Leo ID: 38b492 Dec. 17, 2023, 8:16 p.m. No.20092249   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Run toward the roar:


> In Africa, lions hunt in packs. And when they go out to hunt, they take with them the oldest female of the pride. By this point, she’s old and [infirm] and toothless, can no longer catch her own prey, a little bit like me. But she has the deepest roar. And what the lionesses do—and it’s the lionesses who do the hunting—the lionesses position this old lion in the middle of a field facing the bush. The bush could be a mile away. And the prey are between the old lion and the bush, and all the lionesses hide in the bush. And when this old lady roars, the prey run away from the roar to their death. And so the concept is “go at the problem.” Go at what you perceive to be the problem. And what you’ll invariably find is [that] it’s a toothless old lady.


— Paul Assaiante, The Knowledge Project #183

Leo ID: 38b492 Dec. 17, 2023, 8:30 p.m. No.20092310   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Josephus warns to hurry the Great Awakening before the Solarpocalypse Ascension downs the electrical grid:


Spirit: Josephus

Medium: Al Fike

Date: August 27, 2023

Location: Sechelt, B.C.


Blessings to you, beloved souls. Yes I do come from far away, from the Celestial Kingdom which is far removed from the earthly plane. I am Josephus and I come to speak to you about the work and efforts that are being made in order to strengthen the light, the light of truth in the world.


Indeed, as each of you step forward in dedication and prayer, a desire to serve God, desire to serve humanity, so God utilises your harmonious connection with the Divine in order to strengthen and develop the lines of communication, the great portals of blessings and this great Lattice, a network of light that is created amongst you. Each of you through your desires, your prayers, your willingness, your openness, the power of the great Love of God building within your soul, the gifts that you possess, all that you are and all that you are becoming in this material world has contributed to the flow, to the building up and upliftment of your material world.

In time, the material mind and capacities are fused with the soul mind and its capacities, but this fusion is quite distant before it is a reality in your life. For now, it is important that you make great effort to establish the balance between these two aspects of your consciousness. As you do so, then you allow greater light and greater blessings to flow to each of you. You also allow these aspects and blessings that God has placed upon the Earth, these portals of light, these great networks of light, the fellowship and connection that you share together. All of these things help strengthen the establishment of the truth upon this Earth. Not that the truth was never here but rather, the truth was barely known.


Our beloved brother and master, Jesus, brought this truth to the Earth. He taught it well. He was a wonderful example of how the great Touch of God’s Love may transform the soul. Through the millennia, efforts have been made to make connection and contact with humanity to help sustain this truth in some way. Indeed, these efforts brought feeble results and many did not understand this truth until sometime within the spirit world that they had come to know the great invitation of God to join Him in the Divinity of His Love.


Yet, now this truth is becoming known. Now there is the possibility that many may know this truth. Indeed, it is important that each of you contribute to the foundation of this dissemination of truth, that each of you is dedicated, at least in prayer, to the efforts that we from the Celestial Kingdom are making in order to bring to consciousness this truth to mankind. It is taking a great effort, a great dedication of many, many souls most certainly within the spirit world and the Celestial Kingdom to help lift up humanity, to lift up this world in light. For, if the world is not lifted, then how can all that surrounds your world, all the spheres of spirit, all the humanity that exists in the spirit world as well as material world, how are they going to be uplifted into light. For much of humanity is ignorant, has no idea of what it is that their souls yearn for and what it is their souls have purpose for. It is for you to teach this truth, beloved souls. It is for you to experience this truth first and foremost, and then to share your experiences, your understanding to all those who are willing to listen.

Be strong in the love, the Love of God, the power of this love to transform you and awaken you. It is what the world needs at this time, the world desperately needs the awakening that God intends. As you touch many more you will give them the opportunity to avoid the heartache, problems and terrible reactions that will come as God insists upon the changing, the transformation of your world from darkness to light.


It comes quickly, beloved souls. Each of you have made the choice for light but many have not. I urge you, I urge you to bring this truth to as many as possible before the deluge of great change is upon you and the opportunities to avoid the pain and suffering that will result. They will lessen as your capacities for communication and to be together in ways such as this are diminished. Be true to the Will of God. Ask and listen. Be His instruments of faith and who and what you are and who and what God is. In this way, you open great capacities of communication and blessings upon you.

Leo ID: 38b492 Dec. 17, 2023, 8:45 p.m. No.20092395   🗄️.is 🔗kun

U.S. forces attacked for the 100th time since October 17, the latest reportedly in Syria:


> For the second time today, Conoco Military Base east of #DeirEzzor is under rockets attack from Iranian-backed militias.


6:08 AM · Dec 17, 2023



Leo ID: 38b492 Dec. 17, 2023, 8:50 p.m. No.20092416   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2424

👀 Tucker Carlson Says There Are Two Stories That He is Really Scared to Cover


"One is the 2020 election and I think that I was far too dismissive of some of the claims made about it and I think there may be some merit to some of the wildest possible claims about that election…The second thing that bothers me is the UFO story…If you talk to people who have actual knowledge of it that they gathered themselves, there are parts of that story that I do not understand at all that are really, really, really dark…There's a spiritual component there that I don't fully understand."



Leo ID: 38b492 Dec. 17, 2023, 11:13 p.m. No.20092660   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2662




An Illuminati implies initial danger of the solar flash is like a Carrington Event: electrical fires as from lightning strikes.


  • https://strikecheck.com/webinars/surge-and-lightning-damage-to-electronics/

  • https://promiseelectric.com/dangers-of-lightning-and-power-surges/


I installed the free Aurora Forecast app to receive alerts when an aurora will be visible, which should double as warning for Carrington Events, we don't get auroras here.


Further evidence that ID:606220 is Illuminati:



He knows the solar flash is imminent.


He replies to a meme about AI quantum algorithms making warfare 100% electronic:




The only way AI quantum algorithms could completely replace warfare is if they manipulate timelines, as Sasquatch Message claims. Corroborated.


From Sasquatch Message book 3:


This is the beginning of the reestablishment of the dharmic ways of the Star Elders Council on Earth. Positive thinking is a good first step, but it must be followed by positive actions, with concrete results. The awakening of your consciousness to interdimensionality, starting with the actual transition from the 4D linear space-time of the physical plane into the 5D Torroidal Para-Universe of circular time-space, frees your souls from the limits of the persisting illusions of materialism and temporality of this plane. This knowledge needs now to be applied to the tools and technologies making your new civilization.


Portals can be opened in many ways, to bridge dimensional planes, through selected quantum leaks. Portals open and close naturally all the time where waves cross; NASA is studying these occurrences. For a portal to remain opened, alternate waves must be directed to intersect in a linking point or nexus. Scalar waves can be produced by tuning any waves, including sounds, in an alternating steady pattern. It can be achieved with sacred geometry using fractals of cosmic proportions replicated in receptacles. Waves can be of a wide variety on the scales of frequencies, lengths and amplitudes, whether telluric currents like the Earth's natural infrasound vibration of 7.8 hertz, known as the Schumann resonance, or electric currents, sound frequencies, radio waves, radiations or the Cosmic Ray of neutrinos flow.


Portals can be opened artificially by sending successive scalar waves to cross in a fixed point or nexus. This is used in quantum computers, in which those nexus are interdimensional portals called qubits, as units of quantum bits, in reference to the cubits which were the units of measurement for pyramids which had the potential to create portals at their apex; especially if coated with gold, in which case they also collect rare monoatomic gold from the atmosphere, one of the most magnetic substance in the cosmos, used for its healing properties in the god's ambrosia, nectar of longevity and of immortality. Monoatomic gold is one of the purest substances that magnetizes the body and aura when ingested. Pyramids of different eras of civilizations have their own cubit units, key to their mathematical codes.


In the case of quantum computing, the artificial portals or qubits, in which particles or quantum bits switch in and out of existence at an exceedingly fast rate, allow information to be processed on different dimensional levels at once, outpacing by far any conventional processing in linear timeline. This sure is a great discovery, but its applications are wrongly used to tap into the Alter-Universe and extract its energy to power artificial intelligence machines that can re-edit reality as we have known it.


These qubits, bridging the actual 4D timelines with dimensions beyond linear time, allow quantum computers to edit information in the past, explaining the divergence of realities into parallel timelines. They can reformat retroactively the holographic projections of Meta-Matter particles containing the information making the fabrics of the cosmos and its history, so archives and memories are rewritten into a different version of reality or parallel timelines, into a simulation comparable to a virtual matrix. Particle colliders or synchrotrons can also open similar portals and are generally operated by artificial intelligence and quantum computers, all working together in twisting and remodeling the continuums.


''This phenomenon that came to be known worldwide as the Mandela Effect, is now being increasingly referred to as the Quantum Effect, as more understanding emerges, following speculations and theories.