Anonymous ID: 5a663d Dec. 15, 2023, 11:11 p.m. No.20082155   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2158 >>2165 >>2191 >>2216 >>2255

>>20081934 (lb)

>what is the local weather saying?

The weather forecasts match the chemtrailing. Even the image for the day matches it.

If there is no chemtrailing, it will say sunny with a clear sky and bright sun.

If there is the beginning of the chemtrailing phase that will build toward a rain, it will say slightly cloudy and increasing clouds.

It actually says "increasing clouds." And the graphic of cloud cover will match the rate of chemtrail coverage, so on the first day it will be slight, then the icon will change to match the increase in clouds over the subsequent days until the rain. This has been happening for a couple months at least.

I would say it's absolutely happening that the weather forecasters get their forecast from the chemtrail schedule and density to coincide with the weather operations. It's been completely correlated every time they spray. The weather in Norcal has been consistently the same for the past 2 or 3 months.

I almost wonder if the weather has been ruined somehow or is changing because it was abnormally warm until the chemtrails started and the rain followed. Every time the sun comes out, they spray to reflect the light and keep the tempt down. I don't know if the rain is a courtesy to clear the skies out or what. The haze is so bad, I can see it at ground level. It seemed like 2 months ago they were spraying during the rains. I saw up through a break in the clouds and say some lines higher up. It has been absolutely dreadful.

Anonymous ID: 5a663d Dec. 15, 2023, 11:14 p.m. No.20082165   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2216


And by the same I mean we will have calm clear warm weather interrupted chemtrails that happen for several days until a rain. Rinse repeat. No winds, no drastic freezes. It got consistently cold for frost briefly, but the pattern is the same. 4-6 days of spray and some rain. I've seen one clear day with no spray in about the span of a month, and the previous month was the same.