Anonymous ID: 11f9b1 Dec. 16, 2023, 10:48 p.m. No.20087305   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7308


Presumably what AI means in this context is going soulless, with one's soul engaged in another timeline instead.


Whether this mode is piloted by the remaining spirit, or special reassignment comes with the benefit of some additional external remote piloting, is unclear. Presumably the former, though.


"æı" is thus the category of person that leaves no soul to any afterlife when they die, like animals. Genpop proportion unknown.

Leo ID: 11f9b1 Dec. 17, 2023, 1:09 a.m. No.20087531   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7539


I found it rather pointed. From Sasquatch Message, book 2:


Meanwhile in the United States, the scientific elite was secretly mobilized to develop atomic bombs. What is less known is that the occultist societies were deeply involved in the whole process and the Manhattan Project was entirely elaborated at the Bohemian Grove, a stronghold of the Skulls and Bones in California. Just like with the Nazi elite involved in the secret space program and the development of advanced ballistic missiles, under the supervision of their Vrill and Black Sun secret societies, it took more than just rocket scientists to devise such weaponry; there was also a plethora of occultists and ritualistic secrecy deeply involved in retrieving information from interdimensional entities. It is no coincidence that after the war, nine thousand of the Nazi elite were repatriated to the United States through the CIA Operation Paperclip, including Wernher Von Braun, alleged inventor of the ballistic missile, who would become the first director of NASA.


This explains why Human societies have done gigantic technological leaps in the last century. But also, that there are several forms of non-Human intelligence influencing your destiny. The way the technologies and scientific knowledge are used always depends on your Human choices, but even within Humanity, there are contrary currents and ways. A nuclear holocaust or a trans-human agenda turning you into cyborgs would not be the doings of all of Humanity, only of a minority; your species could not be blamed at large.


Another mean to accomplish a long term planetary enslavement is by gradually modifying genetic codes through manipulation to suit the control agenda of the invaders. Implantation of hybridized lineages to infiltrate Humanity and rule over it, is an example. This was done more than once since the downfall of Atlantis, when the Anunnakis and the Rakshasas implanted their reptilian hybrid bloodlines in Egypt, Sumeria, India, China, Japan, Mexico and elsewhere, showing themselves as gods requiring Human sacrifices.


The Anunnakis or 'Sky-People-on-Earth', were originally ancient Bird-People twice your size, generally described as blue giants. Over millions of years, they evolved into cyborgs and left Earth as ordered by the Star Elders Council, to live on their artificial planet Nibiru. Ancient Sumerian texts mention an orbiting cycle of three-thousand-six-hundred years, but this is only what was originally prescribed and agreed upon in their mission to watch over the solar system. They have since operated their planet-size ship along an irregular, unpredictable course, as it pleases their domination agenda. They later hybridized with reptilians like the Rakshasas, inheriting much of their characteristics, like shape-shifting. Both are represented in countless ancient depictions and described in endless accounts. They have kept ruling your institutions and governments through an elite put in place and in charge by a covert network of secret occult orders, infiltrated in all parts of societies.


Ancient mythology tells how Seti, better known as Seth or Satan, treacherously murdered his benevolent father Ausar or Osiris, and ripped off the eye of his brother Heru or Horus, the heavenly messenger. He put the evil eye on top of his pyramidal hierarchy, establishing a reign of terror, lies, deception and concealing of the truth, through secret occult societies. This is when star gates were hijacked and used by conquering forces.


<◇= Eye of providence / Seti

Leo ID: 11f9b1 Dec. 17, 2023, 1:40 a.m. No.20087571   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7576



Since the Sasquatch Message and my thesis discuss the Anunnaki, Chrtl warned me off a taboo topic, lest I getit like others have before.


Getit is a favorite phrase of his

going back to 2018.


tl;dr: Chrtl warns that with the coming solar Ascension, the walls containing our Earth plane to 3D will break down, opening us up to interdimensional visitors, many of them hostile, who will harrow humanity, leaving only God's chosen behind to inhabit the future.


He is not wrong. Earth's Ascension to 5D over the next century will break the Archontic time matrix and leave our purely physical plane behind, for something more than we presently understand. This is why paranormal/xeno activity are increasing in tandem with solar turbulence.