Wasn't one of the recent drops about Mueller's team being behind all the thousands of indictments?
UK shitcoin incoming
I thought it was pretty straight forward that Mueller is whitehat in that drop? Said the team was of 470 ppl, and that's how they got all those indictments ready.
What is your interpretation?
They're trying to pin insider trading on Farage as well now too because the value of the pound dropped the night of Brexit. Look for the BBC interview, it's disgraceful.
BTW, does anyone know if Q's drops could negatively effect the trials in anyway? Like contaminating a jury or something along those lines?
Here is vid of new Farage "insider trading" type accusations
Interesting "during wartime", I wonder if they'll have to declare a state of war to enact a MT.
That pen Q posted in the EO pics was an "Extreme Screenwriter" model, so makes sense it's a good movie, ha.
Yeah, I'm reading into it now, probably gonna take a while. Apparently you might have to have a state of martial law to try treason/sedition under military jursidiction?
Going through this now: http://newpol.org/content/traitors-spies-and-military-tribunals-assault-civil-liberties-during-world-war-i
"In conjunction with his plan to widen the scope of the charge of treason, Warren also proposed that Congress impose martial law throughout the United States. Those accused of treason would therefore be tried by military tribunals, and could be executed upon conviction. In a military court-martial, a defendant has far fewer rights, and appeals to a higher authority are far quicker. Furthermore, the judge in a military tribunal is not independent of the prosecution, but rather is an officer acting under orders from the same commanding officers who are directing the government's case."
Remember, Malaysia is the country that had big problems with Soros. Wonder if this is payback in some way?
I'd rather have justice for SR tbh. If we have to pick.
Has anyone dug on a Soros connection to Najib? Malaysia had big problems with Soros a while back.
Is that a threat? GLOWING CUNT