Anonymous ID: 82f166 Dec. 16, 2023, 12:54 p.m. No.20084908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5056

>Mark Zuckerberg building a sprawling $100 million Hawaii compound — complete with an underground bunker and its own food and energy sources — in a secret project

Anonymous ID: 82f166 Dec. 16, 2023, 1:04 p.m. No.20084955   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Kakurega In The Mojave Desert


"… had heard about a Japanese Internment Camp in the San Bernardino Mountains in the transition zone of the Mojave Desert and the mountains, somewhere between Yucca Valley and Big Bear. This had become a local legend and I was originally told that it was similar to Manzanar but at a much smaller scale. As I got older I had doubts of the validity of this story but still wondered what this smaller site was. Sometimes legends that are false have strings of truth within them and I finally discovered accurate information about this sad place and I will now explain.


What I discovered was that it was NOT an Internment Camp at all, it was an escape from being interned. When Japanese Americans were being rounded up to be interned during World War II a small group of Japanese founded and constructed this hideout in the mountains in Southern California. Not much has been written on this and not much is known. I believe that this place has mostly been under reported out of respect for the site and fear that as more people discover it, its demise would be expedited. Many explorers, off-roaders and visitors would look and speak very little of its location but today it seems there is a new interest in this place and new books and internet sites reference its location. I will not reveal its exact location but I will say that this is a piece of history that should be preserved before it is too late. Given the latest publicity, with the reach of DesertUSA we might find people that know the history, readers might have friends or relatives that know information and they might know people who were here and any stories about it…."

Anonymous ID: 82f166 Dec. 16, 2023, 1:11 p.m. No.20084995   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5353

Desert Prison: Heat Helps Cool Things : Minimum-Security Mojave Facility Finds It Needs No Fences


…BORON, Calif. — The light-colored buildings nestled against a mountain in California’s barren Mojave Desert look like a secluded resort as they come into view along the lonely highway.

That is, until you see the tree-shaded sign: “Federal Prison Camp.”


There are no fences, gates or guard towers around this oasis-like facility 100 miles northeast of Los Angeles.


Journey closer and you’ll notice folks swimming, playing volleyball, lifting weights, pitching horseshoes and jogging along a mountainside trail.


Because desert temperatures sometimes hit 115 degrees during the summer and because of careful screening of prisoners, there are few, if any, escape attempts, said Luis Cortez, assistant superintendent of the facility.


“The heat is something of a calming effect. People just want to stay indoors and out of the heat,” Cortez said. “The main reason is the inducement to stay is greater than the temptation to leave.”


He said people who try to escape would only be transferred to a higher-security prison, and the inmates know it.


“The people who are here have been carefully screened and judged able to handle that type of a setting,” Cortez said. “These people are more mature, more responsible. . . . The atmosphere is freer, more open, pleasant.”


"“We see the space shuttle coming up this way,” Cortez said, pointing to the clear sky west of the camp. “When the shuttle lands at Edwards, we can see it.”


Helped During B-1 Crash


Prisoners have also watched Saturn 5 rocket tests, and the camp’s fire crew was among the first to arrive at the site of a B-1 bomber that crashed last summer.


The camp is one of seven stand-alone minimum-security prisons run by the federal Bureau of Prisons. Thirteen others are operated alongside medium-security federal prisons, said Kathy Morse, a federal prisons official in Washington…'


Can store a lot of lifeforms in the desert. 100 internment camps could be lost in 1000s of square miles of desert land seldom visited by civilians.

Anonymous ID: 82f166 Dec. 16, 2023, 1:50 p.m. No.20085210   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Woke LA DA George Gascon's new chief of staff is proud former LOOTER who wants to abolish prisons and defund 'barbarian' police: Backed ransacking of shops during 2020 BLM riots

Los Angeles' woke District Attorney has selected a proud looter to serve as his chief of staff in the new year

George Gascon promoted Tiffiny Blacknell - an outspoken hater of the police who has openly called LAPD officers barbarians


Blacknell bragged about being a looter back in 1992 amidst BLM protests and told those worried about the violent looting: 'Cry me a river'


"Occupied California is hoppin' with demons and crawlin' with Satanists"

- POW Anon