How can I become a foster parent?
Foster & Adoptive Care Essentials (FACES) is offered to those interested in providing foster/adoptive/relative care. It consists of 21 hours of classroom training, comprised of seven three-hour classes.
FACES training is required for licensing to become:
A general level foster or foster to adopt home or
An Individual Service Option (ISO) level home for a Child Placing Agency.
An ISO level care home provides an intensive level of child supervision and is part of the treatment team. At least one foster parent must always be available to the child at all times. Additional training is required to meet the standards of an ISO Level home prior to having a placement made in your home.
FACES training assists in preparing one to be a skilled caregiver and professional team member. FACES classes promote a better understanding of the foster care system and working with children and their families. Modules are primarily instructed by foster and adoptive parents.