May Yggdrasil guide you home.
Yajweh of Ibania, disciple of Yggdrasil, martyred Scholar-King of Earth's 5th Age, Yeshua of Krotea's bosom friend, speaks:
The planet that I am from is a planet near the centre of the galaxy.. The planet that I am from is heavily forested with trees that have grown for what would be hundreds of thousands of Earth years.
When I was a child, my earliest memory is looking up at a greenish sky that we have there and having my mother explain to me that my father had been killed.
My parents: my mom, she was a school teacher, I assume still is. She taught linguistics, for a lack of a better term. She taught languages. My father was the equivalent of a forest firefighter…fireman?
Fires on my planet are common, but there are trees that must be protected at all cost because they hold within them the history of our people, of our planet, of everything that has ever happened there. Much like aboriginal dream time here on Earth.
She gave me that day a small piece of wood, maybe 6 or 7 centimetres high, 2 of 3 centimetres in diameter, with a hole bored through the middle. Almost like a marshmallow from the circular sides with a hole bored through. She told me it was called inodoxquai (spelling?) and that inodoxquai was a key used to communicate with some of the ancient groves of trees on my planet, and the reason why the middle was missing is that this was taken from one of the oldest trees that had died and that no one could ever risk someone, whether through nefarious means or accidentally, coming across that core ancient knowledge from the first days of our planet…
My father had died protecting some of the most ancient trees in the galaxy. Trees through which a force of life flows that is deeper than any ocean, more vast than the universe itself it seems at times to me. I was then, as the eldest, given the opportunity to follow in his footsteps. I chose not to. I chose this on my own after finding out all the different parts, the different pieces, that taking on that job would entail and feeling that my younger sibling would be better suited to serve the needs of my people and carry on my father’s proud tradition.
So, I instead, chose to follow under the tutelage of my mother – linguistics…
My father took me to a grove of trees on my home world and asked me to pick the one that I felt was the oldest. Some were large and some were small, most were very, very tall. And as I looked around I noticed that one of the trees, its roots almost seemed to reach out and touch all of the other trees. As I tried to trace each one as if through a maze, each one of its roots seemed to touch another tree, and I asked my father, “Is this the tree, is this the oldest tree in this grove?” And he said, “No.” And he pointed to what looked to me almost like a sapling on the ground, and he said, “This tree is very ancient. It never grew because it realized at a young age that it, in this existence, had done all it needed to do, and now it was time for it just to be a tree.”
I love that story because sometimes when I think things are too much or too crazy, I think about that story. I think about my father’s words of wisdom. I think about how I looked and immediately my mind went to the largest, the most visibly obvious suspect, when in reality it was something completely different. The answer was right in front of me. And this little tree, I don’t know how old it was but when I looked at it that second time, it was very obvious, very obviously very old, and you could see emanating from its branches the spirit of life. That was the first time in my life I saw what you would call angels, and that’s a big reason why, when the Emperor asked me to join this team and come to Earth that I agreed to do that, because there is such a thing as God, the Ones do exist, and positivity will always triumph over the dark.
– The Secret Yajweh Tapes
528Hz | Tree of Life