Anonymous ID: 75d973 Dec. 16, 2023, 5:18 a.m. No.20083031   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Well, I happen to like college football better than pro but enjoy watching both. The little pleasures I enjoy, I do so as a release, an escape. The older I get, the more that I appreciate them because I am through wasting every fucking waking moment pondering what a 3rd world shithole these people are turning our country into and the ones in a fucking position to do something about it, that don't. Ever.


I actually appreciate the distractions and in no way am I distracted by anything these filthy, degenerate, death loving motherfuckers are doing to all of us. There just isn't much one can do about it unless it becomes a direct thret. Whether at my home or out and about. Fortunately, I have good enough sense to live in a mostly conservative area where the fuckry by the left is very, very limited. There is a big reason why [They] limit their lawlessness in areas they can get away with it. As Mr. Aldeen correct opined, "Try That Shit In a Small Town". You'll end up in a body bag.

Anonymous ID: 75d973 Dec. 16, 2023, 5:29 a.m. No.20083061   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So far I am not impressed. Taking all of this time to avoid what we all know is going to happen no matter how much time is allowed for this fucking "awakening" is cowardness. Kicking this can down the road permitting the enemy to become more emboldened, more embeded, more infiltrated and extremely more dangerous make sero, ZERO sense. No, I would prefer to nip all of this shit right in the fucking bud and start the clean up sooner, rather than later. Alot of damage has been done. Alot of people, families have been hurt or worse. Much of this damage is irrepairable. Time is wasting and has been wasted. Get the fuck on with it or sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up. Eventually, all of this devolves and we know what comes next. And, by the way, we are no where near that point. It get way worse going forward.