Anonymous ID: b7eb00 July 3, 2018, 3:16 a.m. No.2010051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0277 >>0437


> Pope Francis should demand the resignation of Adelaide Archbishop Philip Wilson or sack him, say three people who played key roles in his conviction for concealing the child sex offences of priest Jim Fletcher.


> Australia’s bishops should also call for his resignation, said survivor advocates Peter Gogarty and Bob O’Toole outside Newcastle Courthouse on Tuesday after Wilson’s 12-month jail sentence, pending an assessment whether it can be served as home detention, made headlines around the world.


> “If the archbishop doesn’t resign then the Catholic Church becomes a bigger laughing stock than it already is,” said Mr Gogarty, who was sexually abused by Fletcher.


> “How on earth can somebody who’s been convicted of knowing that children were being abused by a Catholic priest remain a bishop? If the archbishop doesn’t resign the Pope needs to sack him. If the Pope won’t do it he becomes part of a laughing stock.”


> The extent of child sexual abuse and its concealment “affects the fabric of our society and we are all the poorer for what has occurred”, Mr Stone said.


> “The whole of the community is devastated in so many ways by the decades of abuse and its concealment by people they trusted and respected.


> “Those who conceal abuse and shield perpetrators from accountability … are demonstrating that you are placing the needs of the perpetrator as a higher priority over the needs of victims and their families,” Mr Stone said.


Australia has finally got its shit together and started prosicuting pedos albeit not to the extent we'd like to see. This all started with a Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse, which had an inquiry period from 13 January 2013 to 15 December 2017.


> Calls handled - 42,041

> Letters and emails recieved - 25,964

> Private sessions held - 8,013

> Referrals to authorities (including police) - 2,575


Royal Commisions cant prosicute, however just gathers evidence so other people can. Australia might be on its way to prosicuting pedos aswell. I wonder if POTUS has had a talk with Turnbull about it.