Imagine the smell.
woulda, coulda, shoulda shut the fuck up. This country only offers opportunity. What you get or don't get is on you.
Likely alot. That is just what we know. Average week in DC I bet.
So this is what panic looks like. The sky will fall for all of those who have betrayed the country. Suicide weekend before or after the inaugaration of Trump in January 2025?
Which of the three are most mentally ill? The thing in the middle or the women on each side it smiling and accepting it as normal?
There is no shame for this fag. He lost his job, so what. He will turn this degenerate act into millions on gay porn faggotry. The state of this world.
WTF is up with the double bags under her eyes? Browse moar too. So ugly a blowjob from her counts as anal just like her daughter. Eye bleach stat.
Getting closer to the precipice everyday.