Possible, but where's the sauce?
Looks like a human; European, Norman ; Roman?
but does have the funny head; ConeHead decoration.
I think the hats were like that to conceal the elongated head.
What happened to that trait ? Did it die out. Or did some ordinary humans keep the style since it implied power?
"Hermes" might not be the same as "Hermes Trigamestus"
Trigamestus refers to the TRIDENT
of Paracelsus, a teaching tool in graphic form (as with the freeMasonic 'tracing boards?'
and also reference to a real weapon?
Remember in history as a science, corrected by statistics, astronomy and logic the "ancient world" happened in what is labeled "Middle Ages"
John Dee might have been the model for "hermes"?
>>20092273 pb
>>20092220 pb
their memes are going downhill, fast. They never were any good. Not that they tried much at it. They were told memes were evil and stupid. And they believe whatever they are told by their besty friens "Fake News"
>>20092309 pb
idiot; confuses wanton cruelty with freedom
>>20092273 pb
>>20092220 pb
>>20092309 pb
idiot; confuses wanton cruelty with freedom