Anonymous ID: 8e3e40 Dec. 17, 2023, 5:12 a.m. No.20087948   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7954 >>7992 >>8037 >>8057 >>8494

I feel like I have been doing my best (or close) to learn the plan, discover truth, take up my cross daily and follow God's plan for my life and either His plan has some really scary-ugly chapters or I

ve missing it. Never been this scared in my life. I intepret "comms" one way and find out, in retrospect, it meant the opposite… this seems to happen continually. Duality of meaning seems the norm… and it's gotten me into horrific jackpots I would have never wound up in if I had never tried following all the signs and symbols in my daily life. Sorry for rant… just in need of hope… i thought THEY were the ones supposed to be afraid to walk down the street?

Anonymous ID: 8e3e40 Dec. 17, 2023, 5:33 a.m. No.20087995   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8537 >>8539


I've listened to my brain mostly for 45 years and basically never got into trouble. Lost money and stature but not freedom. Now that I've newly learned I have some superpowers by engaging in an etherial turf war, I've had more engagements with police and 1 month than in 4+ decades… and in the natureal realm, they don't look great. Am I underestimating God/the forces of good (which I know to be strong/in control) to direct my path thru this bombfield? I can't believe I'm in a position of feeling I need to disappear without a trace into some unknown location where I can survive in some mudhut/tent/$300/month no-ID-required room rental where I'll never be found again. Did I try to fly to close to the sun as a newbie shitposter of only 2 months who still doesn't really get how any of this works, but obviously sees fruits of invisible control?

Anonymous ID: 8e3e40 Dec. 17, 2023, 7:11 a.m. No.20088375   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Has coffee consumption been penetrating my defenses? Am I right to feel convicted I must stopp coffee drinking or am I misinterpretting this? As it is fill turd cocoa beans?