Receiving gifts with value of more than either $50 is illegal for a Federal Employee.I know it's probably different for the Pres and such but I would actually think it would be tighter considering pay to play with Killery. Of course we know it's not especially with Hussein and Killery.
Something is going down. Very auspicious on this Eve of Independence, Day!
You didn't lose it unless you cash it in…Til then it's just a number. IMHO
Provost Marshall's Office (PMO), is referred to by most in the Military, (at least Marine Corps Base) as Military Police (MP) . There is a lot of chatter about the Military Police Battalion being called up, as they were headed to Gitmo. Ironically they came from No Names State, would be cool if they were able to "Lock HIM up!"
Arizona National Guard military police to help at Guantanamo Bay