Wow, the Supreme Court passed @ObamaCare. I guess @JusticeRoberts wanted to be a part ofGeorgetown societymore than anyone knew.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 28, 2012

Anonymous ID: 384178 Dec. 16, 2023, 2:25 a.m. No.20082565   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2566


A look at the time Tucker Carlson asked Hunter Biden for a favorPart II May 19, 2022 at 12:43 p.m. EDT

The Fox News host often ridicules the president’s son, but years ago, the two were close

But Carlson refused to discuss the emails, pointing to past claims by former U.S. intelligence officials that the laptop’s emergence in the final weeks of the 2020 presidential campaign had all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation.

Carlson was speaking with apparent irony, as he has frequently mocked those disinformation claims as part of an effort by establishment figures and the tech industry to protect Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign. Social media companies that had been widely criticized for spreading disinformation in the 2016 campaign sought in 2020 to block the spread of early news stories about the laptop.


“I can’t confirm these emails. The emails that you’re referring to were described by our intel community as Russian disinformation,” he said, adding that he doesn’t have access to the account so could not verify the emails. “So why would I? And I read that in The Washington Post.”

“I would just remind you that there’s a war going on,” he added. “And loose lips sink ships.”


On his show earlier this month, when Carlson hosted the owner of the computer repair shop where Biden purportedly left his laptop, the host predicted that the “Russia hysteria will not age well,” adding: “Everyone’s admitting the laptop was not Russian disinformation. It’s real. It was Hunter Biden’s.”

Hunter Biden declined a request for an interview through his lawyer.


The illumination of the Biden-Carlson relationship is one of the more unexpected chapters in the trove of correspondence included on the copy of the Biden laptop, much of which has been widely cited to document Biden’s overseas business dealings during his father’s time in office as well as his personal travails.

A copy of the laptop hard drive was provided to The Post by Jack Maxey, an activist who received a copy from Rudy Giuliani in 2020, at a time when Maxey was working with Stephen K. Bannon and his “War Room” podcast. Two security experts who did a forensic analysis of the data at the request of The Post were able to verify a portion of the emails as authentic communications. The emails cited in this report were either verified by the analysts or recently corroborated by a person familiar with the communications.


After articles surfaced in the New York Post in October 2020, The Washington Post had requested a copy of the material to independently assess — repeatedly asking Giuliani and Bannon for a copy of the data to review before the election — but the requests were rebuffed or ignored. The Washington Post wrote about the New York Post articles at the time and, in March, began publishing reports based on its own review of the data.

The request for Hunter Biden to help their son get into Georgetown came at a time when the Bidens and the Carlsons were close. “Tucker and I would be so grateful if you could write a letter or speak to someone in the Georgetown Admission’s Office about Buckley,” Susie Carlson wrote.


Biden wrote back that he would be honored, and he agreed to prepare a letter to the president of the university. “I will do anything you would like me to do.”

Tucker Carlson supplied a summary of his son’s attributes, hobbies and academic record. He added that his son was a compulsive reader, enjoyed the outdoors and spent a month on a sailboat.

The next day, Carlson sent a note of gratitude.

“I can’t thank you enough for writing that letter to Georgetown on Bucky’s behalf,” he wrote. “So nice of you. I know it’ll help. Hope you’re great and we can all get dinner soon.”


Wow, the Supreme Court passed @ObamaCare. I guess @JusticeRoberts wanted to be a part ofGeorgetown societymore than anyone knew.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 28, 2012

Anonymous ID: 384178 Dec. 16, 2023, 2:26 a.m. No.20082566   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The inside story of how John Roberts negotiated to save ObamacareBy Joan Biskupic, CNN legal analyst & Supreme Court biographer March 25, 2019

Donald Trump, three years from launching his presidential run, went right to Twitter: “Wow, the Supreme Court passed @ObamaCare. I guess Justice Roberts wanted to be part of Georgetown society more than anyone knew.”

Trump later added: “John Roberts arrived in Malta yesterday. Maybe we will get lucky and he will stay there.”


Wow, the Supreme Court passed @ObamaCare. I guess @JusticeRoberts wanted to be a part ofGeorgetown societymore than anyone knew.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 28, 2012


John Roberts arrived inMaltayesterday. Maybe we will get lucky and he will stay there.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 5, 2012

Anonymous ID: 384178 Dec. 16, 2023, 2:28 a.m. No.20082570   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Really though, Baker… Don't you think it is odd that an article which POTUS truthed and says so much about the current ISRAEL situation would NOT be notable?

Some of the local shills would say that this is "Fascinating" really…



For some odd reason, a whole series of POTUS posts from yesterday 11 23 2023 were simply listed as 'POTUS SHITPOSTING', with only the most recent post capped.


The notable was titled "POTUS SHITPOSTING".

One of the articles POTUS "shitposted" wasThe Israel Op

>>19967599, >>19967595 , >>19967592 , >>19967589


THE ISRAEL OP BUNPOTUS re truthed this article on 11 23 2023 and it was not noted at all.

>>19969690, >>19969691, >>19969695, >>19969696 , >>19969697, >>19969707, >>19969712


Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump Israel Op

An information warfare campaign tries to flip demoralized portions of the right into supporting Hamas and Obama’s Iran deal Nov 23, 2023, 3:43 PM Israel OpAn information warfare campaign tries to flip demoralized portions of the right into supporting Hamas and Obama’s Iran deal pI

Information warfare campaigns designed by the U.S. government to target Americans with the aim of splitting them apart from their countrymen through weaponized falsehoods are rooted in new methods of shaping and controlling the online communities that many Americans trust to interpret the world around them. From Russiagate to COVID-19 to Jan. 6, the newness and force of these campaigns has knocked the country senseless, with the left readily acclimating itself to third-world norms, and large parts of the right increasingly hopeless.


What the right has learned from a decade of information warfare targeting it is to distrust the media. Knowing, for instance, that the Justice Department interfered in the 2016, 2020, and now the 2024 elections, what else is phony? Was 9/11 an inside job after all? What about the moon landing? What haven’t we been lied to about? Our families are real, our kids are real. But what else is there to hold on to? It’s like reaching for a life raft and finding only splinters. Maybe America is fake all the way down.


But it’s not, and the right can’t afford to let itself be fooled into despair with so much at stake. The same U.S. government agencies and officials that pushed everything from Russiagate to the Russia bounty story and lied about the origins of COVID-19, Hunter Biden’s laptop, and the character of Jan. 6 protests are now warning that Israel’s war against Hamas is likely to drag U.S. forces into WWIII. It’s another information operation designed to disorient and demoralize the America First camp. This time, however, there’s a big difference—an influential segment of the right is amplifying the left’s campaign against them.


The left claims that America is a fraud at its origins, a racist hoax perpetrated against nonwhites to this very day. The left tears down monuments, desecrates our heroes, replaces our holidays, and rewrites our history to suit their pathological grievances. It’s a whole-of-party effort to force the middle class to our knees in despair, so that the country’s ruling class and the oligarchs can continue running their high-tech monopolies while defunding police forces and opening the borders to depress wages, impoverish communities, and terrorize families.


But now, the right is in danger of transitioning into the left. Maybe it shouldn’t be surprising that amid the ruins, some of those capitalizing on the chaos and preying on the shell-shocked are themselves from the right. A year ago, for example, right-wing influencer Jackson Hinkle sounded like a normal Trump voter. After Biden delivered his infamous Philadelphia speech accusing his political opponents of terrorism, Hinkle called him a dictator, and said he was plunging us into fascism at the behest of George Soros and Klaus Schwab while using the intelligence agencies to target freedom-loving Americans. Most of that is true.


Today, however, Hinkle’s Twitter feed looks like nothing more than a Soros-funded operation, pumping out reports every hour enticing clicks via the eternal threat that is antisemitism, and promoting actual America-hating terrorists in the process. Hinkle’s business model?“Subscribe to my X Premium for $3 to help me DEFEAT THE ZIONIST LIES.”

Anonymous ID: 384178 Dec. 16, 2023, 2:43 a.m. No.20082605   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Anonymous ID: 384178 Dec. 16, 2023, 2:58 a.m. No.20082664   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Alex Jones Show (03/24/23) FULL SHOW

Former Head of Defense Intelligence Agency General Michael Flynn Joins Alex Jones to Lay Out CRITICAL Information Concerning Future of Humanity & How to Stop WW3

Join Alex as he spends the first 30+ minutes of the show degrading President Trump, Appealing to his own Authority right before bringing on Patriot General Flynn who did not defend Trump from Alex's previous tirade.


Flynn at timestamps:


49:00 Alex Promotes Flynn' book

50:00 Alex speaking "but also, in a "loyal" way, I'm not attacking Trump but when he, but when the, he says "Let's Protest" and doesn't say "Peaceful", All I said was "You might want to say "PEACEFUL" because they might have provocateurs and say that you meant violent"

50:24 "and he says "Well who needs to be, whose talking about peace? The democrats are violent." Well just because they are violent doesn't mean we are. Then He (Trump) says "Death and Destruction if I am arrested."."

50:50 "Ugh he was peaceful on January 6 and so were we, we tried to stop it. I'm, I'm, I'm concerned about this and who is advising him and so, if you can, also give us your expert take on that………"

50:54 Flynn Loves Alex's "Alex Jones for President" T shirt. Laughs then goes into a "will the real Alex Jones please stand up" lyrical musing.

51:00 Flynn spends a lot of time in a round about way to say that yes, Trump and his advisors were wrong and need to be more careful.

1:15:00 "I could be the worst nightmare to a guy like Trump but I am not, this is not about Trump, this is about this country."