Anonymous ID: 21e6f7 Dec. 16, 2023, 2:05 p.m. No.20085275   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5290 >>5292 >>5357 >>5383


Came across this article while searching for commies that are going to "flee the country" when Trump wins.

Dog Comms

Underground "shops"

Pedo guests



>>20083879, >>20083882, >>20083998 Mark Zuckerberg building a sprawling $100 million Hawaii compound - complete withan underground bunkerand its own food and energy sources in a secret project


Barbra Streisand Is Willing to Rebuild Her Underground MallIf Trump Wins Again

Before touring her retail utopia withStephen Colbert, Streisand declared she “will move” should Trump get reelected.


After a long day of fielding film offers and writing her behemoth of a memoir, Barbra Streisand seeks refuge in the shopping mall installed in the basement of her Malibu property. Well, it’s not a full-on emporium, as Streisand told Stephen Colbert on Monday’s episode of The Late Show. “It’s a little, tiny mall, if you want to say.”


This “little, tiny” underground dreamscape, which Streisand first introduced to the public in her 2010 coffee table book, My Passion for Design, has hosted many celebrities over the years. Gayle King recently stopped by for a morning show interview; Henry Winkler once revealed that he attended Streisand’s dog’s birthday party and saw the basement; and after a dinner with John Travolta and Kelly Preston, Ryan Murphy and Lady Gaga were invited to see her “collection of gowns from Funny Girl and Hello, Dolly!” and eat frozen yogurt, as Murphy told Vulture in 2015. The underground plaza even inspired Jonathan Tolins’s 2013 play Buyer & Cellar, starring Michael Urie as a man who works in said mall.


When Colbert toured the shops with Streisand, he met her three dogs—“or, one dog and two clones of a previous dog,” the host said, jokingly referencing Streisand’s claim that she cloned her beloved former pet. As Streisand told Colbert, “They only look like Sammy, but you cannot clone a soul.”


Streisand spoke matter-of-factly about her carefully curated shops, which include an antique collection, film memorabilia, and Bee’s Doll Shop, where she insists “none of my dolls are haunted.” In another portion of the Colbert interview, Streisand is similarly businesslike about her plans, should Donald Trump win a second term in the White House. “I will move,” she stated. “I can’t live in this country if he became president.” But where would Babs go? “Probably to England.”


Until then, Streisand’s mall is staying put in the States. At one point in their tour, Colbert presents her with a coupon from “Bed, Babs & Beyond” to purchase one of her “very expensive” trinkets. When asked, Streisand admits that she worries about theft, but is easily distracted enough for Colbert to lift a piece of pink glassware out of the shop without her noticing. At the segment’s end, Colbert presents the stolen item to his live studio audience—a bauble Streisand will surely want back no matter which country her mall resides in.