Anonymous ID: 2b6f1c Dec. 16, 2023, 12:58 p.m. No.20084926   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5058 >>5080 >>5178 >>5224 >>5291 >>5292 >>5357 >>5383

Harnwell: The US Might Just Be Able To Survive The Present Invasion Crisis — But The EU Won’t


Every day on social media, I see horrific and terrifying footage of the consequences of the out-of-control invasion across Europe.


Depending on the group, either scenes of total dissolution and absolute degradation or — in many ways the polar opposite — the regimental Borg-like discipline of the Religion of Peace at worship — thousands-strong — in public spaces.


With the US however, Latin Americans aren’t driven with rage and loathing in their hearts towards their host country. We’re finished in Occupied Europe. It’s over. But America still has a chance — if you can STOP the invasion now.



Anonymous ID: 2b6f1c Dec. 16, 2023, 1:25 p.m. No.20085080   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5178 >>5188 >>5224 >>5291 >>5292 >>5357 >>5383


What’s ironic about France and immigrants from African countries taking over the country, with all these Africans refusing to obey the laws of France.


It’s becausethey Africans now have the majority in France. Macron invited them all in, huge amounts of Africans. Remember the riots this year over an African kid getting killed.


Macron allowed them in because France’s military were embedded in many N African countries. So Macron allowed the destruction of France’s Culture and History by knowingly inviting terrorists from African/Muslim culture into France. That’s why Macron is not concerned or regrets Notre Dame being destroyed by fire, it was offensive to the Obama’s and Africans.


The Irony is all of those African countries have kicked France out, along with their military and financial assistance.

Anonymous ID: 2b6f1c Dec. 16, 2023, 1:59 p.m. No.20085243   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5276 >>5291 >>5292 >>5357 >>5368 >>5383

Dr. Steven Hatfill And Donald Slaughter Detail How Dr. Hatfill's New Article is Being Suppressed




Dr. Hatfill was in the WH working with Navarro trying to prevent the experimental vaccines, because they were so dangerous. Navarro had gotten 62 million doses of HCQ and before the release of the vaccines. The WH and COVID was going to recommend and mandate the use of HCQ to hospitals and doctors to use. HCQ is 80% effective with Covid, the vaccine was known as dangerous, all advisors were skeptical about them. Right at that point Pharma, with Media and Science released an all out war on Trump, WH Advisors and scientists to discredit what he said and the experts said. Hatfill was there for all if it. Trump did not mandate the vaccine. Even his advisors turned against the President to get this God Damned toxic poison released.


Dr. Hatfill has written two books on this. He is one of the top pier reviewed experts for years and he has been banned and attacked for years.


Watch the first and I’ll post the second longer video. Science anons, this will be of special interest to you!


They have been locked out of anyone trying to publish this!

Anonymous ID: 2b6f1c Dec. 16, 2023, 2:05 p.m. No.20085276   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5294 >>5335 >>5361 >>5383


Dr. Steven Hatfill: "The COVID Debacle: Merging Criminal Law And Medical Science For Accountability"




I feel so sorry for this doctor, the destruction of 50 years of his expert medical knowledgewith many, many degrees and is a world expert. His book “Three Seconds to Midnight” reveals how unprepared in the US to deal with pandemics. It was published two weeks before the 1st covid case in US. This was based on his experience with the Ebola virus


Pharma needs to go to hell

Anonymous ID: 2b6f1c Dec. 16, 2023, 2:18 p.m. No.20085335   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5338 >>5372


Kadlec killed millions of people and he comes out with a mea culpa in Australia.


Hatfill said Trump was exposed to Covid through his butler, he was put in HCQ and recovered asap


Please listen to this!

Anonymous ID: 2b6f1c Dec. 16, 2023, 2:25 p.m. No.20085361   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5383


The Vaccines never worked and the Media pushed that HCQ would kill people to scare the shit out of people they would die, and FDA approved the vaccine right away. HCQ is completely safe. 81% effective with no known side effects. The report Pharma backed media released a study of deadly doses of the drugs, which represented nothing but one study.


Trump had no authority over the release of the vaccine, the FDA, CDC and Rick Bright accelerated the release for money. Remember Trump was pushing HCQ and Ivermectin trying to block the vaccine