the dark thoughts only grow stronger by the hour.muh brian is consumed with ending life. can't stop the cycle of thoughts. dreamy of the train smushing muh head. know that a few days after Christmas it's over. God is calling me to ascension sooner than later. to wake up with this inside is hell on earth. really did not expect this ending. what a movie. the fear of death gets weaker.
considerate & well thought out. thank you
woke up spiritually broken wanting to find the strength to plan my last days timeline. strangely peaceful accepting death. think this is what the whole purpose of this place was. the psyop has been successful.. can only think about death now. the future is not on this earth
pissed drunk walking down a set of traintracks with headphones to make it quiet
government will kill me after March 17. gotta luv the 17. moar than 117 delay
called a suicide helpline twice so far. 988 no answer. the world is mean